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Queens Councilmembers Co-Sponsoring Bill to Abolish NYPD’s Gang’s Database

Tiffany Cabán (L), Julie Won (C) and Shekar Krishnan (R) are co-sponsoring a bill that would abolish the NYPD’s gang database (Photos: Michael Dorgan and NYC Council)

Sept. 29, 2022 By Michael Dorgan

Three Queens Councilmembers are co-sponsoring a bill that would abolish the NYPD’s gang database.

The bill, which is being co-sponsored by Queens progressives Tiffany Cabán, Julie Won and Shekar Krishnan, would end the database and prevent the police department from compiling a replacement.

The NYPD’s gang database is a police resource tool containing the names of alleged gang members and other intelligence relating to street gangs. It is estimated that there are around 18,000 people currently listed on the database.

In a 2021 report, the NYPD stated that the database is a “critical component of modern policing and an invaluable tool for detectives investigating crime.”

However, advocates for the bill say that police have abused the database by unfairly targeting people of color. They often point to former police commissioner Dermot Shea stating in 2018 that 99 percent of those on the database are people of color.

Supporters of the legislation also say that people with no ties to gangs have been placed on the database and there is no way for them to get their names removed. They say that this can often lead to intensive surveillance, police harassment, overcharging, increased bail, risk of deportation and prejudicial treatment in court.

“The gang database is nothing but a dragnet to surveil and criminalize Black and brown New Yorkers, especially youth,” Cabán said in a statement to the Queens Post.

“It does nothing to reduce violence and plenty to intensify the horrors of the criminal punishment system.”

Cabán, a former public defender, said she has witnessed prosecutors weaponizing the database to coerce false confessions from people.

“Kids on this list for as little as wearing the wrong colors in the wrong place are threatened with gang conspiracy charges, and more,” said Cabán, who represents the 22nd District in western Queens covering Astoria, Rikers Island and portions of East Elmhurst, Jackson Heights and Woodside.

“We must eliminate the gang database and prevent the creation of a replacement.”

Cabán attended a protest in Brooklyn earlier this month to rally support for the legislation. She has previously called for the need to defund and disband the NYPD, as well as advocating for Rikers Island to be shut down without the construction of new jails. The Astoria resident has also opposed Mayor Adams’ decision to bring back plainclothes police teams — saying they are ineffective and unfairly target minorities.

Cabán is instead calling for a radically different approach to public safety which would include less policing and encouraging local business owners to get trained in de-escalation tactics should they encounter a conflicting situation.

“If we truly care about public safety outcomes, the evidence-based, data-driven way forward is crystal clear,” Cabán said. “We must invest in the supports our young people need: mental healthcare, high-quality education, restorative justice, employment opportunities, nutritious food, and more.”

Cabán, Won, and Krishnan are among the 14 Councilmembers co-sponsoring the bill. It was introduced in May but is currently in committee, having not been put to the floor for a vote.

The Queens Post reached out to Won and Krishnan for comment in relation to the bill but did not receive a response. Won represents the 26th council district in western Queens while Krishnan is the Councilmember for District 25 covering Jackson Heights and Elmhurst.

The move to eliminate the NYPD’s gang database comes at a time when most citywide crime categories have increased this year — with overall crime up 34.4 percent, according to city data.

Crime stats for the 114th Precinct (NYPD)

For instance, in the 114th Precinct, which covers much of Cabán’s district, overall crime is up 23.3 percent compared to the same period last year. However, murders are down 62.5 percent and rapes are down 20 percent in her district.

The precinct also includes the Astoria, Woodside, Ravenswood and Queensbridge Houses – NYCHA complexes where there have been several shootings in the past three years.

Councilmember Robert Holden, a staunch supporter of the NYPD, is concerned that, if passed, the bill could lead to even more crime in the city. Holden represents District 30 which covers Ridgewood, Glendale, Maspeth, Middle Village, and parts of Woodhaven and Woodside.

“With the explosion of gang violence claiming so many innocent victims in this city, just who are these council members pretending to protect?” Holden said in a statement to the Queens Post.

“Eliminating the gang database is reckless, irresponsible and will result in even more violence in this city.”

Council Member Robert Holden, pictured, is concerned that, if passed, the bill could lead to even more crime in the city. (Photo: John McCarten)

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Sergio Or

Stop saying “progressive ideas” or “progressive people” when they’re nothing but LEFTISTS trying to destroy the moral & society as we know it. When this madness is going to end? Probably never if people keep voting Democrats


Gee, so many people seem to be against these progressive, liberal, stupid ideas that will just increase crime. Why then do people in this area keep voting for Julie Won and Juan Ardilla?

Hochul said we should leave

Because they are dem robots abs can’t connect the dots
They would rather die than vote for a Republican

Republicans Bullies Believe in Myths Fairytales Invisible Gods and Conspiracy Theories

I guess there are no Republican robots. How many Republicans vote on the issue of abortion solely?

Jose Jones

The Data base helps Police arrest criminal gang members. This bill is not a good idea

New! DataBase to Dox Cops!

Wow! You can now search every Cop in the NYPD, and see their disciplinary records, civil lawsuits against them, excessive force complaints. You can search by precinct, rank, which unit they are on, their badge number— and get this— you can even search by RACE. So you could literally target search for WHITE COPS on street patrol!

If you think cops are nervous now, imagine when the Gang Database is erased!

Try it:


We will never get people to ever want to be a police officer now and those who can retire after 20 years are doing so at record rates. Thank you progressive legislators and voters. Good luck with crime. The results are clear and will get even worse with this website without experienced or quality new recruits. The progressive legislators and voters have done a great job, until they themselves or a family member is a victim on a crime.

Tony Davis

Ms Caban recently drew up
a procedure to handle mental health situations or criminal activity. Let’s hope she never encounters either with her game plan.

Shakir Giuliani

This would be a large mistake as much of the crimes we see are related to Gang Activity. Gangs and their influence upon youth are threats to the residents of the City for many reasons. The arguments that these Elected Officials present pale in respect to the valuable tool that the “Gang Database” offers to the NYPD, whose job is to keep us safe from criminals and their associates.

Atticus Finch

“The gang database is nothing but a dragnet to surveil and criminalize Black and brown New Yorkers, especially youth…”

Idiots. The gang database is a list of criminals, who happen to be black and brown. The database doesn’t “criminalize” them: They do that themselves.

Rubén Fuente

How about the “list” of “Mobsters” and their associates the NYPD and FBI have and track? Are they abolishing that too? Isn’t that targeting a certain group?

Yeah, what did the Five Families ever do wrong?

Good point, we should ignore organized crime unless “they” do it, right?

Gangsters paradise

Caban dies not care and thinks you should ask someone harassing you
Where they went to high school !
Yes thst will disarm them
And don’t call 911
Julie won and mamdani are enemies of society

Jeannette Remak

What is WRONG with these people?!?! Julie Won is a total nightmare for Sunnyside! How she got to City Council I will never understand! With our shopping/housing neighborhoods in jeopardy, crime all over which was never this bad in Sunnyside and I am a lifetime resident, she wants to destroy a needed tool that the NYPD needs to keep gangs out of our area?!?! Can we please extend Sunnyside/Woodside boundaries and have Robert Holden as our City Council representative? He’s the only one who knows what is happening and cares! I am disgusted with our City Council member!


Those upset with the Progressive Democrats related to this issue need to remain Democrats so they vote in the primary elections for another Democrat running against Won and Caban when their term is up for reelection. If you switch to Republican, you will not be able to vote in the Democratic Primary, in a City and State where Democrats usually win. The democratic primary throughout the City is more important than the General Election.

Last stop

Oh well , they had their chance to prove the people of the city they would improve it and they obviously haven’t , it’s time for a change

LIC Direct

Caban, Julie Won and Krishnan are you guys crazy? This database is totally required these gangbangers are urban terrorists, involved in transnational alien smuggling, gunrunning, drug trafficking, prostitution and behind the uptick in shootings throughout the city and NYS. This is why people are leaving NYC & NYS in droves. You are representing the wrong people here. So the NYPD should not keep data on the Asian gangs like the ghostshadows, Triads or snake heads, is that right Julie Won?. Tiffiany Caban how about you, do you love the Latino Gangs, MS-13, Latin Kings, Los Trinitarios or Dominicans Don’t Play, or you Krishnan, the Indian Gangs operating in the Shik and Sindhi community smuggling aliens to this country and claiming they are Special Immigrant Juveniles who have clogged the family court system. How did you become public officials? This is amazing. Enough already, let’s take our city back from these clowns next election cycle.

It's up to you

Vote these 3 out or stop complaining when you get robbed or killed. This is what leads our community now. It’s up to you people. Otherwise live with fear. This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.

The party of crazy

Democrats love criminals. Law-abiding people, not so much.

Democrats love illegal aliens. US citizens, not so much.

Democrats love welfare recepients. People who work and pay taxes, not so much.

Democrats are failing! literally!

First we trash the public education system, then when everyone is stupid and can’t read. We can get them to elect a potato salad. Job done!

This is why we have the 2nd amendment

When the government fails to defend its citizens they can defend themselves. Also if the government becomes radical and attempts to attack the citizens other constitutional rights the citizens can defend themselves.
Close prisons, defund the police, hang cuff the police, poison flowing over the border. I’m buying a legal gun. or maybe I’ll move to one of Hochals gun free zones yeah I’ll be safe there. lol!

Jim Magee

Gangs traffic guns, sex, and drugs throughout the City and have connections with larger criminal organizations and international cartels. You wouldn’t expect the FBI and DOJ to abandon RICO, this is no different.

I’m sorry, it’s hard to believe that these aren’t manufactured outrages so that these politicians can appear as though they are being hard on the NYPD.

The explanations here are unclear. I’m extremely skeptical of Councilmember Caban’s claim that she had observed her former clients being coerced into false confessions by ADAs. I’ve worked as a prosecutor and defense attorney and can’t imagine how the scenario she describes could have taken place procedurally. Somebody should ask her to clarify.


PLEASE PLEASE give me the strength to survive this miserable city another few years before I move permanently!

DSA & REBNY working together?

It seems that this silliness is just a mirage to get you not to focus on that Tiffany caban just approved a rezoning that will allow developers to build even higher and Julie won is being pressured by the DSA socialists to approve the ‘innovation’ rezoning. Don’t judge the DSA politicians by what they say, judge them on their actions. And so far they are just doing REBNY’s bidding.


Liberal Democrats / Progressives / Socialists / Idiots are now in power.
Thanks to those of you who don’t vote.
NYC is in big trouble.
Fla and Red states are looking better by the day.
This is from a native NYC resident. (and registered Democrat)
Not a hipster /progessive that is ruining our once great city.


Not that I’m calling for it; so what if crime happened to these elected officials? Seems like they’re working for the gangs… not the everyday NYCers

Mike A.

These people are totally out of touch with reality. Wake up!!
Oh, I forgot. Your “woke ” already. Real morons.

Concerned Citizen

This nonsense is why my entire hispanic family and most of my POC friend’s are turning republican. We are done with these people that favor criminals over law abiding citizens.

Right wing propaganda posted by on anankastic zealot

Concerned-Your phony consensus does not meet voting trends or registration roles.


If Caban were to run for office tomorrow to be re-elected she would win Astoria. She lost by a couple of votes to be Queens DA. WQs loves her because she is a progressive latina queer.

Formal Demonstrations Needed Outside District Offices

How do the voters and residents of these elected officials begin impeachment proceedings or formal demonstrations outside their offices to request their resignations? They are doing such damage to law abiding citizens that we can’t wait until the next election season.

Just because Trump worked development, casinos, and luxury real estate?

We know those attract organized crime, which is why he got his concrete from “Fat Tony” Salerno, Castellano, etc.

Oh wait, you meant the other kind of gang?

Twilight Zone

These politicians are living in an alternative reality. You can not right the wrongs of the past on the backs of the victims of today.


Total madness. These people are insane. Don’t abolish the database, make it easier to have names removed that do not belong.

As for the de-escalation tactics, I don’t even know where to start. Store owners are going to be forced to defend themselves with weapons. It’s a shame.


Won co sponsored the bill and doesn’t even take the time to answer a couple of questions? Trying to score some brownie points with progressives i guess while remaining quiet for Asians and all that they been through in this city from assailants and attackers who fit a certain racial profile.


Thank you you all. Sick and tired of the racist NYPD. Now end police brutality and racial profiling of young black men.

Madd Donna

Not every police officer is racist. There are many cops who are people of color. Also, it is now the police who are subject to brutality and complete disrespect and they need to tippy toe around going after and arresting criminals so they aren’t accused of so-called brutality or racism. Ask yourself this, why are the majority of violent crimes done by people of color in the first place? Why is a black on white crime not a hate crime but a white on black crime is??


You are an ignorant bigot. Maybe if people of color would stop committing crime there would be no police brutality against people of color.

Caban has got to go

Caban and her cabal are completely tone deaf, right before midterms of national consequence. If she had any political sense, she would support this when crime is down and it’s not such a salient issue. You don’t advocate for these changes when everyone believes everything is going badly.


Not gonna happen. People tend to vote for politicians they agree with or identify with. Astoria is full of progressives and Queers. That community is spreading throughout WQs. She is also latina which also brings our latino community to vote for her based on her last name alone.

Face reality

Minorities has to stop thinking that democrats are writing policy in their best interest. Its quite the opposite. this goes from local policy all the way through the democratic caucus in Albany and ending in congress. Ask yourself, since the democratic have won nearly every office, has your quality of life improved? are your neighborhoods safer and has crime dropped? are your streets cleaner? are everyday items more affordable? Why not try something different and vote for a republican in November. if things don’t change then you can go back and vote democrat. But don’t continue to wonder why things are getting worse if you are not willing to may the change starting with yourself.

Madd Donna

Another suggestion would be to not vote for any progressive Democrats. There are still many moderates around too. But too many New Yorkers decide not to vote and then we get stuck with these dangerous representatives. Jabari Brisport a member of NY Senate thinks RATS deserve a better way to die and has a bill on the table to make selling glue traps illegal. This is where their sick heads are!

Gullible Republican Bullies Believe in Myths Fairytales Invisible Gods and Conspiracy Theories

Are everyday items more affordable? An analysis of Securities and Exchange Commission filings for 100 US corporations found net profits up by a median of 49%, and in one case by as much as 111,000%. Those increases came as companies saddled customers with higher prices and all but ten executed massive stock buyback programs or bumped dividends to enrich investor.


Maybe each of them can open up their home and a spare bedroom to at least one member from the list.

John J. Lynch

“Cabán is instead calling for a radically different approach to public safety which would include less policing and encouraging local business owners to get trained in de-escalation tactics should they encounter a conflicting situation.” Stupidity, thy names are Tiffany Cabán, Julie Won and Shekar Krishnan.

Really? I mean, really?

And then there would be vigilante justice on the streets, and things would get even crazier. What are these “progressives” thinking? Yes, I give a child a lolipop while he’s getting a haircut, he stops having a temper tantrum — but give a gang member a cup of tea and you think he’ll drop the gun? I just don’t get it. It’s like they are hoping for street violence.


These liberals act like a bunch of old geezers. “There aren’t enough white people here!” 🙂 admit the Jets and the Sharks from the West Side Story to the database, and your problem is solved!

In the past, gangs terrorized areas of the city.

A gang listing, used to follow a person even after they may serve time, or harm an innocent person, is a problem. But police spent years doing the work, and it also helps find witnesses and relatives in ways that don’t hurt someone on the list. Let the cops show why they need it, and establish procedures for use.

The Big Apple Circus

This is so ridiculous I’m convince that these Democrat progressives want to insight gun crime so they can try to change the constitution and take away our 2nd amendment rights. They know they cant do that without crime. classic create the problem then have the solution, people are so desperate they go along with anything. Once striped of their defenses you can start the real control. There can’t be any other reason for this bill. Any sane person right now is like what? brought to you by criminals and degenerates.

Gullible Republican Bullies Believe in myths fairytales invisible gods and conspiracy theories

Sounds like the forced breeding scam. Second Amendment : A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringe. The Second Amendment which gives people the right to own guns through a militia. This bill is being a introduced by a very warped mentally damaged racist who sees racism and racist boogeymen in virtually everything. Moderates need to turnout to prevent extremism on both sides.

Former NYC Democrat.

I’ll be voting for the NYC republicans in November.

I will not be voting for republicans in any other races.


I am a democrat since the age of 18 and voting republican in NYC in November and for district-level offices. The new, younger democratic party is really unbelievable to the voters in their districts. I stay democrat so I can vote in the primaries. Won has totally lost my vote for reelection. I success Astoria does the same with Caban.

Gullible Republican Bullies believe in myths fairytales invisible gods and conspiracy theories

Caban is concerned 99 percent of those on the database are people of color. She is not concerned cage victims of gang violence are 99% victims of color? She should be concerned with crime and people committing the crime. If the overwhelming majority of the perpetrators are people of color that’s an obvious “cultural” issue. It sounds like she just lashes out when facts don’t go her way.

curtis sliwa

liberals find new ways to piss off people every day, they will get crushed in the election with this woke BS

Democrats love criminals

cant believe we have idiots that actually vote for these people. have people no thought process on how this is going to play out? when they got rid of stop and frisk they were told that people of color would suffer the consequences and they would be the highest victim of crimes and they are. so here we go again.

Concerned Citizen

The people who voted for these clowns lived a life of privilege where they never got to experience the terror that these gangs unleash on innocent people. They are voting on a warped sense of moral superiority.

This is maddness

There was a time when pretty much all gangsters were white now its the opposite way. No racism just facts deal with it. Hopefully one day there won’t be any gangsters but not anytime soon with this bunch. If this passes and I can believe it’s even a thing, it will be the nail in the coffin. More people will leave and some will have their ghetto utopia. where are the adult moderates?

C'mon Man!

i’ll keep repeating myself. nothing will change until these progressive socialist politicians are the victims. otherwise, they dont care what happens to anyone that struggles to put food on the table.

Reform Minded

This isn’t good. I get that there needs to be reforms, and I agree Rikers needs to be closed, but this is too much untested fantasy in a city where crime has risen. However, crime is always tied to poverty, and we’re not scaring anyone straight with harsh sentencing and plea arrangements for less serious offenders – more enforcement without economic improvements is just a bigger, less accountable band-aid. Keep police honest, yes, but make sure they have to tools to strike at serious criminals and organized criminals. Dumping the burden on the public and then dumping more homeless in our area is a recipe for disaster.


This is just another way that Black and Hispanic leaders and their apologists make excuses for the huge amount of crime committed by Black people in this city. How about changing their behavior instead of changing the laws to suit them. Let’s eliminate more crimes and there will be fewer blacks people in jail. Make marijuana legal, don’t enforce fare beating laws, eliminate most bail laws.

Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.

Seriously. WTF is wrong with these liberal politicians???? They wake up every morning thinking of new ways to molly coddle criminals and make the streets more dangerous for decent, law-abiding people.

Gullible Republican Bullies believe in myths fairytales invisible gods and conspiracy theories

This is fantastic news!


my is doing like grooming it’s gullible and weak minded viewers to storm the Capitol. The programming at the network is a form of emotional priming coupled with an intense repetitive regimen of buzzword repetition over a 24 hour 7 day a week indoctrination. It obviously works on the anankastic individuals, that’s why it’s done. Look at Jan 6th. Former president Trump said if he repeats a lie enough times his followers will believe it.

Left wing = loonie bin.

I hope it doesn’t happen, but if you or a loved one are victimized by one of these gang bangers, you won’t be getting a whole lot of sympathy coming from my direction.

Concerned Citizen

only fantastic news to people in gangs or people who know gang members. Who are you trying to hide?


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