Sept. 30, 2010 By Christian Murray
No, it was not the Beatles arriving in America. But it sure seemed like it.
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer was greeted like a rock star when he walked into the auditorium at PS 150 on Tuesday night, as nearly 200 parents, teachers and administrators celebrated the restoration of $295,000 in funds that will keep PS 150’s after-school program going.
The after-school program’s very existence was in doubt earlier this year when the city announced that it would cut its funding. At the time, Van Bramer went to the school and assured concerned parents and teachers that he would fight to ensure the funds remained in tact.
But last night the once-solemn mood had given way to jubilation. There were signs posted on the walls – or held aloft by the children – that read: “Jimmy Rocks”, “Thank you Jimmy” and “Jimbo”.
More than 200 local students from kindergarten through sixth grade are involved in the after-school program at PS150, which is run by Sunnyside Community Services (SCS). From Monday to Friday, the after-school program provides children with time to complete their homework and enjoy a variety of extra curricular activities.
Carmen Parache, the school principal, praised Van Bramer. “He has entered our school not only with monetary support, but he has touched us in special ways. He sees what we are doing as a community…and he believes our school is achieving.”
Van Bramer was presented with gifts from the children. In response, Van Bramer said, “All the kids are so excited to be at PS150 and at after-school. I don’t know what you are feeding the kids.”
However, in a more serious tone, he said: “After school programs provide an invaluable resource for our communities.”
Van Bramer added that, “Continuing to fund the everyday programs that truly make a difference in our children’s lives is a top priority. I am pleased my colleagues and I in the New York City council were able to secure the funding necessary.”
Representatives from SCS were on hand to thank Van Bramer as well.
“We’re all happy,” one parent said. “When the program was cut, my daughter couldn’t sleep at night. I’m so happy everyone pulled together and worked so hard to get the funding restored.”
I hear that Long Island City Kids,, has a great afterschool and preschool programs.
Gimme a break, Get to the Point. My tax dollars don’t magically spread from my bank account to various projects around the city. Someone has to decide where it goes and when they’re doing a good job with it we should note it.
The guy did a good thing.
Thank the tax payers, not the politicians.
Because of your web site the entire woodside /sunnyside area get to know up to date news abouit our little town that is so fantastic. As a tax paper and caring aboiut our town your site gives fast desivery of all the news good news and bad news that is needed so badly. Keep up your great work effort.You gave us the strory months ago about ps150 now we get the great results of our news concilman doing a great jpob for our town. Kinda glad I voted for him