Photo: QueensPost
July 13, 2014 By Christian Murray
One resident who lives next to Lou Lodati Park says he can’t sleep at night due to the excessive noise caused by park goers well past 11pm.
Demosthenes Chrysan, a resident of 42nd Street, says he hears dogs barking from the dog run, kids skateboarding, people playing basketball and teenagers drinking.
So last Friday, Chrysantook to the streets and put up about 20 posters around neighboring streets telling residents who have similar issues to call the 108 Police Precinct, Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer’s office and 311 to complain.
The park is supposed to be closed at night but he said the Parks Department is doing nothing to stop anyone from gaining entry. He said there are no gates and yet there are three entrances into the park—one via Skillman Avenue and two smaller entrances on 43rd Street—which people are using day and night.
“They spent more than a million dollars on the renovation of the park [last year] and they forgot to put up gates which they could close at night,” he said. “It would have cost them nothing.”
Chrysan said that he has called Van Bramer’s office and they have been able to do little. He said that when he calls about noise the 108 precinct never shows. Meanwhile, 311 just keeps a record of his calls and that’s about it.
He said that he doesn’t want to deny children and adults from participating in various activities but he said that he is entitled to his sleep.
“The parks department needs to enforce the rule that the park is supposed to be closed at night,” he said.
Folks understand that if certain teenagers don’t have anything to do during hot summer nights they will most certainly create little activities to amuse themselves i.e. graffiti, loud boisterous behavior, throwing bottles in the middle of the street on Skillman Avenue. Trust me I too live by the park and have witnessed it all through the years (some scary behavior that has woken me out of bed at night weekdays included) Much prefer them playing in the park at night than some of the alternatives. Besides, some of the parents are all too eager to get them out of their hair for a while as well.
Ho, HO I am the ghost of an Englishman…. this woulf never happen in Britain.
Awesome post.
Teenagers need a ton of sleep. It’s kind of amazing how much a teenager can sleep. 10 year olds need about 10-11 hours a night.
11 pm is late night. The 11 pm news is called the late news for a reason. The Late Show is called the Late Show for a reason. Because it’s late. People are taught that it’s rude to call someone after 10 pm for a reason. Because it’s late.
Children with people in their lives modeling good behavior aren’t supposed to be running around late at night. Because it’s late at night and is disruptive to the community. And, having been a teenager who sometimes snuck out of the house and ran around late at night, the consequence of that is sometimes when you hang around in a playground after hours, the cops come by and kick you out. Do it too often, and there might be bigger consequences. Teenagers have curfews for a reason, even in summer.
And here’s the thing about kids, just because they don’t have school doesn’t mean they get to sleep in until noon. When parents are working, kids have to get up too, because kids are probably doing something during the day. A day camp, some kind of organized something that the parent has to get them to before the parent goes to work at 9 am.
@longtime resident
Really depends on the age of the child, schedule of parents, time of year and situation.
Usually children under 12 go to bed before 10pm BUT it is not unheard for children who nap or who have later dinners to stay up later. With no school to get up for in the morning it can happen.
Also we don’t know what “children” mean. is it 13 -15yrs old that are still playing on the play ground? or 5year olds? HUGE difference.
@HereistheTruth (July 20, 2014 • 9:21 am)
I’m referring more towards people being uncivilized (I.e.: rude, mean, selfish, etc.). I am glad to have more than one market open 24/7, and having police paroling our streets. I’m even glad to have Sunnyside Post so I can be up-to-date about this neighborhood. It’s the way people behave and represent themselves in society that irritates me.
At 11 pm *children* should be asleep, not outside playing.
I’ve called 311 about noise complaints that involved people spilling out on to the sidewalk, shared driveway, large groups of people drinking outside with children milling around and screaming at 12 am (who are these people that have kids up this late? My parents had parties, and had the good sense to put the kids to bed so adults could be adults without children around.), people screaming in the streets, etc., and 311 has put me through to the 911 operator. Cops came within minutes.
If your neighbor is just being a massive tool and playing the music loud enough to wake you from a deep sleep at 1 am, yeah, the cops aren’t getting to that until they have the time. Like a 6 am. It’s a matter of resources. But if there’s booze involved and lots of screaming and yelling, let the 311 operator know.
The police department for a long time has not responded to noise complaints placed through 911. They don’t consider it an emergency. You can call 311 all you want and they will only file a complaint, as has been detailed. Unless more serious laws are being broken or reports of gangs drinking in public or selling drugs will they take action.
I don’t live on that block, but lived on 42nd street two buildings away from Skillman and don’t remember any noise. My window faced away, though.
I personally have called 911 to complain of a car parked next to a fire hydrant in front of my building playing excessively loud music at 3:00 am (enough to wake me up out of a deep sleep) and the cops didn’t do anything. Less cops, less expenditure, city can pay for making the upper east side and wall street nice. I’m surprised to hear of the upgrades intended for under the el at 42nd and 46th.
I can’t comment on the noise level coming from the park, but write your district representative ask them to change police policy on noise if it really bugs you.
@Flores 65
I have been in cities all over the world. New york is by far one of the most civilized cities. Polite? possibly not. But civilized oh yes.
See we have a park, with a dog run,more than one 24hr markets, cops in cars paroling on a regular basis and we even have sunnyside post. Our city is built for the education, socialization and advancement of who chooses to live here.
Most cities don’t offer what NY offers. But do try some others. See what Rio is like, or LA or even Rome. Maybe there is a better match for you out there.
You can submit noise complaints through 311 online, but only do that if you don’t mind the cops getting to your complaint four hours later. After all, it’s not a life and death situation. I find it’s usually better to actually call 311. You can tell the operator particulars – size of the group, where they are making noise, if there appears to be booze involved, etc. Oftentimes if it’s a large group, there’s alcohol involved, it’s in a park or spilling out on to the sidewalk, etc., the 311 operator will connect you to 911.
We all have to live with a bit of noise – it’s the city – but anyone in a playground after 11 pm isn’t there to play on the seesaw and get the exercise needed for physical development. And making excuses for poor behavior (making lots of noise in a residential area at night) suggests to me those are selfish people who think the noise ordinances don’t apply to them or suddenly disappear because it’s the weekend or summer. Who cares that lots of other people might need to get up in a couple hours, right?
I’m rarely at the park at 11 but in the wee hours of the morning I will go, sit and read my kindle on one of the benches. It’s very little noise sometimes it’s scary how quiet it is. The only thing that makes me really feel safe is the cops drive by every 20-30 min. They slow down and see who is at the park if there is a loud car radio they ask them to lower it or move.
Most people at the park at 1 onward is not interested in loud noise they are interested in kissing, walking their dog, smoking and relaxing after or instead of a few drinks.
Could it get loud sometimes? yes. But gates aren’t going to make people go away. They just hang out on the benches OUTSIDE of the park, closer to the windows of sleeping people.
As far as children playing at 11pm. ok? so? Playing children are much better than children in the streets bored and locked out of the park. What do you think will happen then? They are going home? nope.
It’s hot, it’s summer and not everyone has air condition or cable. They are children playing in a park. If there is an issue then tell them to quiet down.
Or look at it this way. This neighborhood is so nice and safe that our children can play in the park at 11pm.
@new to sunnyside (July 14, 2014 • 8:55 pm)
“Yes this is the City and yes it is summertime but that does not give people the right to have a total disregard for those around them. No one has the right to carry on and make noise all night long. There are rules and regulations for a reason! Without them this would be a horrible city to live in.”
It already is. Bicyclists biking past red lights and biking against traffic, pedestrians jaywalking, Drivers driving way beyond the speed limit, etc. Compare this city to other cities, and the only result that comes out is this: New York City is the #1 uncivilized city of all time. That’s pretty much it.
i ripped down as many of those signs that i saw.
Cmon’ Guys lets get this up to 100 comments!!
as I’ve said before , Demosthenes Chrysan was in Grand Theft Auto 5. Respect YO!
You need to stop bitching man. It’s kids, it’s a park, so what? Move to the suburbs if you don’t want noise. Calling the councilman, calling the cops and the city is a pusy move. Youre a jerk and an asshole of a man
Celtic Bark people are posting not writing term papers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@new to sunnyside
You’re also obviously new to grammar and punctuation.
Hi there I’m new to sunnyside and i been to the park it’s amazing and fun and sunnyside is an amazing it’s nice nothing bad happens a lot but for the people in front of the park why did you move next to a park obviously there will be people after 11pm there it’s a park and the neighborhood isn’t bad the kids aren’t being neglected it’s just they want to stay out you should have thought of before moving next to a park in a good neighborhood
Demo, you made your point it’s time to stop the whining enough is enough.
I live on the same street, facing the park and the noise is nowhere near as intolerable as you make it out to be, sir. I’m not going to name call or disrespect, but seriously? You live in New York City, for God’s sakes, and it’s summertime, the kids are out having fun and enjoying their time off. We should all be thankful we live in a peaceful neighborhood where there aren’t any shootings going on at 2 am instead of noise. If you want total peace and quiet, maybe you should move to the suburbs.
What’s next, complaining to the FDNY about their sirens?
Why wasn’t my comment posted, stupid censorship again. If the guy puts his real name then expect people to find out who he is, and my comment was praising him . Post it or feel my wrath
Sorry *alied*
@ Ignorance is Bliss
Don’t lecture me. But I guess that’s an easy thing to do when you remain anonymous.
And way to go “calling out” the person you are supposedly aliened with. My comment was CLEARLY not intended for those people who responded favorably but to the supervisor of this site who allows for rude, obnoxious, and debasing comments to prevail.
So spare me your condescension.
I’m in your corner on the noise issue but you will begin losing even people who are sympathetic to you if you are going to whine about the SP not censoring comments that you don’t like. Especially since a good number of people defended and praised your actions. Don’t go blaming the SP for your hurt feelings.
You obviously don’t have a choice but to listen to the noise from the park outside your house. You do, however, have the option of not reading the comments on this board.
the old Korean church on Qns blvd has parties every weekend. Loud booming bass sounds echoing between the buildings between 41st and 42nd between Qns Blvd and 47th ave. complained to JB’s office. no result…10 months of this going on..later received a copy of a letter forwarded to the 108 about this. Talked to them, and they said it was going to be shut down. Parties continued. I again contacted JB’s office as well as continued filing with 311. I even forwarded video of a decibel reader that went into the upper 70’s and 80’s with my windows closed. NOTHING. Parties go until about 2-3am most fri/sat/sun. wouldnt it be nice if there was at least one foot patrol in Sunnyside so we could actually have a relationship with someone at the 108? and they could see/hear first hand the things we do? the 108th is a faceless entity with no presence in what I used to think was a nice little enclave in this big city.
Two quick points. First, for those of you who have resorted to name calling and utterly illogical arguments: you’re all a bunch of cowards. Use your real names.
Secondly, although I am thankful to the Sunnyside Post for covering this important issue, I am shocked they would allow such hatred to be published. Is there no review process? Can anyone just spew out their psychotic bile, sacrificing a civil and rational debate and discourse to complete idiocy?
It is highly unlikely I will ever speak to the Sunnyside Post again if this kind of drivel is allowed and respected.
My windows face the park and I walk along it at night with friends and family, it’s nothing anywhere near as bad as DC is making it out to be. There have been a few rowdy nights, true, but nothing this dire. The park in the eves is not an issue. Gimme a break! guess what Mr cranky pants? the rowdy youth will then compete 4 space on the benches outside the park, now closer to our windows-playing music from their cars, mini speakers hooked up to phones, making more noise. Smooth move, ex lax. Then, they could not be moved by the 108th. Real genius, DC. What a cry baby!
Unfortunately that’s the way society is these days, at least around here in the city. People are becoming more and more disrespectful. It’s how they’re brought up. They don’t know any better. I’ve given up.
@ Krissi
thank you for the welcome!! you give me hope 🙂
I love Sunnyside and I am happy to be here.
@ Anonymous
You are 100% correct, those who own want to live in a nice neighborhood and also those who rent at market rents like myself want to live in a nice area too.
Those who don’t care don’t move because they would never find the low rents they are probably paying for their run down rent stabilized apartments. They would rather complain about everything good and keep the place in deplorable conditions so no one will buy their buildings and fix them up. If that happened then GASP!!! their rent might go up a little!
Ignorance is Bliss street (July 15, 2014 • 3:33 pm)
You are so right! It doesn’t matter where someone lives and what time of year it is, we all demand peace and quiet. People who are rude, selfish, juvenile and inconsiderate slobs should seek help immediately.
Oh SHUT UP!!!! you Pretentious AW.
If you own – you want to live in a nice neighborhood. If you rent you don’t care – you can always move.
It’s sad to see there are so many rude, selfish, juvenile and inconsiderate slobs on this thread who give grief to a man who simply wants a bit of peace at night and park rules enforced.
We really are becoming a nation of spoiled, narcissistic, loud-mouth brats who throw a hissy fit any time a mature adult shows up and tells them to behave and show some common courtesy.
There is a very interesting trend and a pattern among those who support the noisy rugrats and those who support the protest. It is obvious there is a terrible gap in level of education between commenters, which you can easily find by reading through this thread. Although it’s terrible that we have to live side by side with these people who have no respect for others and suggest absurd solutions, I am not surprised. Luckily there are still many sensible people in this area, the rest, well I assume they just buy a property here and then rent it airBnB style or just rent a large apartment and sublet to these here-today-gone-tomorrow types. I hope those are going to be gone sooner than tomorrow.
new to sunnyside
July 14, 2014 • 8:55 pm
Wow! it is so shocking how many nasty people are on this site
Welcome to Sunnyside Post 🙂
But seriously, welcome to the neighborhood. It’s generally a very nice place. But anonymous internet posts make a jerk out of normal people in any area.
I otherwise agree with you though. It’s one thing to have regular city noise and quite another for screaming and whatever at 2am. I don’t understand why all these people are like “ITS MY RIGHT TO MAKE NOISE!” No, no its not. You live in a neighborhood of 30k people, you should be respectful of those around you. It’s called civilization.
Don’t like it? Move to a farm where you can make all the noise you want and no one will complain.
i say make more noise till they move out!! hopefully with all this noise the rent goes down. i say the worst sunnyside gets the cheaper the rent!! so bring on the noise!!
It’s totally reasonable not to want screaming under your window at 2 am.
There’s a reason parks close overnight. There’s a reason the city has legal quiet hours. These are things that we all agreed on decades ago.
The 108 just has to get off their butts and enforce the laws. I understand there’s a lot they can’t do, but surely driving past once an hour isn’t too demanding.
I don’t know I see plenty of Irish drinkers myself.
just so happens im writing about this topic in my new bro-country song…
girl you sttin all by yourself
with those painted on daisy dukes
under the Lou Lodati moonlight i got some schlitz
and my chevy truck rollin on 35s
with my boys in the back
lookin for some a them sunnyside girls
hangin down by the tracks
all we hear is them el salvadoean drunks hootin again
Wow! it is so shocking how many nasty people are on this site. Yes this is the City and yes it is summertime but that does not give people the right to have a total disregard for those around them. No one has the right to carry on and make noise all night long. There are rules and regulations for a reason! Without them this would be a horrible city to live in. I applaud the guy who put the flyers up! good for you!! I would keep making 311 complaints and force the 108th to do something about it. Don’t let up! Call and ask to speak to the head of the 108th and demand to know why nothing is being done. I feel the 108th needs to be forced to do there job!
I live across the street form the playground and my windows are facing the park. The most disturbing part is that I can hear very young kids well after 11pm. Where are their parents? Those kids are being neglected. The noise itself doesn’t bother me but I agree that it exists. What bothers me more are the drunks coming from Jack’s Ale House and puking under my window.
Noise is noise.
What’s the problem? Dusk is the law, anyone in there after that, nothing a well placed bullet from a nearby rooftop can’t fix. With a silencer of course.
Heat seeking bullets make the job even easier nowadays.
Just a few bodies to get the point across, then back off.
They’ll quiet down after that.
Seriously, how difficult would it be for the cops to drive by there after dark once in a while and tell anybody still in the park to go home?
Anybody in a city park after dark is up to no good.
How about going to CVS and buying some tape for your mouth? Parks close at dusk. It is reasonable to ask that those regulations be enforced. Wanting to get a decent nights sleep is not something sought be whiners, babies and little girls. All those piping up for the drunks, loudmouths, oblivious and thoughtless fools have been raised by wolves.
Take yourself to cvs, open 24 hour , buy some earplugs and shut up lil girl
Re: “the city that never sleeps…”
Uhm, it’s just a line from a silly, old song.
This thread of comments is fascinating. Mr. Chrysan is clearly fed up and I respect his attempts to do something about this issue. (People have the power.) Regardless of what people think about ‘it’s summertime’ or ‘NYC is the city that never sleeps’ a park like this can head downhill fast. I’ve talked to park employees cleaning up on Saturday mornings who ask what kind of orgies are going on at night in the park.
I was sick one night and a bar was having a loud loud party. I slept horribly. My friends the next day told me, ‘It’s summertime.”
One Sunday afternoon after working all night, I could not sleep due to high decibel birthday party a block away. It was really loud. I wouldn’t have complained for loud music but this was intense; I could feel it. I called the 108th and the officer said, “It’s summertime.”
I like skooh’s response above. People who work odd hours have to be quiet at night for their neighbors who sleep but when they try to sleep all day it’s impossible due to normal daily sounds.
Nobody wins.
Let’s just make it a private park; that way nobody can use it except for those in ‘zoned’ areas.
If only the city enforced the park closing time as well as they enforce the alternate side parking times. I guess there’s not as much money to be made enforcing park closing times.
Oh please stop it alreadty you Crybaby People in NYC have been in hanging in Parks and Playgrounds for years after hours. GEEZ!!! It’s been that way for years, you and the rest of the WHINERS are not going to change it. I live in Sunnyside Gardens in one of the Muses and I don’t here anything. I take my dog and in there after all eleven all the time and there is no loud noises the only loud noises come from the people sitting on the benches outside the Playground.
When they say the city never sleeps, I thought that was manhattan. I don’t think it means the bedroom communitys of the four boroughs. Frank Sinatra was not singing about Sunnyside in that song.
Tacky, obnoxious fools have overrun New York. Been here 62 years and it get worse every year. These young people were raised by fools, and we will all suffer the consequences. Can it with the whole “City That Never Sleeps” bullshit. Thats Manhattan, this is a residential neighborhood.
Lock up the park at night if they can’t be cool.
And according to the NYC Dept of Parks all playgrounds hours are from 8 am till dusk.
This is about enforcing existing rules and regulations. No one should be screaming and playing basketball in the park after hours. Period.
Stop being a baby! It’s a little bit of noise. This is NYC. How do you avoid noise in NYC? You are wasting tax payer money and time from the officers busy schedule to respond to the park by calling either the 108th Precinct, 311 or 911. Get a grip dude!
We live in New York City! Expect it to be loud! Thats why they call it the City That Never Sleeps. I believe this is nothing compared to what other people have to go through everyday such as living next to the train or next to a club/restaurant/or bar where people are disturbed by the noise almost everyday!
at least it isnt gunshots outside the door. just a couple of kids having fun and enjoying the summer
People who don’t like Dogs/animals have serious character flaws.
It may also keep away drunks who occupancy all benches till 8-9am especially on Sundays.
Unfortunately there are a lot of people out there that don’t give a damn and do whatever they want. No respect I agree. My block gets a little noisy especially around the summertime but what am I to do? Dogs bark, kids and adults are loud, cars blasting their radios at all hours of the night etc. I have to accept the fact that it’s the city, a lot of people roaming around at all hours of the night. Nothing is really going to be done about it. Sure it bothered me in the beginning, but I got used to it. If it didn’t, I would have looked into moving somewhere else. This is a tough situation for both sides.
Oh Please what a bunch of F’n Whiners It’s Summertinme in da city get over yourselves.
For those of you have responded civilly and sympathetically to the issue of excessive noise coming from a park that should be closed after dark, I thank you. As you understand I am concerned about noise pollution and the safety of all residence of the neighborhood.
For the rest, I am pretty shocked and amazed at the violent and disgraceful comments. As a native New Yorker and life long Sunnyside resident, I resent your assumptions about who I am. Through your lack of understanding and vile rantings, I can only surmise that you are part of the problem and/or derive some psychotic pleasure trolling the internet spewing your anonymous bile onto others.
Get a life indeed.
“Kramden’s Delicious Marshall
July 13, 2014 • 8:27 pm
The parks close at a certain time. ”
So says the fascist thug who wants to have armed men drag people from a “public” park and lock them in a cage.
“Public” parks aren’t really public, they’re run by and for the benefit of our rulers and their well-connected cronies who get construction contracts.
Our politician rulers socialize the costs and stick us with the bill, privatize the profits, and do it all in the name of allegedly creating some kind of public benefit while arbitrarily restricting access to the nice thing they supposedly gave us but which in actuality they forced us to pay for, like it or not, at the point of a gun.
If you don’t like the current rulers, you can elect a new gang of bullies to lord it over you every few years, because “freedom” means getting to select the guy who will hold the whip for the next number of years.
If the park is closed at night the noise makers will be redirected to the benches along Skillman Ave. I do simpathize with the writer but it is part of leaving here. As someone above mentioned, I also lived a block away in the 60’s and 70’s and the park and rabbits island, both closed, were major sources of noise. Do the best you can.
I’m also across the street from that park, and have been so for over a decade. While I hesitate to agree with anyone complaining about park usage (that’s what they are there for), there were a couple of nights in the past 2 weeks where it got a little out of hand. There have been a few pretty loud/intense basketball games going on at 2AM. That’s certainly not the norm.
Surely there is a happy medium where folks can enjoy the park, but if there is a night when a line is crossed there needs to exist some means of correcting the matter.
P.S. Never had a problem with dog walkers, they police themselves very well.
Ir’s not unreasonable to expect the 11 pm closing time of the park to be respected and enforced. I do think it’s creepy when you announce that you’ve “looked him up on Facebook” and then tells us about his private life, as if that’s relevant. He’s entitled to be unhappy if after-hours noise is disturbing him.
I walk past the Thompson Hill park a lot at night and hear people in the park, playing ball and being rowdy. If I lived on 42nd street and had to hear that every evening, I would be very aggravated. It all comes down to respect- when you live in a crowded neighborhood, making noise when it’s late at night or early in the morning is rude and should not be tolerated. If someone complains, it’s not right to dismiss them because “it’s summer” and “kids will be kids.”
I don’t live there but I can actually see both sides of this. First, it’s the city. You are going to get some sort of noise in all hours of the night. If you don’t like it, then move. But on the other hand, something should be done about the drunks, druggies and delinquents who have no respect at all to anyone. Maybe more patrolling of cops. It will just escalate to God knows what. Other than that, let the dogs bark and kids laugh. I hope everyone can at least agree to that.
I live on 42 right across from the park. All my windows face the park also. I have no complaints at all about noise. Kids playing in the park after hours is part of the summertime. I took most of those obscene flyers off every pole also. I am not a big fan of the dog park either but you barley hear any dog barking at night after 11. I hope the resident whose complaining moves out
There IS a lot of noise on 42nd St.! Kudos to the man who complained about it. Rents here are high and people have a right to get a civilized atmosphere on their expensive Street.
Now based on above comments (most of them anyway) we know most of SP’s regulars are either those people who have no respect for others or they just don’t care about anything unless it bothers them. Sad to see these are the “neighbors” we have to live with.
Just because we live in New York (city) does not mean there can be people screaming and yelling at 11pm especially if there are residential buildings so close and people who may have to wake up early and go to work.
By ignoring the complaints 108 is not doing anyone a favor, one day one of these angry residents will go out to confront these loud kids and this is how things escalate and turn into violence.
How about the people who have lived here all their lives and didn’t choose to live near a park or a school??? They chose to live near us:( that’s not the choice we made!!! We deserve our peace and quiet but that’s not going to happen anymore .
I’m gonna put up 20 posters to make more noise after 11. Entitled snob, everyone deals with noise and as much as I can’t stand Sunnyside it’s way better than other areas where people blast their ethnic music at all hours.
I think he’s got a very valid point. These parks don’t need to be open after 11 pm. This city pays these park people way too much they can put some gates up,and keep these savages out. Pay a little over time to these seasonal employees to be the freeloaders they all are and ride around playing guard on lockdown.
Can’t say I’m not surprised about Van Bramer not helping out. Or the 108 they can’t even find the robbers across from their own precinct. The park across from Barclay towers on 52 is the worst around. All these parks should be locked up at night. Keep these low life’s home.
SUDS does its best to educate folks about barking early in the am & in the evening…each & every day. We always need to be mindful of the people that live just across the street.
I think SUDS is doing pretty well w/ regard to noise, but we can always improve. It’s the right thing to do. We try our best to monitor the park @ different times and folks are proactive/cognizant of barking throughout the day, especially @ night. Word spreads fast thru our social network about problems, issues, etc.
We do pull people/dogs from well beyond Sunnyside, so there are constantly new dog owners to spread the word to. There are also 4 ‘no barking’ signs as reminders posted w/i both runs. Our goals are to be clean, safe and quiet.
It is summertime, people go outside more. Lots of folks hang out on the benches just outside the park, playing tunes, being social. There are fire engines, police cars, neverending car alarms, people arguing, drunks, parties, bars, Qns Blvd, subway, it’s what living in NYC is all about.
Rick Duro
Look here mr sensitive sorry for your sleepless nights if you can’t take the noise move to an island and if you thought gates will keep people or animals out the park think again.
I live near Thomson Hill park – supposed to close at disk, we got 16 year old basketball players & drunk mexicans keeping the volume up at night – the non-tax paying leeches of society keeping the tax paying public awake at night.
I sympathize with you man, but the 108 makes do nothing gestures at solving the problem. You need to get an AC and earplugs and wait for the problems to work themselves out, for me it was waiting for the Mexicans to drink themselves to death and be carried away by the FDNY. We had two last winter. Now we got some guy with a 120 decibel hyena laugh…
And “Pablo” as he was called, the mayor of the crew for some reason disappeared two years ago. Probably in prison or under some piece of sod pushin up weeds. I can’t stand em. Hate that my kid has to walk by em to ride the swings.
Live and let live, if he wants quiet some earplugs and ambiance music would do the trick. The so called “noise” has been going on for a couple years now, its this neighborhood and every other neighborhood in Queens after dark.
I grew up in Woodside and lived in Sunnyside for over 15 years and now reside on Forest Hills. Guess what, there is always noise no matter where you live. Kids and sometimes adults will be rowdy after 11. Dogs will always bark , horns will beep etc, etc. If you want peace and quiet move to a rural area where all you will hear is animal sounds.
If you live by a park expect to hear noice; this is the city. Grow up and put on your big girl panties!
It’s summer in da city!
Someone needs a diaper change
Boy, he’s lucky he didn’t live there 30 years ago! Don’t move near a park or school if you expect quiet!!!
The parks close at a certain time. Anyone staying there after that time and especially if they’re making noise, they should be booted out.
This is not an unreasonable complaint.
It isn’t just people in Iowa who want some peace and quiet at night. People in the big city like to sleep once in a while too.
I have lived all over Woodside and Sunnyside. Summer noise is park of the ambience. Live and let live, my friends.
Looked him up on Facebook… He’s a whiner by his posts. Spends weekends in Southampton and Sag Harbor. Maybe he should stay there since it’s quiet.
“They spent more than a million dollars on the renovation of the park [last year] and they forgot to put up gates which they could close at night,” he said. “It would have cost them nothing.”
Here’s the thing… This city is to lazy and they never have time for anyone. I can understand Demosthenes Chrysan’s problem. I used to live around there and there was plenty of loud and unwanted noise beyond 11:00 PM. Even with an air conditioner and closed windows, it doesn’t make much of a difference.
P.S.: People deserve peace and quite no matter what. So if you don’t care how loud you are and start screaming like lunatic, you definitely have no courtesy for anyone. What if you where Demosthenes Chrysan? Who knows how loud those people at the park can get.
If you don’t like it, go back to Iowa
He needs to move. Being so close to the city that never sleeps, he needs to understand that not eveyone works works 9 to five and is in bed by 10. I work from 5 to 1 am. By the time I get home I’m forced to be quiet. My dog can’t express his joy of seeing me after protecting my apartment from thieves. I watch tv with earphones. My neighbors complain when wall to my kitchen or tak a shower. when I finally fall asleep, I’m awakened by kids running and screaming. Horns blowing. Door buzzers being rung by the endless deliveries of packages and cable installers. Most of which are to people who are not home. So if you can’t sleep don’t blame me for being unempathic to anyone who complains. Just move. Go away. Find your bubble.
I think he is the only man who is complaining. I don’t think the noise is a problem at all. I can understand if this person is a senior then yes they tend to hate a lot of noise and its understandable. If this is a young person then this is ridiculous. I saw one of his posters next to the park on Friday but today Sunday all the posters that I saw Friday were ripped off the lamp post.
We also have same problem in certain locations, my brother lives in one of those houses with shared driveway and loud youngsters gather and loiter until late hours well past 1AM, smoking pot, drinking and making noises, not to mention their loud vehicles, revving. Sadly nobody does anything about this. On the other side of the blvd, where my brother in law lives, there are bikers revving and making rounds through the block and it seems noise complaints get ignored by 311. Is there any way to reach precinct directly to report these issues? Nobody should be in the park after dawn, this is not a sports complex, if they want to continue sweating they can just go and attend one of the gyms in the area. The loud people gathering in certain spots of our neighborhood, well the best we can do is just keep reporting and collect the reference numbers and keep pushing JVB. Hopefully he can help.
Tell this bitch ass snitch to shut the f$$kup. You live in nyc and wanna bitch about the noise? On top of that you want to ruin people’s fun by closing access to one of the few parks in the neighborhood. Get a life man. If you Can’t sleep I suggest you smoke a bowl or drink some whiskey. Smh people these days so sensitive.
Stop being cheap…buy an AC close, your windows..problem solved..can’t hear the noise. Or don’t live in the city..both work
Obviously the ppl comenting on this don’t live in nyc let a lone midtown getting on the crowded train then coming home to ppl yeling and the screams go threw the Window I leave my fan on to cancel the noise but the ac idea is dumb one cuz of cost and cuz it’s Fucking cold. Then to wake up with kids streaming at 8am I would like to see anyone go a week with this bullshit (46st)
Go back where you came from hipster…. Too loud here? Go back to Wyoming I’m sure it’s quiet there
It’s not about being cheap. It’s about people having manners .