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Rally to Shut Down Casa Romana

Photo: QueensPost

Sept. 1, 2010 By Christian Murray

Sunnyside’s leading representatives are holding a rally at Casa Romana Bar this Thursday demanding its closure.

The bar, located at 39-20 Queens Blvd., was the site of a bloody brawl this past weekend, which resulted in the stabbings of two minors and 14 arrests, according to Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer’s office.  The location has a history of violations and has been cited for serving alcohol to minors in the past.

In light of the latest brawl Councilman Van Bramer, Assemblywoman Cathy Nolan and Community Board 2 chairman Joseph Conley are holding a rally calling for Casa Romana to close. They will also be calling for increased inspections of clubs and bars to prevent and deter acts of violence like what was seen at Casa Romana.

The rally will take place on Thursday, September 2 at 2:30 p.m. on the corner of 39th Place and Queens Blvd.

All concerned residents are urged to participate.

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How many people would make it worth wild, for someone to open another restaraunt here… it’s in serious need of a renovation maybe the building owner should make it more desirable and less expensive to rent!!!!it’s price is ridic…


A business has a right to flourish, make money, support itself and compliment a neighborhood. To that end, that same business has the responsibility to be a good neighbor of which ultimately includes in no small measure to act within the law and be responsible for the safety, security and well being of its patrons and the community it exists in. It is not enough to say that the restaurant offered something different and were not supported by the community. The fact is that the restaurant business is very tough and most fail within the first 5 years.Switching up your mode of operation just to make a dollar and pay your cable bill does not justify allowing a course of conduct that leaves two people stabbed, 4 bludgeoned, 2 robbed and several persons property vandalized. The place barely cleaned up the blood and debris before opening the next night while its front door was hanging off the hinge from the fracas. Go by there when its open again and you will see the front door is still in disrepair. Is this the place where you would want to spend your hard earned money and or bring a loved one? For me, I think not! And let us not forget, this is not the first time an occurrence like this has happened. With any luck though, it will be the last!


In reference to concerned, our neighbors only shop in their favorite stores, or within their routes to work or where their errands take them. We should check out the web site here for listing of other restaruants and see what they have to offer our neighborhood and perhaps then will oiur restarants thrive from new business from people who will see new restaurnats listed on this site and check out their food. Perhaps if more people did that more business would stay in business instead of going out of business


Perhaps closure is too much but they should certainly be penalized. Otherwise, Sunnyside would just be tolerating such behavior… which would lead to worse behavior.

Come to think of it, this is exactly what happened. The place has a history of violations and now a history of violence.


I disagree with this situation.

Let the police do there job and research into citating. Business for illegal actions.

People jump to conclusions and make assuptions that aren’t conclusive. It’s good to voice
Your opinion but should be done in a way that doesn’t create a scene and make the neighborhood
Look worse. Your actually making the situation worse.

If it is doing parties and that’s what your mad about you can’t force a business to not make business I used to own a restaurant and I did private parties at night.

Its hard to control people actions when parties are involved but its not the fault of the owners for other peoples actions point blank


I think it is terrible how people are so quick to make a snap judgement and ultimately think it is right to close down the establishment. People should look at this situation from both sides. Everyone ultimately has the idea in their mind that if you own a business you are rich. People complain and say that Casa Romana should go back to being a restaurant, but how many people from Sunnyside actually took the time and supported the restaurant? At one point the food was very good, but the establishment didn’t seem to have a strong following. Nobody seems to mention how many businesses suffered and closed because of the recession. Do you think the owners of this place wanted to change from a restaurant to a catering hall/lounge? Maybe, the business wasn’t able to stay afloat and had to change their concept. The bottom line was that this restaurant was offering a 3 course meal for $9 along with a singer that sang in 12 different languages, and unfortunately most of the community traffic didn’t give this place the time of day. Everybody seems to forget about rent, salaries, bills, debts, loans, and mortgages. Business owners need to survive just like the rest of the community too. From an economic standpoint, how can Casa Romana even pay their rent if one customer comes in a day for chicken marsala? In regards to an increase in violence in the neighborhood, Casa Romana shouldn’t be crucified as a primary catalyst for all these issues. There are other clubs in the area, and there have been other crimes occurring in or around the neighborhood before Casa Romana was a lounge. In regards to the underage drinking issue, isn’t it possible for minors to become intoxicated prior to entering an establishment because they know that the establishment only serves to patrons 21 and up. I passed by this place a few times when they had club events, and it seems like they are serious when it comes to security. Unfortunately, the guards can’t walk the guests home to make sure they don’t make noise. In regards to the quality and integrity of the customers, the owners shouldn’t be solely blamed. What about the actions of the promoters? Do you think the owners want out-of-control patrons in their establishment? Before you agree with closing this place, you should think about how everyone will be affected. Why doesn’t the community check out the place and ask about party rental packages and catering options in order to support a struggling business.



I hope alot of people see this story in your web site and show up for this very important rally to save our little town from all our problems. We deserve to live in peace with our family and senior citizens. I wish you did this on a saturday or sunday so the people who work can be a voice too.

Time's Up

“THen they’re going to go over to the Pawn shop”

That’s actually pretty damn funny.

But hey, good for them. I don’t even know how I feel, but I love the sight of people peacefully fighting for what they believe in. There’s not enough of that these days.


Casa Romana is doing more than serving minors alcohol – the people going there are making Sunnyside residents afraid to walk in their own neighborhood. It’s about young people being stabbed and slashed and property being vandalized. I wish the rally was after work, but it’s not. So, yes, I’m taking off a half of day of work to spend my time at a rally.


They wouldn’t be shut down only for serving alcohol to minors. The situations that have occurred at Casa Romana are giving Sunnyside a bad name. If they aren’t shut down, perhaps their liquor license should be revoked and Casa Romana should return to being just a restaurant, rather than a club.

Why would we want a bar that not only serves minors, but attracts weapon-toting ones? let them leave sunnyside if they want somewhere to get drunk and fight after school.


Really? People are going to spend their time having a rally to shut down a bar for serving minors? Talk about aiming low!


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