38-01 Queens Blvd
Jan. 14, 2016 By Christian Murray
A Queens Boulevard property was purchased by a developer for a little over $12 million late last month.
The property, located at 38-01 Queens Blvd., was bought for $12,070,000 by Curbcut Queens Blvd, a company linked to the Forest Hills-based Platinum Realty.
The property is currently zoned for light manufacturing (M1-4), although retail, office and hotels are permitted to be built on the site.
David Koptiev, the owner of Platinum, confirmed the purchase of the site. He was not willing to disclose what his plans are for the property. However, his company is known for developing old manufacturing sites and converting them into retail and office space.
“I love the neighborhood,” Koptiev said. “Give me a couple of months and I will tell you what we will be doing.”
Platinum has not filed building plans with the Department of Buildings at this time.
The site is adjacent to 38-15 Queens Blvd., which is occupied by a car wash. The owner of that property reached out to Community Board 2 last March to discuss possible development plans on that site. Where those discussions went are not known at press time. CB 2 Chair Pat O’Brien was not immediately available for comment. Nevertheless, the property owner has not filed any plans with the DOB.
The acquisition of the 38-01 Queens Blvd. property comes at a time when demolition is about to start at 39-11 to 39-19 Queens Blvd. Workers were at that site today putting up a fence in preparation for that building’s demise. The owner Jerry Kahen has yet to file building plans. However, workers said ground floor retail and apartment units are planned.

Demolition to begin next week
I understand that David Koptiev and one of his companies are being sued in Brooklyn Supreme Court for forging documents and deeds to takeover the big property at 3301 Atlantic avenue. Maybe somebody should take a look at it.
forget powerball and the lame stock mkt, i got me a sunnyside apt going up 10% a year since i bought it. if you were smart youd buy here while its still relatively low.
Theres a group proposing a street level tram from astoria down deep into bklyn, connecting all these “new” neighborhoods along the waterfront, its a start. Brooklyn and Queens are becoming more interesting than Manhattan anyway.
Its disgusting how those banks financiers speculators and politicians corrupt or pressure everyone its disgusting how the city has progressed as it has from corrupt to full scale whore house brothel maybe that is the kind of hotel it is said to be zoned for.
you’re part of the damn problem.
Maybe the MTA should reinstate the old Manhattan and Queens Traction Company Trolleys that ran over Queens Blvd. and under the number 7 train subway el from 48th Street to Van Dam Street then over the bridge to 2nd avenue. The route was replaced by the Q60 bus service. Even if they just replaced the piece of the route from 48th street to Van Dam Street to handle the student traffic in the morning and evening would at least reduce the over crowding on the seven train and accommodate the new commuters moving into the area.
i don’t understand — aren’t there impact studies and research on all these new buildings….what this means to our infrastructure?
if it is zoned for hotels you know what that means –
You are right about that…keep The Hotels near the airports. We don’t need them in residential neighborhoods.
Thousands more crowding the trains. d
time to reverse commute……7 trains are empty at 8am going to queens
@rikki Most of us don’t have the luxury to work at McDonalds or dunkin donuts and can just pick up our job and work out of its outlet in the Queens Center Mall like you.
well who’s fault is that? i have always prided myself on finding ways to avoid the sardine commute..working 2nd 3rd shifts, living very close to work….
i hate it as much as you i’d rather work noon to 8 and make less money then just constantly gripe and complain about it.
Mac, you are incoherently foaming at the mouth again. There are jobs other than McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts in Queens.
N’cheese Typical idiocy coming from you once again. Youre going to compare the largest and third largest job markets in the nation located in Manhattan to the smaller and lower paying job market of a residential borough. Go back to bowing and praying to Fox News you imbecile instead of publicly humiliating yourself. Thank god for the anonymity of the internet or your neighbors would know the true identity of the idiot behind your posts.
There you got gain, leaving frothy saliva on the floor with your Tourette’s-like babbling about Fox News. You seem to have a lot of anger…is it rooted in feelings of inadequacy or disappointment with your station? Or perhaps a check in to a local ER for a rabies test is in order?
mac……so you are a greedy slug wanting to live high off the hog. the commuting like sardines is the punishment for your gluttony.
-Rikki You need to learn a little bit about going where the work is and upward mobility then maybe you wouldn’t be so jealous of the former patrons and owners of the old Breffini. How does one drink an establishment into oblivion? Thank you Nicole for putting this jealous fool in their place…