Juan Ardila won the Democratic primary for the 37th District Assembly Race (Photo by Michael Dorgan, Queens Post)
June 29, 2022 By Czarinna Andres
Juan Ardila, a Maspeth native and the only progressive in the race, has won the Democratic primary for the Assembly District 37 seat that covers Long Island City, Maspeth, Ridgewood and Sunnyside.
Ardila, who was backed by a number of high-profile progressives such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, won 44 percent of the vote in a race where the three other more-moderate candidates split the vote.
Brent O’Leary brought in 26 percent of the vote; Johanna Carmona 20 percent; and Jim Magee 10 percent.
The candidates were vying for a vacant seat that Assembly Member Cathy Nolan has held for 37 years. Nolan announced earlier this year that she is retiring and did not seek re-election.

Juan Ardila wins the Democratic primary for the 37th Assembly District with 44 percent of the vote (Source: Board of Elections)
Ardila, a staffer at the Legal Aid Society who had worked in Brad Lander’s council office, ran a campaign focused on issues such as affordable housing and climate change.
“I’m running for State Assembly because Queens residents deserve affordable housing, improved public transit, and a plan to combat climate change,” he said when he announced his run. “In Albany, I will be a champion for our seniors, our workers, and our tenants. I am excited to fight for a better future for all New Yorkers.”
Ardila had an impressive list of endorsements including Ocasio-Cortez, City Comptroller Brad Lander, State Senator Jessica Ramos, State Assemblywoman Catalina Cruz, City Council Members Tiffany Cabán, Shekar Krishnan and Jennifer Gutiérrez, and Queens Borough President Donovan Richards. There were many others.
He also got the backing of the New York Working Families Party, which issued a statement shortly after his victory became apparent.
“We’re thrilled to celebrate Juan Ardila’s victory tonight,” said Sochie Nnaemeka, the director of the New York Working Families Party. “Juan will be a strong voice for working families in the 37th Assembly District. Our party worked shoulder-to-shoulder with the campaign to contact voters and elevate the critical issues in this race. We’re looking forward to partnering with Juan to strengthen tenant protections, protect immigrant New Yorkers, and win guaranteed health care for all.”
The campaign had energy, with Ramos and Cruz out campaigning for him on Skillman Avenue Tuesday.
Thank you @jessicaramos for all of your support! It’s an honor to be endorsed by the Chair of the Labor Committee and we will ensure to deliver for the working class people of New York. Let’s win this race ???? #Sunnyside #Ridgewood #Maspeth #LIC #Woodside pic.twitter.com/GVoMfaNCHW
— Juan Ardila (@JuanArdilaNYC) June 28, 2022
Ardila, who unsuccessfully ran last year against Bob Holden in the Council District 30 seat, did overcome some obstacles. He was subject to negative mailers from the lobby group called Common Sense New Yorkers, which was funded by big business, that accused him of wanting to defund the police. He was also subject to criticism over his driving record—where he racked up multiple violations—and some social media postings that date back to his teenage years.
The race represented another blow for Brent O’Leary, a community organizer and attorney, who had made two other attempts to be in political office.
O’Leary, a Long Island City resident, ran unsuccessfully for city council last year as well as in 2008.
He came to the race with a long history of community organizing in the area. He formed the Hunters Point Civic Association a decade ago and is a member of the Sunnyside Kiwanis and the Long Island City Lions Club. He is also the board president at Woodside On the Move.
But O’Leary was one of three moderates running in the race.
Carmona, an attorney and lifelong Sunnysider, fared well for a political newcomer. She had the backing of Nolan, the Ridgewood Democratic Club, as well as from Rep. Gregory Meeks and a number of assemblymembers from across the city. She was also supported by the Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York.
Meanwhile, Magee, a private practice attorney and also a political newcomer, called for the bail reform laws to be changed and for taxing the wealthy as a means to address the disparity in the state. The lifelong Sunnysider issued a statement late last night.
“I’ve called Juan Ardila and congratulated him on a well-earned victory. And Johanna Carmona and Brent O’Leary on a hard-fought race.”
Juan Ardila, was the only Candidate who Stood up at Queens Housing Court for a Tenant from Sunnyside, Bill K. who is being unfairly Evicted, because he Complained about Vermin in his Apartment??
Even though, all the other Candidates said, they are Life Long Sunnyside Residents. In Addition one said, She’s a Long Time Tenant!
So, where were they on the Day that Bill had to go to Court??
None of them Supported him!?
NOT Even Catholic Migration Services, which has an Office in Sunnyside and has Tenant Attorneys?? And Didn’t this Non-Profit Agency just Receive $75,000.00 from City Council Member: Julie Won’s Office ?
The Only one was Juan Ardila and Met Council of NYC.
You Can see it on Instagram and Facebook, before the Primary Elections, their Support of Bill K, who has Lived in his Apartment for 20 years, Always Paid his Rent on Time and who’s a Veteran.
Thank you Met Council of NYC and Juan Ardila for your Support of Bill??
And Juan, Congratulations on your Victory!!
Nisa darling you’re only seeing what you want to see.
Was it on the news that Bill needed help? Did Bill ask for help? Who is Bill? Juan was at queens housing court because he works as a legal aid assistant. He didn’t have to go out of his way. I’m sure if Bill had reached out and asked for help – the actual qualified candidates would have stood up for him. Juan helped Bill because it was convenient for him and the race. Had Bill been from another area he wouldn’t have had anything. So where were the other candidates??? Jim and Johanna were multitasking and doing their actual jobs as Lawyers for people all around the city and state- not just the convenient one for them. And who knows where Brent was, but he was definitely working his *** off to help the community as a whole. Neither were off threatening and bribing democrats.
“WhErE iS thE prOoF?” – when the other candidates asked to meet with the tenants they were denied because Juan made them sign contracts that they would only adhere to him and if so he would help. He claimed not to get real estate money but please, I invite you to look at his public filing. He supports ADUs and is a phony. Following Jimbos steps of saying “Yes” or “No” to those that want to hear it.
Where was Juan to defend immigration and Latinos in Maspeth? So much for “working families”. Where was Juan in woodside, sunnyside and LIC during covid to help the open kitchens and organizations? Oh, that’s right- running for office in his actual district, where he should have stayed. He ran away.
Everyone claims he didn’t give up and worked hard- but he did give up. He gave up on his district and his community. Why? Because Him and all his AOC minions are all racist. Cause yes- talking down to caucasians and making caucasians feel invaluable is also racist.
He didn’t work hard for this. He had other people work for him. Ramos Cruz and AOC did this for him. I used to respect them but after seeing the way they disrespected and talked down the other candidates I am disgusted by them.
Where was Juan during the safety forum? Leaving because he was embarrassed the community was upset about the ratchet party he threw with their fancy cars bought by WFP.
Where was Juan when there were budget cuts happening at our local schools? Pretending to care about UPK programs that are actually not available to all? Pasting his name on upk expansions when in fact he hasn’t done anything? He doesn’t care about education because he doesn’t care about our public schools. He only believes in Charter- you need to have an open mind and give the same effort for every child gettin g an education regardless of the establishments government or religion.
Juan literally paid tenants to vote for him and his team was disgusting and deceiving. Did he pay you to write this post too? Did AOC send you a blast text that made you feel compelled to follow your
Majesty because you don’t have a mind of your own?
The only bright side I see from all this is the imaginary money he’ll be throwing at agencies for clout, but that unfortunately the community and workers will never actually see.
Have fun with extra bike lanes, criminals and lack of NYPD and school safety. The road will be open for Juan tho to zoom down in his Audi I’m sure.
According to state records, there are 43,456 active enrolled Democrats in Assembly District 37, yet only 7,693 bothered to vote in this primary (still the unofficial count, and Absentee votes count too).
That’s pitiful.
Flee Sunnyside. Run for your lives.
You all were excited about Dermot Shea. How well did that work for everyone? Riots, looting, rise in crime and shootings, etc. all under his watch while he stood next to deblasio and did not say much. Last i heard Shea joined real estate firm. Doubt he cares what Sunnyside thinks. I am giving Juan a chance!
Confused. The headline says that Ardila won the seat, but the topic sentence states that this was a primary. Is no other candidate running for the general election in November?
A Republican candidate would be needed to run against him and no one has stepped up.
Trump’s Party is Treason’s Party.
you make zero sense. as always. what does trump have to do with this election?
Trumps a Republican and is figuratively the head of the party. That’s what Trump has to with it.
A whole lot. People in heavily populated states are leaning towards liberal democrats and progressives. I do not blame them. People need help. The cost of living is skyrocketing and that hits people more personally. Its the fault of the government but people for now want to make it about race and class. Blaming whites and rich folks for out struggles. My house insurance bill just arrived and its 500 dollars more than last year. Ridiculous. Taxes are over 10 grand and Gov kathy sends me a check for 300 dollars as aid. Lower my taxes and then maybe ill vote for you.
got mail from this bozo every day, mail said aoc endorses him, tossed it all in the trash.
I tossed in the trash also. My neighbor posted hers on her window and front door. I guessed we both voted for Juan. He won..get over it.
Even lower turnout in NYC and across the state this time. Less than 7,700 registered Democrats in the 37th Assembly District voted in this Democratic primary race. In the 2020 primary, Nolan won almost 48% of the total vote of 13,735.
thats because many voters are registered as independent. the undemocratic democruds have put a policy in place that does not let us vote, as i found out this week when i was turned away. they always cheat to keep power. many other states allow independents to vote in primaries.
It’s not cheating, and the Republican Party primary is also only open to registered Republicans. New York State has had a closed-primary system for a very long time, and nine other states have closed-primary elections — meaning only registered party members can participate in a political party’s primary. Voting rules are found at elections.ny.gov
Independents are not a part of the democratic or republican parties therefore shouldn’t have a voice in who the party sends to the general election. Their voice is heard in the general election.
Since the number of registered Democrats vastly outnumber the number of registered Republicans, the primaries ARE the election. Join the Democratic Party if you want a say in who the Democratic candidates are.
How did the dems cheat
you out of your vote?
You don’t know the minimum definition of “cheat.”
Primary elections are basically run by each certified political party to select the candidates that represent that party.
Would you like it if a Republican or a Conservative won the Democratic Primary? No! You would have gone nuts!
Some states such as screwed up California have “”Open” primaries. New York State has “Closed” primaries. Not “cheating” at all. Just politics.
People tend to stay home when they do not support or like any of the candidates from a primary or election. That’s how De Blasio won two terms. Progressives take the time to vote either on election day or mail in ballet. AOCs run was so organized going door to door seeking young adults and all minorities. Every campaign worker that came to my house asking to speak with my 18 yr old daughter was around 20 something. Even leaving their cell phone numbers when i told them she wasnt hone and they even had the nerve to ask me if any other young folks or minorities lived in the building because i was being nice to them. They go after the people who do not typically vote in an election. That’s how you win.
So last year we voted in Julie Won and this year Juan Ardila – both leftists supported by Transportation Alternatives. The people who once mattered, the Sunnyside Chamber, Patricia Dorfman, angry Irish pub and cafe owners, Melissa Orlando and dumb as a rock Manny Gomez don’t matter anymore. No one cares what they think about anything!
Jim Magee, with all the identity politics going about, you should have sat this out..
What do you mean?
Wouldn’t have helped you either, O’Leary.
I don’t know what you mean by identity politics.
I felt like that I had a responsibility to run. I’d never run before and I wasn’t looking to start a political career. The other candidates, all of whom I respect, were in favor of the bail reform. Ive worked in criminal justice for 15 years. I was a liberal prosecutor and I am a very effective defense attorney. But I felt that aside from the danger to the public, Defendants are no longer getting the mental health and addiction treatment that they need. The district deserved the chance to weigh in on that because it had never been debated and voted on.
Well, now it has. And the district disagrees with me. I am disappointed. This is my home. I think that I would have been very good at the job. But I don’t regret running, I did my best and it was a pleasure. I met a lot of nice people, including my opponents. I am to spending evenings with my family and days at my law practice. I will see everyone around the neighborhood.
Jim, you had every right to run. The imposter GW is still stealing my name.
Good. I’m glad you ran, even though I disagree with you. Good luck going forward.
Jim- I thought you were the most qualified and I believe that you recognized a problem with the system and wanted to help address it. Thank you for that. If you run as an independent I’ll vote for you.
Thank you for that. I appreciate it. I’ve been a little embarrassed since last week.
I feel like these problems (mental health, addiction, wealth disparity) are very clear and that New York is in a wonderful position to serve as a model for the nation.
It would have really bothered me if I hadn’t even tried.
“I don’t know what you mean by identity politics.” You just summed up why you lost. People either need to wake up or stop playing stupid.
if you really felt you had such a responsibility to run, you should have at least run as another party candidate to not split up the votes.
Huge mistake. He literally had no concrete plans or visions. He was handily and rightfully beat by Holden last election. I don’t understand why we voted in someone who just works to further his and AOC’s political career instead of people who lived in this community and know it and it’s people.
WTF, his claim to fame was his mother almost got deported. Sign of the times. We will see further decay of our neighborhood, district when a candidate like this is selected to represent the democratic line. I’m a life long Democrat faithful to the party but this is the straw that broke the camels back.
I’m just here for the boomer tears
I’m in my 20’s and absolutely see the lunacy of the far left. There are plenty more like me who also starting to see past the lies of progressive snakes and we will come out in force to vote them out…fed up with soft on crime policies, fed up with anti business, and anti small homeowner rhetoric.
Concerned Citizen- Don’t forget all those massacred in schools and churches.
“Lunacy”? What twenty something uses that word? Hahaha The power of Republican propaganda turning people into robots.
God forbid someone have a vocabulary.
Alex- Vocabulary is only one piece of the story it’s more about an individual’s unique use of language, including speech. This unique usage encompasses vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. It’s called “idiolect” and it is the variety of language unique to an individual, group, demographic etc..When investigators analyze writings this is one of the methods used to isolate and identify. Using these methods we know the person who published that particular comment is more than likely older. I guess you lost the money for your phony baloney posting.
Democrats bigly lack grammar skills
HAS Alex
When will you come out in force exactly? Please do let us know. You guys lose every election in Western Queens.
Curious: how would you compare the lunacy of the far left and the far right?
Far right: anti democracy, big lie, bent on climate destruction, anti vax.
Far left: what?
I don’t care who the Republicans put up as a candidate, he, she or they has my vote over this skell. This guy must remind the socialists of Che, he had similar views on the races and homosexuality.
Republicans are anti-democracy.
They are bat-$hit crazies like that wart, Andrew Giuliani. Event the more “moderate” candidate for governor they ran refuses to acknowledge that Trump lost. They are not worth of your vote at any level.
Dig in and push the democrats in the direction you want them to go. Voting republican is voting for treason.
i’m voting for Joey for another 4 years so i can see him trip and fall over himself a few more times. the liberals have destroyed comedy so this is all i’ve got.
Interesting opinion, but let’s look at facts. LOCALLY, there hasn’t been a Republican in office in quite some time. On the OTHER hand, Democrats, liberals and progressives, have proven to ruin both Woodside and Sunnyside over the last 2 decades.
Truth is, liberals are self-hating individuals who can’t take accountability. Blame Republicans, but for what? Republicans hold no local political power, so the only logic is to blame those currently in office.
When there’s a local Republican in office, then there will be an opportunity to discuss. Until then, all this chaos and crime is AOC’s fault.
Blame them for TREASON. January 6 was an effing coup attempt. Nationwide they continue the big lie and are working as we speak to subvert democracy. They no longer believe in it. The Republican Party, as it is now, is a hothouse of absolute crazy and they are not worthy of your vote at any level national they purge the insanity—worse—the deliberate attempt to destroy our democracy—from their ranks.
Everything is fine. Don’t worry. It’s not a race, it’s a marathon. The progressives in nyc take over the democratic party. Well, that means independents and moderates, as well as right-leaving folks, will find other avenues. Finally, victory of the progressives means that either a) Sunnyside is full of young millenials or b) people really like the changes they propose. The moment progressives will turn oppressive and totalitarian or their members will start effing up, tide will change, pendulum will swing right. Happened before, will happen again.
My final point is this: look at Florida and Texas, it’s not a coincidence these places turn “red”… a lot of frustrated northeastern votes move there for lower taxes and right-wing politics. Whoever stays behind votes for Ardilla
If it a choice between free healthcare, food or lower rent…everything else goes out the window. People want to hear that they might get things for free and a good i am a victim story and they will vite for them locally. I mean who cares about bail reform when your bills might decrease and have more food in the fridge.
The Latino population in Queens has exploded over the last two decades, and it is prompting a coming of age in Latino political representation in the borough. If current trends continue, Queens may become another center of Latino political power in the City of New York, alongside the Bronx.
Really worked out well for the Bronx all those years , eh? All that Latino political power must’ve created a shining beacon there. What, it didn’t?! That’s because identity politics does nothing for the voters , only the politicians.
Bill is correct. Nothing will change for anybody with these people in power but their pocket books.
There’s a great campaign slogan. “Help Make Queens Just Like The Bronx”. We’re on our way there with the “progressive” imbeciles that keep getting elected. Vote progressive, they give you free stuff.
I’ll be voting for the Republican and not Ardila.
AOC really let us down this time.
Complete hypocrisy.
Republicans don’t believe in democracy any more. Be careful what you wish for. I’ll take AOC over that orange TRAITOR and his ilk all day long.
AOC betrayed progressives with this endorsement. Why was this guy endorsed with his history of hate and allowed to run? Why does he get a second chance but if a Republican said what he said, AOC would try to get them fired.
Seriously, it’s Queens, They couldn’t find anybody better than Ardila?
Completely let down.
Just move already. We are here to stay and our voices will be heard. Rise my people!!
More like LUNATIC.
First Timer— There won’t be a Republican challenger on the Nov. ballot. You can write-in a candidate or just leave that line blank.
Congrats to Juan. This was always his race to lose against relatively weak and/or unheralded opposition. Legal Aid’s loss is our gain and we will have a brilliant heir for a district that had shifted far left of Nolan in recent years.
Also, not for nothing, but THANK YOU Nicholas Berkowitz for successfully primarying Manny Gomez. While Manny never spoke in his capacity as District Leader before the community board, he would sometimes throw it in, and it was his unhinged remarks about bike lanes and Van Bramer that had me and looking out for a challenger. I don’t know Mr. Berkowitz, but am grateful Gomez and his conspiracy theories won’t have a platform locally. Glad thousands of my neighbors agreed.
Yes Nick…..another transplant. The community board is filled with transplants and settlers as opposed to actual natives that care about their neighborhood. It’s disgusting, all to follow an agenda. Call it a conspiracy theory, it’s facts.
Thousands? The unofficial tally is 2239 to 2061.
Two thousand is one thousand more than one thousand making both thousands correctly referred to as thousands. Thousands is plural for more than one thousand. Two is often referred to as a couple, and a couple thousand is thousands. Hello? Is this registering?
In all seriousness, yes, it was close. But maybe a few dozen (or dozens even) actually knew who Nicholas Berkowitz was before filling in the box. Thousands (see above) were likely disgusted with Manny’s ignorance and lodged protest votes to get him as far as possible from an elected position that would give a lunatic like him a platform. The loss stings but he does not represent the community any more. It’s over.
Also, to the disgusting “nativist” argument. Neighborhoods are made up of the people who live in them. Elections merely capture a moment in time. At this moment we have a full slate of duly elected progressive officials and a community board that reflects that. You may not be happy about it, but you could do better at accepting that they are indeed reflective of people who want to better their neighborhood, not just for themselves, but also for “natives” like yourself. With that logic you may also want to ask where your friends are from. Manny is from Colombia. Dorfman is from Alabama. Morehead is definitely not a NYC “native” either! You don’t need to have been born here to make this neighborhood a better place. That’s such a poor argument!
Spare us the condescending and nasty personal remarks, Count ‘em. But let’s do look at the current count. A total of 7,693 voted for an Assembly candidate, but only 4,335 voted in the Male District Leader race. So Berkowitz won by less than 200 votes (and congrats to him on his win), but thousands more didn’t even bother to vote in that poorly understood, unpaid position race.
Nativist is a bad argument unless you are part of gentrification. Then it is a perfectly logical point of contention.
And the tired, cranky and conservative set in Sunnyside and Woodside, led by Dorfman, Morehead and that clown Manny Gomez just keep losing. Good.
This result will put another dent in their nimby swagger…or they’ll just continue spouting angry irrelevant rambling incoherence as per usual.
Their choice to make war with the new majority is just so unnecessary and unsettling in its thinly veiled calls for discrimination and violence. This is a great community in spite of them at this point.
“…Angry irrelevant rambling incoherence…” – perfect description of Pat Dorfman, Dorothy Morehead, and that absolute joke Manny Gomez. And despite their threats, we just keep electing progressive, pro bike lane, StreetsPAC endorsed candidates! They literally have no power. Well done Sunnyside/Woodside!
You are the proverbial gong banging in the wind. An ugly sound that disturbs everyone.
Adios Cathy Nolan!
Hopefully more progressives will now flock to this district. I want to charge more for my rentals.
Landlords and progressives working together to bring gentrification and higher rents to the area. Yes this is exactly what we all signed up for. Thanks Juan
i also need to hike up on my rentals. did you see the lines in manhattan waiting to view the rentals? they clearly can afford to pay 3 times more if there’s so many that can afford $4k a month studios.
Juan won and so many working class and poor people are celebrating. Its also a big win for all our latin brothers and sisters. Racists and anti immigrants can move. Diversity is our strength. Juan never gave up. Our time is now. Some people do not understand how good it feels to have someone who looks like us represent us.
But Juan is a racist.
If diversity is our strength isn’t there room for white people.Your comments stink of racism.What about our Asian ,African American and yes our white community.
As I said this is a win for Latins. If you don’t like it move.
Win for the working class and all people of color.
Gee, Guadeloupe you sure sound like a racist to me and I will be moving.
Some of us can look beyond race and ethnic background. Hopefully you’ll get there some day.
You don’t speak for me. I am a proud Latino immigrant but I also have the awareness that Juan is a clown and all talk. Why on earth would I want someone who has no involvement in this community to represent me? just cause he looks like me? …his policies are nothing but lunacy.
Exactly! Not once did he speak for himself or give his own ideas. All he did was run around with his big ego and trolls vouching that AOC, Caban, Ramos, and Cruz endorsed him. Giving THEIR IDEAS, THEIR PLANS. He’s not his own person. A clown and a puppet.
As a white man I voted for the latina women. Does that make me a racist? or do you just use that as a weapon for anyone that disagrees with you?
Yea i saw her campaign add on this site before the election. Looked nothing like her compared to other campaign pics and articles. Cathy Nolan would of also lost to Juan. Unless your a progressive candidate you have no chance in WQS. Helps also to be be a minority ot queer.
Juan won by getting hipster transplants to vote for him – they are far far removed from the working class and much closer to the elite. As soon as the housing bubble decreases and crime becomes uncontrollable- their parents will stop paying for their rent, $10 coffee and Avocado toast and demand they come back home to Ohio, Iowa or wherever there from. The working class who have lived in NYC will then have to pick up the pieces and clean up this mess.
Hey Guadalupe, it’s fine to have people represent you that look like you, that is until they do what’s best for them and screw the people that voted them in.Good luck with Juan.
Amen amigo! As a proud Latino that also loves to use hateful language when referring to Asians, Jews, and LGBTQ things I’m proud of Juan’s first step to victory!
Ardila won? Or AOC? I was actually going to Vote for Juan until his team called me and texted me yesterday telling me that if I did not go I would get consequences. When I got to the polling, his palm card was at each booth. I did not know BOE was endorsing him too. It truly drove me away from voting for him. Shady, deceitful and quite honestly a bully.
This is a serious charge. Can you back it up with evidence? If so, please do.
but how do we report?
I guess you’d start at the NYC Board of Elections and or call the cops. But I doubt the cops will do anything. They’re too busy being pissed off at those they “protect” and “serve.”
With so many traffic violations, this guy should have not being allowed to run for anything. And of course, supported by AOC…expected.
what about his racist comments too?
For the most part POC can talk about others as they please most of the time if not all. Its the Karens and Kens that must learn to keep their mouth shut or risk being fired and cancelled.
He gets a pass. Guess why that is.
Should he be cancelled for a Facebook comment he made as teenager?
I mean if it was a white person with a deeply rooted hateful past, you all would be foaming at the mouth demanding the person to drop out…just matching the same energy.
Was Al Franken (one of our best senators) forced to resign over nothing? Absolutely. miss me with that nonsense take.
He should be cancelled because…you think doing so is wrong? “Matching the same energy” is a complicated way to say “being a hypocrite.”
You just bring it up because “you all would be?”
Don’t make everything about your identity politics, try to focus on the issues.
Those comments were made long ago. Get over it.
And for all of you who voted for him in the hopes that your living standards will rise and you will get nice clean safe affordable housing…guess what. you will be worse off in 3 years, I guarantee it. has you life improved since you voted for AOC?
C’mon Sunnysiders!! Stop voting for these far left whackos!! You made a HUGE mistake. Don’t you care about your neighborhood any longer?
Sunnysiders!! Do care!! And that is why Juan was elected. His message was clear and to the point targeting the working class and immigrant community. We want to strengthen tenant protections, protect immigrant New Yorkers, and win guaranteed health care for all.
And we boomers will hold him to his word to be a “champion for seniors.”
The two most qualified candidates got the least amount of votes. I guess the city hasn’t bottomed out yet. We need more crime more people and businesses leaving until people learn that the city has done this before and the out come was bad. Why are we doomed to repeat our mistakes and not learn from them.
@AOC- People leaving? NYC has grown by over 600,000 residents since the 2010 US Census. Conservative Upstate NY is losing population. I’m not a fan of progressives but I’m also not a fan of misinformation
People are moving back to New York City in greater numbers than they did before the pandemic. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abc7ny.com/amp/moving-to-nyc-high-prices-rental-in-new-york-city-7-on-your-side/12004208/
City has grown what type of people are moving poll that?
Legal Immigrants, young professionals, homeless and those seeking affordable housing and undocumented. There are also a bunch of people that come for the cheaper rents compared to LIC Brooklyn and Manhattan. With the abortion rights being legal in this state people are flocking here to avoid the sex strike.
Great, our community will be represented by someone who doesn’t even live in the Assembly District. I guess the new rules are anyone can represent any district regardless of where they live.
Well done voters. You get what you deserve.
Never get tired of winning!! TeamAOC all the way!!
Yes, AOC who by the way doesn’t even represent any part of the 37AD anymore. But yes let’s follow her till the end of time!
Good. But now we have to watch him and press him on his apparent hypocrisy vis-a-vis the driving behavior and traffic safety and real estate money.
For my lefty friends: Don’t get too cocky. He won on the back of divided “moderates.” He needs to really work hard to convince working class people in the area he has their best interests in mind.
The effort to roll back bail reform laws based on the crime wave is not going anywhere unless that crime wave recedes.
Also, eff those “big business” advertisers that plagued my mailbox for the last two months. You can’t buy every election, you effing vampires.
Wait till they start legalizing basements and accessory dwelling units – the real estate money will start rolling in. That plan is simply to bail out the landlords and subsidize the hipster lifestyles. Has absolutely nothing to do with helping working people.
I knew he would!! Progressive voters head to the polls while others sit home and complain. Congratulations Sunnyside!! Western Queens is the epicenter of the progressive movement in Queens. Started in Astoria and spreading throughout our diverse borough.
No dumbass, we work and don’t collect unemployment like you nor do we live off our parents money. We are not professional victims like you, we pay our fair share. Astoria used to be a safe place to live when the Greeks used to run the place.
I’m sorry, you’re wrong, Michelle is right.
First of all, having a job is not an excuse not to vote. My voters simply did not come out.
Second, the progressives who blew right by me at the poll as though I were wearing an SS uniform showed up before and after work and are employed. I obviously disagree with them that Juan will make a better representative than I would have made, but they knew who they wanted and they showed up. That’s how elections work. This attitude that the people who know what best can’t be bothered to vote is one of the silliest things I’ve read on these threads.
Really? Who holds elections in June? Right before school closes and parents have to transition between school and summer break? Record lows in turnout all across the city and state. And you blame the people? People who know the best for the city, state, country etc – their voices are never heard. Why do you think the city became a progressive hell hole. Voting for adams was a small step into the right direction for the city because at least he has some common sense. But In NYC, hard to fight the far left who have all these visions of grandeur that are not realistically attainable. And the real people who suffer are the middle class.
Summer primaries are a fairly recent phenomenon, and this year we get another one in August. So vote absentee if you prefer.
The far-left candidate Ardila probably wouldn’t have won had there not been three other, more moderate candidates in the race.
Maybe if you hadn’t run as a Democrat more independents would have vote for you. You have yourself to blame for running as a democrat not the people who didn’t vote. Many of us had no choice but to watch Juan win because we refuse to register as a democrat.
Really bad sign for the neighborhood and the city. Things just keep getting worse and worse. This city will become more and more unsafe and unloveable as the Cabans, Ardillas and others take over and espouse their radical, socialist ideas. Go Republicans.
Republicans are the party of Treason. They are deliberately trying to subvert democracy. Once upon a time there were patriots in that party. Where have they gone?
Until they disavow the Big Lie, at a minimum, they are not worthy of your vote.