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Queens Blvd Auto Parts Store to be Razed, Development Looks Imminent


April 17, 2015 Staff Report

Another large residential development is likely to come to Queens Blvd—this one near the Big Six Towers in Woodside.

A demolition permit was filed with the Department of Buildings earlier this month to raze a one-story auto parts shop located at 64-06 Queens Blvd.

The permit comes just two months after Queens Blvd Ventures bought the site for $5 million off Romano Holdings, according to city records.

The location was previously an Auto Barn, which appears to have been shuttered.

The company that bought the property has not yet filed with the Dept. of Buildings to erect a new structure. However, the site is zoned R7X, which would permit a large residential building to be built there.


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hipster$ are making me rich!!

awwwww!! so cute!! little guy looks like he needs a stepping stool to reach the high parts!!

Anonymous Visitor

Oh my morally challenged Rikki, So you are also a racist. Good to know you are not just a homophobe. let’s see what other group you can piss off with your next post


the truth hurts oh well……..with a safety rating of 5 out of 100 do you really want to live there? 20 years ago i would have moved there..

Anonymous Visitor

Wow Rikki You actually took the time to research Wilmington NC………What a loser………….

Concerned Hipster

Rikki. Oh, Rikki, Rikki, Rikki. The war you wage against everything.


You all sound like morons. The guy who is going to profit from his investment. Good for you, you got lucky. Not everyone is going to agree on development. Some like it some dont. Hipsters move in, thats life. But if you want development so your property value increases,dont complain when the prices. When you walk in a bar and its $12 for a bud, or $20 for a burger,dont cry,your property went up. Also hipsters dont support the places,they want a $2 can of pbr. They live 5 in an apartment because the rent is so high. Im for deveopement, im just not for overdevelopement. I dont care who moves in as long as their good for the neighborhood. I feel bad for the little guy, the mom and pop ,family places, who worked hard for years and are about to get run out by rents that are astronomical. We have subway sandwich shops, big corps running everything. Thats the sad thing,overdevelopement ruins the closeness of the community. I like knowing the deli owner,the pub owner,having that closeness,looking out for one and another. Now you dont even know who lives in your building. Double edge sword i guess


Shut up…your probably living in a basment apartment that smells like feet you broke ass hipster. (overdevelopement ruins the closeness of the community) LMAO


cool build build build its no where near a subway…no worries about the 7 train…..guess they will have to add more q60 buses..

hipster$ are making me rich!!

nice, keep the bearded ones coming!
Wake me up when m coops worth a cool mil,


Didn’t anyone ever tell you gloating is unattractive behavior. Glad you are benefitting from something, but, please, the crowing is very ugly.

Anonymous Visitor

Gloria…………..Oh please…….they are finding new residential uses for local eyesores and I am happy about that………….Oh the horror!!!! I happened to scrimp and save to by a house in the neighborhood that is worth more money now because the area is definitely doing better than it was when I bought here and HOW DARE I be happy about that?!?!? Your bitterness is what I find so ugly and unattractive………How sad for you!!!! It must be so exhausting trying to hold on to the past when the whole city is moving forward

Anonymous Visitor

Great! That area needs to be redeveloped!! I am so happy all these new buildings are coming to the area. It only makes mine worth more!!

Anonymous Visitor

And you are an idiot. Call me whatever names you want but change is still coming……….deal with it or move away.

El loco

Actually you are the moron because you can’t spell. I guess repeating 5th grade wasn’t enough.


Learning to spell in 5th grade??? Really? Where did you attend school? LMAO…the irony!


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