Oct. 12, 2014 By Christian Murray
Less than 48 hours after a hit-and-run incident on Queens Blvd, community leaders held a rally calling on the public for tips to find out who was responsible.
The rally was held at the intersection of 60th Street and Queens Blvd at the scene where an unidentified Hispanic man in his 30s was struck by a dark-colored Ford SUV around 1:30 a.m. Thursday while crossing the intersection. The driver fled the scene.
The victim was taken to Elmhurst Hospital in critical condition and—as of Friday afternoon—had yet to be identified.
“To leave someone lying in the street and offer no assistance is an outrage,” said Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer. “Someone out there has a guilty conscience and should turn themselves in.”
“We are calling on anyone who has information on this case to call the authorities,” he said.
A large road sign had been placed on the side of Queens Blvd calling on motorists to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS if they had any information on the incident.
The rally, however, was also held to remind people that they must stop after a collision.
“You have to stop no matter how serious, whether it’s a fender bender or someone is lying in the street injured, you must stop. That is the law. And if you don’t you will be brought to justice,” Van Bramer said.
Van Bramer said that the recently passed Hit-and-Run Victims Act, which he sponsored, will go into effect December 29. With that law, a perpetrator of a hit and run can be fined up to $10,000–on top of any criminal charges imposed by the state.
Van Bramer said the new law is about increasing the public’s awareness that this will not be tolerated. “We want to change the culture. When people see the full weight of the law is coming down they might think twice,” he said.
Should the incident prove fatal, it would be the first traffic-related death this year in the 108 Police precinct, which covers Sunnyside, Woodside and Long Island City. This time last year, there had been 8 deaths, including five pedestrians.
Van Bramer said that the Vision Zero campaign has been a large factor in keeping traffic deaths down, which has included the redesign of dangerous streets to greater enforcement.
The 108 Precinct has issued 30% more speeding tickets this year compared to the same period in 2013. The police also doubled the number of drunk drivers arrests, with 112 people arrested so far this year compared to 52 for the same period in 2013.
Photo ops are always in evidence for politicians. They’re in the public eye & want to remain so, especially with term limits. Their next political post is always a major concern. A cynic might argue it’s their sole concern. Photo ops are part of their self-serving spin & most photos don’t offend ones sense of decency.
As to this hit-and-run incident, one hopes that Van Bramer doesn’t, as he did recently, use a strikingly dramatic photo – the visibly distraught mother who wept as she held a picture of her now deceased son, solely for self-serving purposes.
Two middle-aged neighbors, both mothers & Democrats, who stopped by yesterday evening to say hello, raised the matter of that photo, Their visceral reactions were in evidence, saying the use of that photo by Van Bramer was “disgusting” & “obscene.” Parents, especially mothers, always know!
When a politician uses a constituent’s photo to heighten awareness of any matter, the issue is not if prior consent to publish a photo of a person has been granted by the same person. A politician’s staff member always obtains a release to publish a photo from that same person.
Rather, the issue is if the photo offends ones sense of decency.
Thus, the burden, in the future, is on Van Bramer to not use a photo, as he recently did, that so offends one sense of decency. As a politician’s staff member takes many photos of the same person, another photo can be used. Keep overwhelming private grief just that, private. Don’t publish such a photo.
Of course, Van Bramer could always waive the use of photos, especially photos that include him. “Staying green” if you will, economy of resources & concern for the environment. But don’t expect that to happen.
John Michael O’Leary, Esq.
The story is that jimmy comes out for a photo.
It’s interesting that a comment about this matter, posted today at 9:36 am by John O’Leary, though visible on his computer, can not be viewed by others. His comment is not posted on their computer. They said only two comments are posted. O’Leary’s comment was the third.
Under O’Leary’s name & date/time of his comment, the following is stated. “Your comment is awaiting moderation.” Moderation, or review for acceptability?
Is there something wrong with the server? Or are comments from certain emails not being allowed?
Maybe rally to have speed-bumps installed on major thoroughfares in addition to side streets would be apropos as well?