May 27, 2016 Staff Report
Nearly 20 old wire trashcans on Queens Boulevard have been replaced by new, cleaner cans.
Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer and the Department of Sanitation unveiled 19 new garbage cans along Queens Boulevard on Friday. The wire bins they are replacing would attract rats and created an eyesore by putting trash on display, according to Van Bramer’s office.
The new bins were funded by $10,000 allocated by the Councilman. They will be placed on Queens Boulevard at 42nd through 48th Streets, which Van Bramer’s office called “key intersections.”
“Every resident deserves to walk down clean, pleasant streets,” Van Bramer said in a statement. “These new bins will help combat litter and keep rodents out of the neighborhood. I’m glad to allocate these funds and work with the Department of Sanitation to keep Queens Boulevard clean.”
Correction: This story originally stated that there are 14 new cans due to an error in information provided by the Councilman’s office.
I have requested from sanitation to replace some trash cans removed from Skillman from 39th St to 50th and on ave same streets. On corner of 45th St and Skillman there are 4 TRASH CANS in one intersection RIDICULOUS. Who is the genius who did that, why not spread those along Skillman. You dont need degree for that.
What about one garbage can on every block on skillman ave instead of 3 on 1block between 46 &47st
I don’t recall ever seeing somebody so happy to take a photo with a garbage can!
What a loser we have representing/ruining our neighborhood. I’d like to lock him in one of those new garbage cans with a rat for a few minutes!
Getting rid of trash cans because they are too full is like a bank closing early on Thursday and Friday because they are too crowded. Somehow I doubt that the lowlifes that were illegally dumping in corner trash cans suddenly began to comply with the law.
what NYC needs to do is create a giant tube system that runs around the city like the subway and it basically sucks the trash out into some place where they can easily transport it out of the city to wherever it needs to go. imagine putting the trash into this hole and a vacuum just blasts it out of the city. eh!
the sanitation needs to invent some sort of giant vacuum cleaner that they can go around all the boroughs streets and clean. our boroughs are disgusting. especially our on and off ramps along the belt parkway, it is disgusting. plus the fact most people are pigs and throw garbage all over the place, hoping the garbage fairy will clean it for them….
I have a feeling some of the homeless would take those containers over and make them their homes
We need more weed smelling areas, much better than cigarettes. I cant wait till it’s legal for recreational use. It’ll put all you little dealers who rip people off out of business. Start collecting cans for money
Move to Colorado you stoner. New York is much too sharp a place for you.
That’s good, now if you could get these dog owners to pick up after their dogs it might actually become a cleaner place to live. Its mostly people who own small breeds, they let the doguy go do their business, and then they walk away and leave it there. Its disgusting and its rampant on the south side of qblvd. I guess if you own a big dog you have to clean up they take bigger dumps than a human, but all these people with those little dogs just leave it there. It a shame people don’t want to keep their own neighborhood clean. I don’t know if the Northside is bad but the southside is like a giant cesspool
yes please, garbage cans on 43rd avenue and skillman. So tired of seeing trash bags hanging on the fences of buildings
How about dug out areas below the sidewalk, grates on top. They can be accessed by the sanitation department when they do the rounds. Would solve the pedestrian space problem. Would slow down collection though.
Any chance you’ll consider fixing the 3rd world quality streets here in Queens? Or is the city offering rim repairs for those of us who aren’t riding in city owned chauffeur driven cars?
Great a bigger city trash can for residents that do not feel like recycling and/or need a place to dump their smelly trash. Give it time and we will be reading about the increase in rodents in that area due to the over flow of trash.
Jimmy ,nice garbage cans,now how about cleaning those weed smoking people.I can’t go to the park ,take a walk ,it’s everwhere.Bring the quality of life we once had in Sunnyside,before it turned hipster
I would prefer that we are not a high-profile chic place too, but people have been smoking weed in parks since the ’60s. Perhaps the people doing it are better groomed and have more money and way better pot than of old, but lighting up in the parks is not new.
If a waft of secondhand marijuana is the worst thing I smell on the streets of New York, I generally consider that a good olfactory day.
I like that smell. Much nicer than tobacco.
-concerned Sunnysider How about getting rid of bell achers. Go lock yourself in your apartment loser.
What’s a bell acher?
The city has to understand illegal dumping is going to happen and make allowances for it. That is a fact of life they should really have managed by now.
Its not hipsters its teenagers..i know because i have to yell at them from my window to not make the joints on my front steps or in front of my house..i tell them to go to the park.
We never needed so many garbage cans until recently. Anyway, the city put one in across the street from my apartment. The restaurant it was in front of eventually called the city to get rid of it because the city never emptied it. It routinely had bags and bags of trash surrounding it, especially those colorful little plastic bags full of dog dirt. Just saying.
The city does empty them. The cans were being used for illegal dumping.
It’s great Jimmy put this where his office is but how about putting them on his own block???? There is one on each corner of 46 and skillman and nowhere else. It’s a joke they call that the historical district. This guy needs to go folks seriously. And we are paying his salary.
Lodari park has *1* garbage can along Skillman and *1* inside lower park. Need a few…..
Great news. Agree with those saying they are needed on other busy streets. I routinely pick up trash, especially plastic, and it’s absolutely mortifying. Agree also that people shouldn’t litter, but clearly they do. Why?
I recently noticed recycling bins at 46th Street near the 7 train, Key Food and Chase Bank. I wish some of these could be placed at the 40th street 7 train stop.
Are they actually NEW or did they just take the ones from other parts of the neighborhood and move them around.
We had a nice one over here on Greenpoint and 47th, and now it’s gone, replaced with one of those that “attract rats and created an eyesore by putting trash on display.”
I’m aware of the condescension toward the south side of the blvd, so is this an extension of that attitude?
I’ll be calling to find out what happened to the trashcan that has been out on the corner for years. Wonder what part of Q Blvd to which it was moved.
How about a populace that cares about its neighborhood enough not to litter. Carry your dog’s crap home and put it in your garbage, don’t litter, punch people in the face who do. Make Sunnyside great again.
Hey Trump:
i hate you but you’re right on with this one. How about an educational plan to stop people from littering!
What about 43rd Ave.?
A lack of trash cans of any kind has been a problem for years.
-save the Robots You must be new to the area. About 5 years ago a group of us from 47th street thru 49th streets and 43rd avenue got together and requested the removal of the cans located on 43rd avenue due the massive overflow of trash spilling onto the street from these cans from illegal household garbage and people literally dumping their vehicle trash into these cans. I can forward you the photos that were used to argue our case if you’d like.
I have lived here 14 years. There was never a problem on the west end of 43rd to the best of my recollection. Removing cans seems like a backward approach.
_STR I’ll send you the the photos.
umm you do realize that is the point of a garbage can it is to throw things away… while throwing away home garbage is annoying You should have just told them to learn to clean up the garbage more often.
Good Job Jimmy- now please work on getting more on 43 & skilman ave too. if defies all reason of being civilized when people Indiscriminately throw garbage at their feet which I have seen a huge increase in Sunnyside, and allow their children to do the same.
Another issue is that there are lots of dog owners in Sunnyside and on 43rd Ave. there’s nowhere to discard the ‘business.’
I agree being a dog owner and walking up and down skillman and I too throw it in the curb because the only ones doing there job is the street cleaners.
This would be a great idea, im tired of finding dog shit in my garbage cans every morning.
JVB – Making Sunnyside great again!
Why place them only at “key intersections”? I understand if those are areas where residents and visitors flock to more frequently. But the whole boulevard deserves to receive these new, cleaner garbage cans.
““Every resident deserves to walk down clean, pleasant streets,” Multiple requests from both commercial and residential tenants have come for trash cans to be placed on 47th ave. and 39th st. and we are ignored . The block has 5 food establishments and no trash can in sight. Please please please listen to us.
My idea is to mandate all buildings with 6 or fewer units to utilize steel garbage cans which are emptied by the garbage men…that solves the rat problem and loose garbage flying around. For larger buildings, I would like to see large steel containers along the curb (on the street), maybe 2 or 3 on each block depending on volume, where buildings would throw garbage, where rats cannot access and nothing gets blown out/around. Sanitation would then drive over and open a bottom portion to empty or have trucks that lift the container and empty into trucks. Something needs to be done, because what we are doing, and have been doing for decades, is NOT working.
We have an active petition to receive trash recepticles on 47th ave. and 39th street as well as 47th ave. and 39th Place. Please stop by Cooldown Juice (47th ave. btw: 39th st. and 39th pl.) to sign / help us clean up sunnyside. We will present the fully signed petiton to Jimmy by end of June. “Every resident deserves to walk down clean, pleasant streets,”
How about the same thing on Roosevelt which has a much bigger trash problem. Or is there some “key” difference I’m not quite seeing between the two streets?
They don’t have a BID that is donating to JVB’ s campaign fund.
This is in preparation for the bike lane. Bikers will have easier access to dumping their trash while riding, missing the trash can and then the city fining us residents for a dirty sidewalk area.
Nice cans
There goes our money again. It’d be nice if someone would empty them once in awhile too but that’s a different story.
I’m a bit surprised that these are $500 a pop.
Jimmy looks lovely next to the garbage can bearing his name