Photo: QueensPost
Jan. 6, 2015 By Christian Murray
A large piece of Queens Blvd property is likely to be changing hands for a whopping $7.8 million, according to the real estate data provider Property Shark.
The 43-24 Queens Blvd property—which incorporates stores such as Dave’s Bagels to Amazon Pharmacy—is 9,500 square feet and represents about half the block on the south side of the boulevard between 43rd and 44th Streets.
The property also goes deep into 44th Street incorporating stores on that block.
The owner of the building Geoffrey Henderson is currently in contract to sell it for $7,750,000. The likely buyer has not been listed.
This transaction would most likely close before the Center Cinemas and King Boulevard properties (both sold for redevelopment purposes) face the wrecking ball.
With zoning, a developer could construct a building with 38,000 square feet of floor space. Currently, the building is one story, utilizing 8,500 square feet of floor space.
The property generated about $370,000 in rental income in 2013, according to Property Shark.

Property Shark
Wow! I’ve lived in Sunnyside for 40+ years and have watched things change continually during that time. Anyone who didn’t see this change coming must have been living under a rock. The landscape will continue to change but one can keep his/her memories. It seems many of you have too much time on your hands. Get out and get to know your neighbors, new and old, you might be pleasantly surprised.
Olden Days: They WANT you to blame the newcomers that move into their ugly new buildings. They LOVE IT when you give them dirty looks at the Key Foods. They’re SO HAPPY you hate their skinny jeans. Because when you blame “newcomers”, you don’t notice who is really in control.
Genius, and spot on. And until I see posts complaining about the Old Man bars and their rampant alcoholism, and cig butt flickin yahoos, and scratch tickets at every 4th rate bodega, and the resulting litter of both (Yeah you, old timer in front of Queens Blvd bar that just threw his empty box of smokes on the ground, 6 feet from a trash can – at 9:15AM) I am calling bullshit on the hate-fueled nay-sayers directed toward the market driven housing and new restaurants in Western Queens.
People moving to Western Queens work honest jobs, pay taxes, raise families, build our OWN communities, and will do so where we damn well please — school yard, stink eye, & lame ass cig-flickin’ WQ lifers be damned.
If those same people bail after 8 years, seeking a brighter future and a more expansive living space, you can bet a long line will continue to form for their vacancy.
So be nice to you neighbors, for god -f/ckin sake.
BAGLIA: hey now, I get what you’re saying, but part of being “nice to your neighbors”, as you say, is to be tolerant of the locals who have made this great neighborhood what it is and kept it a nice place to live all these years. seems like you may have had some bad experience with some people, as I did when i first moved here back in the day, but that happens whenever someone is a newcomer in any group, it’s natural.
that being said i agree that a lot of older people overlook these kinds of faults in order to blame newcomers for everything. i’ve seen people on this site blaming the crowded 7 train on the “newcomers” by which they mean yuppies but they “forget” that the population along the whole 7 line has been exploding for years due to increased immigration, but of course now it’s just the yuppie’s fault. and they always complain about “trust-fund kids” but if the new kids had a trust-fund then THEY WOULDN’T BE RIDING THE 7 AT RUSH HOUR!! lots of people just don’t listen to themselves and they don’t like any kind of change, don’t take it personally. this is queens, remember, doanworryboutit
About time condos go up in Sunnyside.
Sure won’t miss that piece of shit pharmacy’s crackhead owner!!!
so i did my paper on gentrification last semester in college.And like other areas in New York, Sunnyside is affected by it. Not only are long time residents are hurting but also smaller businesses. what about the children who are forced to leave with their parents that can not afford rent. Now the child is affected by this plague. They are placed out of their comfort zone and their friends. study shows those children are less likely to show more progress than those unaffected. i saw blame the community board for allowing this to happen. as for politics they are only interested in Sunnyside for Profit. Not the hard working people who lived and love sunnyside.
I take it you go to college on the short bus.
Thank you ray!! In the 90s my wife and I both worked 2 jobs and now we own two properties here. I always loved this neighborhood and am excited for what’s next. To the people complaining about cost and congestion, I agree prices are getting ridiculous, but do a reality check….if you wanna live in one of the biggest cities in the entire world GUESS WHAT…its gonna be expensive and crowded!!! If you don’t like it move to Long Island like everyone else did back in the 70s!!!
Thanks Ray! Back in the 90s my wife and I both worked two jobs and were able to buy two properties here. Ive always loved this neighborhood and am happy to see what comes next. To the people complaining about cost and congestion, I agree prices are getting ridiculous, but if you want to live in one of the biggest and best cities in the world GUESS WHAT, its gonna be expensive and crowded!!!
As a multiple property owner in sunnyside, all I see is $$$$$$. Love it. Back when no one wanted to invest here, I worked double shifts and was able to save money to buy.
Same here. Put up and take control of your own fate or hang around and wait for handouts (a la Ruben). Nothing wrong with the latter, just don’t complain if it doesn’t work out.
Do you own apartments, house or business?
Yeah Dave’s isn’t the best but Dunkin Donuts and the supermarket bagels stink compared to Dave’s. Especially if you get them fresh out of the oven, mmmmmmmmm.
Wait, no, not the bagel place. I really want to go there!!
Bravo MK. If you’re under 80 lets meet. I like what you have to say.
I’ve been in this city for 40 years and this has happened to every neighborhood I’ve lived in. It seems like nobody in Sunnyside was expecting it, which is unfortunate. But don’t lose sight of what the real problem is: absentee landlords and rich real estate people who don’t care anything about your neighborhood, or any neighborhood. And you know what? They WANT you to blame the newcomers that move into their ugly new buildings. They LOVE IT when you give them dirty looks at the Key Foods. They’re SO HAPPY you hate their skinny jeans. Because when you blame “newcomers”, you don’t notice who is really in control. It’s a divide and conquer game, just like capitalism always has been. Get all the poor schmucks to hate each other and no one will notice who the real oppressor is.
The management company that runs your building, that never fixes your leaks, that won’t come get rid of the roaches, but they keep raising your rent every year…have you ever even seen them? Have they even been to this neighborhood ever?? Or do they just send teams of undocumented workers that they pay $2/hr and force them to work 14 hours a day?? Do you think your landlord cares about you even a little bit? NO! They don’t care if you live or die, they just want your money and they’ll do anything to get a little more of it. They will literally destroy your entire building and throw you and your neighbors into the street if it means they could make $400 more on rent when it’s rebuilt. And yet it’s always the newcomers’ fault. Always the young kids who are just looking for a place to live.
I was that newcomer in the UWS in the ’70s and now nobody even remembers what it was like before. The only thing I’ve learned is that no one gets to “own” a neighborhood, even if you’ve lived in the same apartment for 70 years. Change is always sad, but it’s inevitable too. Just remember that when you’re lamenting the good old days, make sure you’re blaming the right people.
pretty crazy how the neighborhood is changing at such an alarming place. first the corner on green point/queens blvd, then the movie theater’s corner, and now this place? pretty soon sunnyside will no longer be a working class neighborhood.
What you don’t understand is that some people are never, ever in the position to buy. We would have bought long ago if we could have. So we are now living out the lie that everyone is important to the community. No, we are not. We are as expendable as the leaves on the trees. And that is the cruelty of capitalism. Many, many people don’t play that game well. And today’s economic brutality is killing us off.
That’s hard to believe when growing up in a family that came to this country with absolutely nothing – literally a dollar from living on the streets – watching your parents sacrifice themselves to eventually become home and property owners, allowing us kids to pursue white collar careers.
I’ll always shade to the liberal end of the spectrum, but some of the self lament on this board is out of control.
Then “Oh, Boy” unfortunately this is not the place for them to live. I would like to live on 5th Avenue with a view of the park and a doorman white glove building but alas that is not to be. So I live in the best neighborhood I can afford and if and when I can no longer afford it I will move on. No one has the right to say I can’t afford to pay any more so I should not be charged more!
STOP denying that this neighborhood is and has been in major flux over the last decade and will undoubtedly change in great form from what your parents and grandparents once knew of it. NO MORE are people seeking SS for its diminishing small town charm. My dad’s uncle grew up in SS and his family always said how different it was from the city – how it was a small town community in the big city. . Sure, it still resembles some of that, but compare SS now to 50 yrs ago, it is totally already devolpmentally different folks! Everything is relative, but the once small town feel of this place has been gone in my opinion. Still charming in many aspects, but you’d have to go much further east (further least of even Bayside) for that truly small town, know-everybody feel.
The best advice to those who hate what the neighborhood is becoming and who rent in unaffordable housing: move now and try to buy somewhere east of here (if NJ and Hudson Valley is too far) that will serve as an investment or (in the case of renting) an improvement in your small community living.
After all, Queens is still in the big apple and its recycling value is on the upswing, not down. If you are true blood to the hood, get smart and buy. Landlord yourself for generations.
I don’t think there is a town ANYWHERE that hasn’t changed in the last 50 Years!! Owning is the answer and the american dream. Its too bad for those who did not take advantage of owning in the 80’s and 90’s when prices were affordable. Because they didn’t act when they should have and took the easy way out they should not be complain of change and being priced out now.
its ugly though
IMHO, parts of Sunnyside are very pretty, especially a block or two off the main streets. Stretches of Skillman are lovely and most of streets in the Gardens are nice too.
Agreed but queens blvd in general is very dry and ugly needs more pizazz 😉
Fearing change is a sad way to live, change is inevitable. This neighborhood is lovely but can use improvements, as all neighborhoods could.
I feel badly for the illegal immigrants working at Dave’s but his bagels are terrible.
Where do you buy bagels that are better around here?
You people complaining about new crowds don’t know a thing. I’ve lived here for 50 years, this neighborhood used to be busy all day long with people, it’s died down quite a bit. Greenpoint was a lot more crowded in the 1980’s than it is now.
I do agree that the rent prices are now crazy. When I used to say Woodside or Sunnyside, no one every knew where that was, until about 20 years ago. A lot of people from the tech and finance industries first took up spots in Astoria, then they spread to LIC by LaGuardia, and then it came this way. The Big 6 building area is just too far and isolated for these types of folks. Forget about what’s going on by the Queens malls…. what a mess.
The Queens Mall area is starting to look and feel like the city in Blade Runner.
This is what I don’t understand, how would building condos on what is currently a commercial property equate to “less for the working people”?
Will the people who live in these condos (if that ends up being what this space is used for) not have jobs and pay taxes? If they aren’t all unemployed and actually have jobs wouldn’t an apartment located in Sunnyside be beneficial to them? What if the street level of this building is used as a commercial space that ends up employing dozens of Sunnyside residents? Wouldn’t that be benifical to all those working folks?
This Idea that all change is a bad thing is a horrible outlook to have for us as a neighborhood. Remember, Without change there is no progress.
Oh and you know what also seems to come with high cost real estate? A stronger police presence in that neighborhood and a public transportation system that doesn’t get shut down every other weekend (causing lots of problems for people trying to get to work). I know that it’s not fair and seems wrong but the truth of the matter is the more $ people spend on living here the louder Their voices will be heard when it comes to getting things done that will benefit the entire neighborhood from stay at home parents to Wall Street tycoons.
Well Said Boyd Rice! I couldn’t agree more!
Mary Kate: can you put a little better picture of yourself up. You look a little pale in this one.
You look a little pale too. LOL! Maybe we can get a tan on the rooftop decks of one of the new buildings
you sir are delusional and part of the problem. What you haven’t been getting is that this neighborhood doesn’t NEED change. it never did, it was fine. This isn’t change, this is the result of politicians pushing Sunnyside to be a hip place to live and thus bumping up the rents.
Sunnyside hasn’t gotten any real good stores for the neighborhood through all this development. In fact the opposite has happened, long time stores that served this community have left. Why? Because money isn’t being spent HERE. only RENT.
I’m happy to be planning my move out of Sunnyside, the visitors who want to call this place home are welcome to it. They’ll be out in 6 months anyway.
Just get on with the move. you have been talking about it for years already!
I’m waiting for my building to buy me out so I can leave laughing my ass off.
Another pillar of the community we need more of…
Aren’t you benefiting as an owner from others desiring to live in Sunnyside? Why so much complaining
It will be a saggy ass by the time that happens
I hope they never do!! You don’t deserve to profit off someone else’s risk and hard work. You are the exact problem of Rent Stabilization laws. Sitting back and waiting to be given a hand out while doing nothing. I hope your landlord laughs his ass off and gives you NOTHING
You have hit the nail on the head. The people moving in have no idea what they are destroying. They are pawns of the market. The place did not need to change, powerful interests saw a way to make money, put all the pieces and place and these poor souls have taken the bait and are making others rich at the expense of those of us who used to love the place. We are all pawns. It is time to go. The heart is dead already.
Without new blood and money neighborhoods suffer.
If the new blood doesn’t spend their money here, then the only ones who profit are the landlords.
Good bye.
Good Bye. And don’t come back.
You are a patronizing idiot, you know that? Not worth talking to.
Bring on the development… keep it coming.
More ugly condos for wealthy people. Less for working people.
Thanks politicians.
Here come the condos!!!
We lost a valuable hardware store, a bagel shop and more.
The bagels are terrible. It’s a dirty store. There are many other hardware and drug stores. No big deal unless you’re Dave.
They’re not the best bagels but where can you get better ones around here? The supermarket bagels are pretty poor quality. At least Dave’s are genuine.
All the developers want to build residential buildings but it seems no one wants to continue adding any retail space. This neighborhood will get even more congested and overpriced.
Sad to think what Sunnyside once was to what it is becoming.
Why do we need more retail space? Storefront shopping is a thing of the past. We already have an over-abundance of certain stores that have low overhead, but we’ve seen quite a few businesses fail. I do not like seeing vacancies, and we have a few already. More retail space? How will that solve any problems?
Actually, according to the zoning laws I read in 2011/2012, any new buildings on Queens Blvd, Greenpoint and 43 Ave must include retail space. I don’t remember if it must be the same square footage as is currently in place
It just won’t be filled. How many businesses have left due to rising rents on the boulevard and are still sitting empty?
The problem isn’t lack of demand from customers or willingness of businesses to open. It’s the insanely high commercial prices.
My point exactly. The established businesses aren’t able to stay.
Without Dave bagels, where to go?!
Thanks for thinking so! If you and your kind liked me I’d be worried!
Open your mouth and prove them right! Good for you.
Chill you are a loser
I feel bad for the nice people working at Dave’s. They’ll most likely be losing their jobs!
Boyd Rice, you are a jerk.
This neighborhood is going to change so much. Its going to be congested and who knows what type of people are going to move in. So far on 41st street where CVS is there are a lot of dog owners who live in that fairly new building who use Sunnyside streets as dog toilets. They don’t pick up after their dog. I watch the same owners pretend they don’t see their do poop and walk away.
Wow! Its only the dog owners in the “New” building that don’t pick up after their dog?!?! None of the people living in the crappy old buildings on that side of the boulevard do that?? Those pillars of society I see coming out of some of the older run down buildings with huge Pit Bulls follow all the rules of polite society I am sure! please!!!!!!!!!!
Enough with the bashing of anyone who hasn’t lived here since birth. Its getting old already. Sunnyside is as congested as parts of Manhattan. It always was. All these buildings didn’t spring up overnight and a few more are not going to so dramatically change things. Maybe with more supply the prices will come down for all of us. Except those of you paying pennies on the dollar for your apartment, which is who I suspect are doing most of the posting here!
Mary Kate: I’m interested in dating you. Let’s meet.
You seem to be pretty silly. This neighborhood was affordable UNTIL all the new buildings started going up. The new buildings created the demand because they are all luxury. So, it is more complicated than you are able to see or admit. Don’t play shill for people who are much, much more sophisticated market manipulators than you can even imagine. And DON’T be an ugly newcomer who resents people who for whatever reason lived here before you did and liked it before anyone noticed the neighborhood and started promoting it. You make yourself a pawn by doing so.
You are the one who seems pretty silly Chill!!. I do not resent the people who lived here before me. Most are wonderful people full of wisdom and should be cherished. I resent the negative people on this blog who constantly whine about things changing. There is not a town or neighborhood in any city anywhere that has not changed in the last 10, 20, 30 or even 50 years! why don’t we bring back the horse and pony and cold water tenaments with the tub in the kitchens and the bathroom down the hall to be shared by all families. Oh the good old days!!!!!!!!
Er, none of them are luxury. They are just newer than pre-war. Normal people are getting priced out of other neighborhoods and are moving into a smaller, more affordable, lesser known neighborhoods like Sunnyside. I’m sure its the same reason you or or your parents or grandparents did the same when they moved to the area.
It’s basic economics.
And you know this how mememe?? Anything recently built in this neighbor is certain luxurious compared to the rat and roach infested 100 year old buildings in this hood
But but but…. that hardware store is a pillar of this community (even though I recall them being against Molly Blooms holding a gay wedding reception a few years back)!!! When is the save the hardware store protest? Will the dog be there?
pretty sure it was the other hardware store on queens blvd that stated their disapproval.
I’ll go back and check the original Sunnyside post article but I thought this was the store..
It was the one next to bliss salon that’s anti gay
Since you libeled this hardware store, you should apologize, right?
Glad I don’t live over that way. Way, way too crowded now and getting worse all the time.
they should build a nice big condo. i mean, who doesnt enjoy hearing the screeching and banging of the 7 train passing every 5 minutes every…single…day? all sarcasm aside, it will likely bring up the property values in the area, so thanks!
At least they won’t have to hear the 7 train on weekends – or during rush hour – or when it snows – or when it rains – or a sunny afternoon.