Photo: QueensPost
July 18, 2010 Staff Report
Students from PS 125 took a graffiti-ridden wall alongside Bank of America and turned it into a mural that best represents the character of their school. The wall was completed before summer break.
This mural depicts how children from all different races and nationalities come together and study at PS 125. The wall is located on 46th Street, literally one block from the school.
Hah. No graffiti is all over it again. Nice work.
The children did the art themselves, which one can determine from reading the report. Apparently your brain is the one with the rot.
Move out of our neighborhood, anonymous coward, and, while you’re at it, stop pretending that your objection to this mural isn’t also a reflection of your racism.
Sure and you’re no “Michael Collins” if you approve of the public schools’ rotting the childrens’ brains with crap for art.
Sure, “anon”, painting over a wall with illegal graffiti and providing a positive creative outlet for Sunnyside and Woodside’s schoolchildren constitutes a “blight on the neighborhood.” Sounds like it’s time for you to move out; to find your new place, I’d advise checking the real estate listings under “Housing for Cynical and Miserable Bastards”.
This “mural” is legalized graffiti and a blight on the neighborhood.