Feb. 8, 2016 By Christian Murray
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer and the transit advocacy group Access Queens will hold a rally under the 40th Street subway station Tuesday morning to call on the MTA to improve 7 train service.
The rally, which will take place at 8 a.m., comes as a result of riders facing almost daily delays, Van Bramer said, often leading to overcrowding and unsafe platforms.
He said he constantly hears about the problems from his constituents—whether they be signal problems or stalled trains—via Twitter and Facebook, and he wants the MTA to be held accountable.
“I just don’t want these delays to go on without a response,” Van Bramer said. “People’s lives are being affected so I want to join with #7trainBlues [Access Queens] and let it be known.”
Van Bramer is calling on the MTA to conduct a “full-line review” of the 7 train, which would involve a top-to-bottom study of the subway line’s operations. The MTA has been conducting these “full line reviews” since 2009, and they have yielded results on other subway lines including improved customer communication, customer access, station improvements, service reliability and service frequency.
Melissa Orlando, who is the founder of Access Queens (formerly known as #7TrainBlues), said that last week 7 train service was particularly poor.
She said that the MTA needs to be held accountable and that they need to communicate with riders better and have back-up plans.
“It’s all so unreliable, it’s working and then not working,” she said, adding that they “never communicate with anyone what’s going on.”

Realistically, there is no stopping NYC from bringing more businesses, more employees, more residents and more tourists, to one of the biggest cities in the world, and yet, our own transportation infrastructure is crumbling to the rotten core.
I didn’t hear a word about it until about 9 am that morning.
well start looking for a reverse commute job in flushing or kew gardens….or an odd hours job….you know it will get worse, lower your expectations,and paycheck……. and get a seat at 8 am going the other way..
there is no way to really fix this in the next 20 years…you need another tunnel, the only way that might help is when the LIRR is finished to grand central you can hop on that instead of the 7. there will be a sunnyside stop..
That was the Straphangers Campaign annual report. They heavily weigh scheduled service in their ratings, which of course is not the same as actual service.
Infrastructure cannot keep up with the demand.
You want to blame the MTA for lousy service on a train line that was constructed over 100 years ago. The subway line was heavily renovated in the 80s and 90s.
It is impossible to expand service because of lack of real estate. The current infrastructure is busting at the seems.
“Between 2010 and 2014, the subway system has added 440,638 daily customers, roughly the equivalent of the entire population of mid-sized cities like Miami, Fla. or Raleigh, N.C. More customers have led to additional crowding on some lines, creating conditions in which trains are more likely to be delayed, and delayed trains in turn affect more customers than in the past.” (that is from a MTA press release, http://www.mta.info/news-subway-new-york-city-transit-ridership/2015/12/10/fifteen-days-october-2015-over-6-million)
For $2.75 riders are certainly demanding a lot. The public complains when the system is shut down due to repairs. They complain when there are delays due to natural disasters. They complain when the MTA needs to raise fares.
Wake up and smell the coffee. MTA will not improve service because it is impossible. They will also continue to raise fares because the demand is there.
BTW, I agree with Anon7rider, the over development needs to stop. It’s not a coincidence that ridership is up.
And the same guy rallying for improvement is behind the overdevelopment!!!!!
The entire train system is a breeding ground for mentally ill, homeless, and people of questionable morals. Train users enjoy stabbing and urinating. Eliminate all public transportation immediately.
I worry about little Sunnyside. G-d bless us every one. Amen
@Bullimic Then what are you doing here and not on the subway? NYC transit systems moves an average of 7,660,605 (more then the next two cities in the US behind NYC in size “combined”)people on a weekday and 2,427,233,073 people annually. How many mentally ill, homeless, and people of questionable morals are within these numbers. Please come back with some verifiable numbers. Your post is ridiculous.
Mac you are a difficult person to tolerate but I love you and G-d loves you too. Amen.
Wow jimmy trying to justify his huge his huge pay raise by looking like he is doing something when in reality this is a nothing rally and a cynical ploy for the cameras to show up #waitingforjoefromtheberkelyandmactojumpin. #blamefoxnews
Agree totally. Those of us who WORK FOR A LIVING can’t be there. Being on the city council is a part time job with lots of free time for those wonderful photo ops that appear in the Woodside Herald (that joke of a newspaper).
All of us who were at the rally the morning work for a living Rocky. We just care enough about transit and about this community to still take time out of our schedules to do things. You’re welcome to join us next time.
@Rocky You’re such a narcissistic spoiled brat of a loud mouth. I know multiple police and firemen who work night and 12 hour shifts. How many bartenders and other restaurant workers, apartment building and office workers who don’t work 9-5 and not to mention the large number of retirees who still reside in the neighborhood who worked a lot harder then a spoiled punk like you ever could. Grow up you offensive narcissist.
Joe and Mac: #blamefoxnews
@Rocky There is nothing in Joe’s post remotely mentioning Fox News.?.? He’s right you are an offensive narcissist. You obviously, can’t dispute the observations of you detailed in his comments. Good work with your rebuttal I’m sure your parents would be proud. Sounds like you were a waste of education dollars.
@Rocky #blamefoxnews for your stupidity. Take some pride in yourself and educate yourself at least to the degree of being able to dispute an argument or a premise. You should be ashamed of being ignorant not looking to revel in it. Mac is definitely right about one thing, Fox has created an army of banner waving slogan screaming fools. What’s really scary you fools relish in it and seem to welcome and defend your deliberate “dumbing down”. You also should have the class to apologize to those hard working people you have offended with this silly post of yours.
@Luvu2 #blamefoxnews for your extreme stupidity and low information when you try to post something containing what you call “information” that is. Why don’t you take a break from Fox and Friends and let up on your daily dose of stupid and attend the rally. Let us at least put a face behind the master of idiocy. What’s strange is I see very little personal attacks in Joe at the Berkleys comments and nothing about Fox News. His comments contain detailed information and fact. Is this what you’re jealous of or angry about because he counters the idiocy you have been fed.
This isn’t very cool. Now I have to leave for work earlier than normal because you guys want to rally about something that I have grown used to, have changed my schedule accordingly, and find better than it used to be right in front of my subway stop. Thanks a lot Access Queens for annoying more of us New Yorkers.
MTA may also want to consider reinstating part of the old Manhattan Queens Traction, Queens Boulevard Trolley which was replaced by the Q60 Busline, to alleviate over crowding on the 7. At least the part that ran under the Queens Boulevard 7 EL from 48th street to Van Dam Street and extend it up Thompson Ave instead of running it into Manhattan, to service all the schools up that way now. The parking and pedestrian plazas can still remain. The only obstacle is that block that was enclosed with bricks around 39th Street back in the 70’s.
No think about it. It will travel at the same rate the Q60 does because it still has to stop at every intersection like the bus does. Can’t run during snow storms. Won’t do anything to improve transportation. Just like Deblasio’s light rail project. It’s a novelty. Just like bike lanes.
-Rob Koco While it runs under the el?
Yes. There are streets that intersect under the El.
@Rob We created 2 pedestrian plazas closing off two of the streets under the el to through traffic which means we are capable of controlling traffic flow. Now lets address your theory of trolleys or street cars not being able to run under the el during snow storms..Do you travel at all? Light rails effectively and efficiently move tens of thousands of people in Dublin, Ireland, Dallas Texas, Toronto, Ontario. You do realize there was a street car under the 7 el for decades that was reliable and quick? You may want to apply a little critical thinking to your comments and maybe do a little research before just giving up. It’s this type of mind set that prevents America from achieving anything innovative and allowing us to fall behind other societies.
@David. Are you aware that this trolley will only travel under the el from Van Dam St to 48th St. So a 18 block trolley will not alleviate the 7 train issues or overcrowding on the NYC transit system. Sounds like a amusement park ride to me. You’re right though, that 18 block ride will be under the El. Outside of that we can just get rid of traffic lanes and add to the congestion so now motorists have to “share the road” with bicyclists and a trolley.
Why don’t you look up how much money NJ Transit looses annually on the Hudson Bergen Light Rail system.
You cannot compare NYC’s layout to any other city. Transportation is unique to the city, geography, and population of each city.
I’m well aware of the pedestrian plaza’s that were created on Queens Blvd. You’ve controlled traffic by creating more congestion. Instead of addressing overdevelopment and apartment sharing when our infrastructure is being used beyond it’s intended limits we are creating playgrounds at major intersections. Brilliant. Maybe one day I can bring my kids “under the el” to enjoy the great outdoors and fresh air surrounded by one of the busiest arteries in Queens on New York State Route 25.
Thanks for challenging me to think critically today.
-Rob I’m aware that only portion of the route would be under the el just like the old trolley route was. My suggestion in my post was to just run it up a few blocks up Thompson to serve the school traffic. In actuality it would require all students for all the schools on the route to exit the 7 train(Queens Vocational, Aviation and 125 as well) and use the street car. This would make room for thousands of riders on the Sunnyside and LIC stops. As it works right now the trains are too packed for passengers to board the trains from 7:30 and 8:45, then the trains empty out at 33rd street. Also the students at the 33rd street stop are are a disproportionate cause of train disruption and trains being pulled out of service. As for profitability most public transportation can’t run at a profit that is why all of the old private companies in the industry have died BMT, IRT, IN D, Tri Boro Coach, Green Bus Line, Jamaica, Steinway etc..That’s why Gov’t and Quasi Govt Agencies are created and must step in, just like there is no profit in building most roads, airports, bridges, tunnels etc..Profitability in public transportation is not measured with traditional gross, operating, pretax or net income formulas its actually measured using other indirect and direct factors According to the TA Several subway lines have reached their operational limits in terms of train frequency and passengers, according to data released by the Transit Authority. As of June 2007, all of the A Division services except the 42nd Street Shuttle, as well as the E and L trains were beyond capacity, as well as portions of the N train.In April 2013, New York magazine reported that the system is more crowded than it has been in 66 years.The subway reached a daily ridership of 6 million for 29 days in 2014, and was expected to record a similar ridership level for 55 days in 2015; by comparison, in 2013, daily ridership never reached 6 million. Obviously something needs to be done in a quicker fashion then the 2nd avenue subway, 63rd street tunnel and 7 extension took.
-Rob As for my challenge to you to think critically…I noticed it only took you 3 days to come up with a very weak rebuttal of unrelated observations many lacking in logical and casual relation..Any type of fix in any type of city is going to create some type of “temporary” disruption. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. You really need to work your critical thought skills if it took you 3 days to come up with this..
Rob, Where are your ideas or solutions? You would be the first to think its a great idea to sit in an expensive outdoor cafe on 2nd ave or 6th ave. If a Republican proposed the out door pedestrian plaza you’d be on board and full of praise. I believe they have a profitable public transportation in India and the only way it turns a profit is by having two thirds of the riders ride on top and hang from the sides. Do you really think your comment involved critical thought? #blamefoxnews
Here we go. I hope I replied urgently enough this time to appease everyone. Perhaps I should dedicate more of my life to replying to a internet pissing contest.
@David. You’re right. Let’s build a trolley to accommodate two neighborhoods that are thriving in Queens and alleviate congestion throughout the 7 stops in Sunnyside & LIC on the 7 train. The world doesn’t revolve around these two neighborhoods, or any other post gentrification neighborhood where residents are fed up because the infrastructure can no longer support the demand. Once again you are ignoring over development in these areas. However, since you think it is a good idea for the state or city to create any sort of new method of public transportation, let’s do it in southern Queens and Brooklyn. Cambria Heights to Canarsie. Let’s help people in neighborhoods such as Brownsville and South Jamaica get to work.
@#blamefoxnews. Sorry for the rant my liberal friend. I never said anything about having a profitable transportation system but somewhere close to breaking even would be good considering we all pay taxes now don’t we.
FYI, I’m a registered independent and donated to Bernie Sanders’ campaign. I don’t watch FOX, don’t really follow VICE either.
make it noon I might be there
For the past six months, I have noticed that the 7 runs GREAT until 8:15-8:30am and then all hell breaks loose. At 8:00am there is room and very good service…what the hell happens at 8:30am (46th St time)????
Are trains being taken “out of service”? Are motormen beginning/ending shifts?
SOMETHING happens that makes it all go to hell in a handbasket and its not just that the trains are more crowded then.
BY THE WAY…I hope that all those “advocates” who are just “anti-car” show up and support tomorrow’s rally. I want to ask them WHERE are people who are supposed to give up thier cars supposed to fit in a system that is already over capacity as the city entices “development” along the LIC and Astoria waterfront?
The problems are with all the students from all the schools that were put in that area and utilize the 33rd street station. No new transportation to accommodate thousands of new students every week day.
So what should they do DROP OUT so u have more room!
@Curlicue58 Did you drop out stupid? Go back and reread the post you’re commenting to…The poster is pointing out the root problem is the transportation has never been updated to accommodate thousands of new students brought to the area. I remember back in the 70’s tumble weeds blowing through the 33rd street station and wondering why the subway even bothered to stop there. Now at at least 2 or 3 times a week on my way to or from work trains are stopped due shenanigans coming from the thousands of students who now use this station. One of the posters who suggested bringing back the old Manhattan Queens Traction, Queens Boulevard Trolley or bus up Thomson Ave would be a step at resolving this part of the issue. Infrastructure is not keeping up with the growth of these areas. Whats your solution big mouth?
There are certainly people who live in Queens who actually NEED a car but most of them do not. All of these cars parked in our neighborhood detracts from its quality. It should be prohibitively difficult and very expensive to own one, just so people are discouraged and resist the temptation to add yet another car to our streets. The fewer cars, the more room we have. Win/Win.
I agree.
Also I encourage the same type of legislation about bicycles. Annoys me every time a pretentious cyclist feels they are entitled to the same rights as a pedestrian but completely ignore traffic laws.
People should own whatever they want.
It was especially bad last week with over half an hour going by without a single train in either direction during the 9 o’clock hour. Of course the q32 only comes every 15 minutes or so, and when I tried to catch it out to 74th, the bus driver just drove by without stopping.
Thank you Mr. Bramer for having this rally, we 7 Train riders are sick and tired of being neglected and having problems getting to work on time. You should make a sign saying MTA stands for “More Trouble Ahead!” Yes we see some repairs during the weekend but that’s in Queens, what about the morning delays 3 days in a row at the Time Square Station?
You know what would make service better? Stop all of the overdevelopment in LIC and beyond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You’re right! Come speak up about it!
If I didn’t have to go to work I would! But the Truth is in this town, Real estate always wins. They have enough money to line the politicians pockets and the regular people get screwed.
Look at this building hey are developing in LIC:
It is going to be taller than the Citi Bank building. Are we going to have double decker 7 trains? You know he approves this kind of thing!
Exactly. He wants to act like he’s helping the people but then things like this are approved without any public review process