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Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Tests Positive for COVID-19

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has tested positive for COVID-19 (Screenshot via Twitter)

Jan. 10, 2022 By Allie Griffin

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has tested positive for COVID-19, her office announced Sunday.

The Queens-Bronx congresswoman said she is symptomatic and is quarantined at home.

Her results were announced shortly after she went on vacation to Florida. She said she had been vaccinated twice and boosted.

“The Congresswoman received her booster shot this Fall, and encourages everyone to get their booster and follow all CDC guidance,” her office said in the statement.

Ocasio-Cortez is one of many Queens legislators to have contracted the virus in recent days amid a surge of cases due to the highly contagious Omicron variant.

Assembly Member Catalina Cruz also announced Sunday that she too has tested positive for COVID-19. She will be quarantining this week.

“Today I tested positive for COVID,” Cruz posted on Twitter. “Thankfully, I am vaxxed & boosted & symptoms are mild.”

Days earlier, Assembly Member Zohran Mamdani said he had contracted the virus as well.

“Sad to say that I tested positive this morning,” Mamdani tweeted Friday. “Symptoms were quite rough initially but I’m feeling a bit better now and will be isolating for the next five days.”

He encouraged others to stay home if possible and wear an N95 or similar high-grade mask when out.

Thousands of New Yorkers are testing positive on a daily basis. For instance, more than 30,000 New York City residents tested positive for COVID-19 Thursday, according to the latest city data.

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Rules for thee, not for me

How many other people did she infect while gallivanting around in public without a mask in Miami?

There is stupid then there is Fox stupid

The incident you’re referring to was actually an outdoor event. That was proven by and confirmed by a Fox Opinion Show.


Her supporters do not care. Most of them did and do the same thing. She has family in FL. Like so many in NYC and her base do in other parts of the country and go to visit during covid nyc surges and holidays. Stop watching fox news. I am sure many that speak against her wish they can date her!

Why do you support mask mandates?

So you’re saying the government should require people to wear masks?


As more people in the public eye get covid and recover the cdc will do away with many of the recommended guidelines and quarantine time and treat it like the flu (stay home if you have fever or bad cough). Recently trying to change the way deaths and hospitalizations are being calculated. It will be something we will all have to live with like any other illness or disease out there. Governments want us back to work and paying taxes.


If she really believes in mandates and all the science, why wasn’t she wearing a mask in Florida while in a large crowd. Even though Florida doesn’t have a mask mandate, AOC could have still wore a mask. Everyone knows Covid cases are on the rise again. I do wonder if she really tested positive. Or is it a ploy to make the state of Florida look bad. Or is she is just trying to deflect from the silly comments she made and the bad press she received. But if she really tested positive, I wish her well.

O Poor Me me me

Hold up the results of the covid test ocasio -cortez. Dare you!. just another sympathy cry for donations. Awful wonder she didn’t say but” if you donate to my campaign now” i will feel much better. Maybe if she had to hold her promise and stand in solidarity with the union organizers at the SI amazon facility instead of attending the Met Gala with that stupid dress then she would get a little more sympathy. What a phony this one is. People please open your minds. do not let this one control what you are allowed to think.


How convenient…she gets called out for being in Florida without a mask and now she has Covid. This is like a political soap opera by the day.


Who gives a hoot?! Everyone will end up catching it! Most of my neighbors have tested positive.


The vaccinated don’t have to quarantine anymore they just get to spread it??? The CDC says if you are asymptomatic and test positive you don’t have to quarantine if you’ve been jabbed???

Gardens Watcher

Wrong info, Mike. The CDC actually said if you are asymptomatic and test positive, you should stay home and ISOLATE from others for five days, and wear a mask when around others in your home. You should still take precautions until day 10, which includes wearing a well-fitting mask anytime around others.

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I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning

No, vaccines are not 100% effective. They reduce the spread of disease and reduce the severity of symptoms. How is it 2022 and you’re still THIS out of the loop on this information?!

vaccines are not 100% effective

No, you don’t “got it.” Ever heard of the flu vaccine? Apparently not, it’s not 100% effective either. People still get it to reduce the risk of getting the flu though.

Trump’s taking credit for the vaccine now, haven’t you heard? Trumpers are supposed to be loving Big Pharma now, the narrative flipped. Try and keep up! Unless you aren’t proud of what he achieved?

Carbie Barbie

Flattening the curve was never meant or expected to stop the virus in its tracks. The point was to avoid overwhelming the hospital system and causing more deaths. It worked. Many deaths were avoided at that time.

Unfortunately, some brainwashed people did not get vaccinated and the filthy rich, greedy companies refused to release their patents and so the vaccine was not freely available to all in the world, which facilitated then and is still facilitating the spread of variants.

Gardens Watcher

SOME brainwashed people did not get vaccinated? About 40% of the USA is not vaccinated. Our vaccines are the best tools we have against Covid, and should be mandated nationwide.

We are extremely lucky that our three vaccines in this country are still effective at preventing severe disease and death, even with the new Omicron variant. Not our fault that the Chinese Sinopharm and Oxford-AstraZeneca’s were not as effective as ours.

The manufacturing and distribution logistics of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are rightly guarded to ensure quality control. Many countries do not have the ultra-cold freezers needed for these two vaccines.


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