A South Ozone Park man has been charged with manslaughter after a straphanger he was fighting fell onto the tracks and was fatally struck by a train at the 74th Street/Roosevelt Avenue subway station Monday (Photos: NYPD and Unsplash)
Oct. 18, 2022 By Michael Dorgan
A South Ozone Park man has been charged with manslaughter after a straphanger he was in a physical altercation with fell onto the tracks and was fatally struck by a train at the 74th Street/Roosevelt Avenue subway station Monday.
Carlos Garcia, 50, was charged with manslaughter just after noon Tuesday following the death of 48-year-old Heriberto Quintana yesterday who tumbled on the tracks during a fight and was then hit by an F train that was entering the station.
Police have yet to determine whether Quintana was pushed or whether he accidentally stumbled onto the tracks during the scuffle.
Garcia, of 133rd Street, was involved in a physical fight with a Quintana on the northbound F-train platform moments before he was struck at around 4:45 p.m., according to police.
The fight started after Quintana accidentally bumped into Garcia, the New York Post reported citing cops and police sources.
Garcia’s cell phone then dropped onto the tracks, and he yelled at Quintana to retrieve it. Quintana refused and the pair got into a scuffle, which resulted in Quintana falling on the tracks.
The New York Post reported that Quintana was pushed. However, the NYPD did not confirm that as of Tuesday afternoon.
Quintana, who was from Jamaica Hills, was removed from under the train with severe trauma to the body. He was then transported by EMS to Elmhurst Hospital where he could not be saved.
I predict the DSA city council caucus will explain that this was a big misunderstanding and that the criminal in question should be given a chance to explain themselves and if found guilty should only be given parole with time served. They will then explain that the defendant/criminal should enter conflict mediation with the victim and/or the victims family. Councilwoman Tiffany Caban will then lecture all of us that the police should never have been called and that if we would have used deescalating methods that this all could have been avoided. Once again, just a prediction.
Put him away. I don’t want to be on the streets with these savages. They live in a world where violence is the only way to settle any kind of issues. I am an honest, decent person and I don’t want to be with this human scum. Just put them away somewhere. Print this rather than being politically correct. This is how people really feel.
No comment from our local city officials? They still too busy trying to to contact AOC and beg for a photo op…
We deal with road rage daily. Then came bicycle rage. Now we have Subway rage. Its all so tiring folks!!
Don’t bump into people-it’s that simple.
People like Tometo are why decent people want to leave this city. These people ruined it.
I’m absolutely petrified of taking the Subway I’ve never ever been scared. I used to ride to the path leaving from Newark NJ and connect to the MTA. To visit my Mom at her job at World trade center at 17yo no issues. Now I’m 35 petrified of taking it alone even walking home in Sunnyside. I hear a scooter I’m jumpy. I see a man behind me I move to the side. He stops walking and I stop watching his next move. This is not the way to live.
Krystin- Turn off the TV
If people think the pandemic didn’t ignited ptsd on the people of New York City I don’t know we’re people been! Cause the pandemic was very traumatic and every level’ and for officials to ignore it like nothing happened here so tourists come and spend is a criminal act to humanity! We were the epicenter of the pandemic and monkey pox so many times!! We R not animals to treat people like nothing has happened and let’s keep on with our lives. not everyone is strong enough to live in a city with such disregard for life?Stay safe ??
That’s nonsense. It is one segment of the population doing these things. It’s not the whole city. Stop making excuses.
So the pandemic caused people to act like animals? That’s why high end stores were getting looted instead of supermarkets?Thanks for the enlightenment.
Excuses. I’m sure the same people who were animals then are animals now. Two grown men behaved like kids and one got killed and the other one is going to jail. Lack of self control.
Add lanyards on phone cases : attach to wrist = less drops.
Praying for everyone during these hard times.
People need to change. Every bump is not a threat to your manhood. If you feel that way then you should not be living in a civilized society.
This is not about putting more police on the subways. This is about subway riders being unreasonably stressed. These are grown men, not hot headed young men. That’s what a few moments of rage gives you. Fix the Subway system and have them run on time. Offer free rides or discounts to the working class.
Wrong Charles. It’s not about the subways. It’s that Black and Hispanic people live in a world of violence. I don’t see Asian people fighting on the trains. I only see Blacks and Hispanics doing it. Don’t include me in this world of violence. If someone bumps into me I don’t start fights.
Many minorities are sensitive and look upon an accidental bump as a deliberate bump. Now one man is dead and another in jail for a couple of years over an accidental bump. Geez!!!
Why is it so much crime going on? I don’t even leave my house most days. I never know when something is going to happen to me. Please fix the heat at NYCHA. My apartment is freezing!
I wonder if that cell was phone was given to him for free by the city.
People need to learn how to react to eachother w/o violence. Idk if he intentionally threw the guy on the tracks or not but situations like this can be completely avoided. It all starts w/ words. There’s always verbal exchange before anything happens rather it be good or bad. De-escalate!
WQ is truly lost and out of control these days…we need more bike lanes and dog parks.
I Have been Riding the Subway All my Life, and 98% of the Situations People find themselves in, Could’ve been Avoided.
DO’S: Prevent, Avoid, DeEscalate, or Exit.
DON’T’S: Provoke, Argue, Engage, Escalate, or Stay.
I think we should ask criminals where they went to high school
That’s what Tiffany Caban advises
This is why I ride my bike to work.
mta cops arent looking for troublesome individuals, theyre checking for fare hoppers and kicking homeless people off the train!!!!!!!!!
I just watched the news footage of the arrest. The news reporters were asking the suspect questions in Spanish as he was being escorted into the police car. He had no comment.
Cops are no where in sight when you need them. More were put on the subway just to stand around and do nothing. Its like they are just their for show so tourists think we are safe.
Too much crazy on the trains.
What happened to the social workers we all voted for and wanted in the train stations?
Yea let’s put up more cameras like that’s going to do anything .
Back in the day we’d ride the train 4 a.m drunk, tired from all night dancing ?half sleep no fear but haven’t rode the train in 10 years tho, you’ll can enjoy your discounted fair.
Nice “Brand” we ‘all got. Nice job mayor.
Obviously doesn’t bother us enough to vote in someone who will allow them to properly protect themselves or hold criminals accountable. Hochul will get another four years and new progressives will be elected in Nov.
they’re trying to force through congestion pricing, presumably to get even more people on the dirty, unreliable, unsafe subways!!
And yet the NYC/NYS/MTA political establishment can’t grasp why the NYC middle-class is abandoning the subway system as much as is possible. Work From Home has liberated a lot of the NYC (and suburban) middle-class from daily contact with the subways. And that same political establishment can’t understand why more New Yorkers are buying cars now. 52.3% of outer borough households own a car
Hochul are you listening ? We need signs on subways. “ No throw person on track area”. Send a clear message for all to understand.
Argument gone bad. These things happen. Careful who you bump into.
There are communities in this city that are responsible for disproportionate amounts of crime. Instead of taking the blame and trying to solve the issues so they aren’t passed from one generation to the next they avoid the blame and blame someone else. Just criticize a group of people and you are labeled a racist.
Push or accident he should be charged with murder. He started the fight. A man died a horrible death because of this asshoke. I’m sure that he’s here illegally also.
There’s alot of Hispanic crime on the subway. Buttgrabbing. Out of control. Why is this tolerated?
Why is this acceptable?
Why isn’t someone held accountable?
nice to see the liberals downgrading murder charges AGAIN. should be fun voting them all out in 12 days.
Not a surprise. I accidentally bumped into 2 Hispanic men in the last couple of weeks and both immediately looked to starts fights. Violence is in Hispanic culture. This is not normal behavior. You don’t see these things happening in Asian or white neighborhoods. I accidentally bumped into a white guy last eeek and we both said sorry and embraced. Sorry, but true. Bring back COVID so I don’t have to ride the subways anymore.
And they want people to use the subway by having congestion pricing.
reply to Sleepy joe I dont want congestion pricing & I dont ride train due to knee injury cant walk up stairs.I take bus and its that safer I don’t know just recently there was a fatal incident on bus .This is so insane .& no solution
I ride the subway daily for close to 40 years now. I don’t get a sense that it’s dangerous; it’s MUCH better than it was in the 70s & 80s, that’s for sure. I think it’s a much safer way to travel than driving. I strongly support congestion pricing AND putting a toll on the 59th St bridge so all those drivers STAY on the LIE and don’t drive through our neighborhood so fast just to avoid paying the toll at the tunnel,