Photo: QueensPost
April 4, 2013 By Christian Murray
The police are seeking the public’s help in identifying a man wanted for a Sunnyside robbery that took place in front of 45-24 40 Street on March 16, 2013.
The alleged perpetrator approached a man at 3:15 am, asked him for the time, punched him and then took his bag. The suspect fled on foot.
The suspect is described as male Hispanic in his 20’s.
The police ask those people with information to call NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS.
@isabitch & 40th dry snitching will get you nowhere in life. Just put your real name there stop being corny and hiding behind a fake user name
His time will come. Only saying that because hes going to get snitched on by one of his “friends” eventually.
Y isn’t there an article about the crooked female police officer from the 108 pct who committed suicide and shot her husband??? Politics I tell ya
Everyone likes to live life, doesn’t mean it is a virtuous one. He is being “singled out” probably because he matches the description given by the victim and seen on camera at the same place and time. If that isn’t enough to raise some flags I don’t know what is.
every1 needs to shut up. this is a good kid who likes to live life, you can tell theres more people in the shot.why he being singled out
Nobody is going to shut down this website, save for it’s owner. The NYPD released the photo to the public and asked for help. It is not slander to report that the NYPD is looking for the man in the photo in relation to a crime, it is accurate. If the man is not guilty of anything his beef is with the PD, not this website or any news agency.
Rattan, the point is that the “accused” is hiding and until he is questioned, he will remain a prime suspect. Of course it the vic’s word against that of the accused; that’s usually how these things unfold. Then comes an investigation, preferably with both parties being interviewed. Hiding from justice only makes you look guilty, and that is a legitimate discussion for a news blog. You cannot shut down a website because of discussions in the comments section. Check out the comments section of the Post and you will be horrified by all of the slander.
Also, it would be nice is the Sunnyside Post could get an update on the investigation- just leaving this out here to flap in the breeze isn’t helpful.
So let me get this straight. There is no actual evidence, just the victim’s word against the accused. Good luck getting that to stick in any court. Also I’m pretty sure there’s this thing called SLANDER. And if the alleged person is acquitted on all counts of this incident, I would definitely have this website shut down if I were him.
Just my two cents.
He definitely did it. I know this kid n how he gets when he’s intoxicated
I don’t know, he looks pretty distinctive to me.. The photo looks pretty clear. Look at those eyebrows!
The only way this person will be cleared and be able to emerge from his hiding place is to come forward and cooperate. This exercise of commenting on a blog is pointless- let investigators do their jobs. If you do not trust the police department, this is not the way to improve things. Suspects in custody will be safer than fugitives from justice.
why is it that the people from this website putting a picture of an alleged suspect? boy this better be the right guy.
Have you thought that the perp might look like the real criminal? And if all they got was a picture was one that isnt so clear and apparently there are people around him. So if he acted alone, was he really alone? And woodsider should def stay in woodside.. Sunnyside is far much a better place to live in .
Woodsider stay in woodside. Sunnyside doesn’t have to worry about property value going down with the Lirr almost complete. There’s prob a bunch of whit collard criminals all around you your just oblivious to it. Whose scared? People just dont want to see an innocent kid go to jail. So @ woodsider go complain about how shitty your property value is to someone else
@Do the right thing- Haven’t you ever watched Law & Order? They put the alleged perp in a line up! If someone gets mugged on a street at 3am, what are they supposed to do if there aren’t any witnesses? Not report the crime? And no, most people would NOT just “falsely accuse anyone.” Are you harboring this fugitive from justice? Do the right thing and let justice prevail.
Rick, I did a headcount of people marching in the parade with SUDS as it passed by. It’s a hobby of mine. How many people do you have in the pictures you reference?
I you guys know who it is you should turn him in. This is why we have criminals walking our streets, because everyone is afraid to speak up. And trust me I wouldn’t want you as a neighbor. I consider myself to be a law-abiding citizen, I’m a homeowner and the last thing I want is for the market value of my house to go down due to the criminals living around us.
@rick duro. Little do you no is that he definitely did march in the parade. He was with me ok RD. everyone viewes the picture the wrong way cuz it’s so bad of a picture.
if he was to turn him self in the cops will try to prosecute him to the full extent if he did it or not.. look at the picture theres someone in a red jacket y wasn’t his photo posted as well because it doesn’t seem like he was alone.. wheres the rest of the tape. who ever posted this.. did you actually see the video an if the store had this picture taken from a camera Im sure thats not the only camera. it all seems to me like a load of horse shit… everyone has so much to say but no one cares about anyone but them selves. if this would happen to you wouldnt you want to be head before accused.. we need to roll the rest of that video to see who was the person infront maybe he can help out because that is a person wearing red
If he had nothing to do with the crime, then he should clear things up at the precinct. I find it hard to believe the police will pick some random kids picture to pin these accusations on.
@Dotherightthing – At this point, you only have the victim’s word to go off of. If the victim was intoxicated, I’m sure that is also taken into consideration regarding his credibility. Falsely accusing people of a crime has repercussions.
First off. Who was the victim? Is the victim telling the truth? It said it happened at 3 am on a weekend? Was the victim intoxicated? Also @superwittysmith if the victim pointin fingers is the only proof ? Woulnt anyone just point a finger and falsely accuse any1 for a crime they didnt commit?
I looked @ all our photos, OM, he did not march with us. Stop spreading your propaganda.
@webly all they are saying is your innocent until proven guilty. @jared yea webly is probally a man with no friends and live at home with 20 cats . Because no friends can trust a SNAKE. Maybe webly just moved in the neighborhood.. The real problem sunnyside is having is the rent.. When people who lived here their whole life have to suffer because new people are moving in with higher income as others.. I say keep sunnyside the same . It used to be a small town where everybody knew each other. Now i dont know whos living next door. I hope it isnt like webly or woodsider thats for sure.
They need to post a reward for information leading to his arrest. Until he is apprehended, he is the prime suspect. Let the victim see him in a line-up and take it from there. Otherwise, this whole discussion is pointless. $500 should motivate someone to do the right thing.
What was the origin of this photo? There seems to me enough controversy to consider scrapping its legitimacy in this case. Who at the bodega owning the camera used for this image was witness to this kid stealing the bag? If police simply asked local merchants open at 3am to scan their tapes for a 18-30 y/o male at 2:30-3am and this was all that came up, this should be thrown out immediately.
SunnysidePost Admin, please attest to the origin of this image.
@pidgy You just made Chris’s point of why innocent people go to jail. He’s clearly laughing or squinting in the picture and you portray it as pimples and craters
He’s easy to id because he’s got square bumps all over his forehead and face.
@webley it’s people like you that make Sunnyside/woodside neighbors not like each other. If there numerous cries of help because of the police why must u make a mockery of things and tell people stop defending a innocent kid with his whole life ahead of him. In my opinion your either a cop or a man with very little friends
Is that Jared Leto?
Hey, this is not a court, there are no juries here, stop with the defense.
To mr woodsider,
Can you imagine if your were a young kid and was wrongdully accused of commiting a crime you havent done and was scared . Would you turn yourself in? Knowing the fact that all it needs for you to get locked up in jail was a finger pointed you? They say it was a hispanic person who did it but how many hispanics look alike? Anyways woodsider all im saying is that i could just point a finger at you an said you kick my dog ? But wheres the proof? Did any1 else see him do it? Do they got it in camera? Remember the lady tht push the guy in the train station? They had a video of her running away.. And to community member yea WHERE ARE CONCRETE EVIDENCE?
This looks like someone I know from the neighborhood. The picture isn’t too clear but for you people that say you know who it is why don’t you tell the cops. If it wasn’t him he’s going to have an alibi and the person that got robbed will be able to say it wasn’t him and the persons rep will be cleared. The problem with this neighborhood is that people know the crimes their neighbors are committing and won’t call the cops. I’ve called the cops on my own neighbors when I’ve seen them graffiting or smoking weed. If we let people get away with things, in the end we will be the ones who suffer.
Thank you everyone. I’ve seen such racism with the 108 since the early 90s. I know alot of people grew up with this young gentleman and know he’s not nothing of the character that he is portrayed to be. I would just like the community to be aware of the actions of the police and lets help everyone in the neighborhood like it use to be.
I ask everyone to take a minute to consider the following… If Chris’s allegations are true and this young man did not actually commit this crime then as a community we need to find who did this and not let an innocent young gentlemen get condemned for actions they did not commit. He is only in his 20’s with a lot to look forward too. With family and Friends (Chris) that obviously think highly of him. I guess my question to the author of this article is how was this image obtained and is there concrete evidence that this young man infact committed the crime?
First off , all i got to say is that this is bullshit. I know that kid. We actually grew up on the same block. I know for a fact he wouldnt have done this. And i think chris is right the 108 got nothing better to do but to get innocent kids locked up. Maybe because they need their quotas. The nypd only target hispanic kids and black decent kids from ages 14 to 24. All im saying is dont always believe what people or the media tells you if you have no idea whats going on ..
@robinhood thank you. Alot of Sunnyside/woodside residents think the 108 pct and the cops from that preceint are good people they come here to prey on innocent people. If they would do that uptown, Brooklyn or Harlem they would get shot or beat up instantly. 108 is a legal gang that does not follow the rules
just because you seen him grow up is nothing to the law. I agree with you about the 108 pct police harrassing people and racial profiling agressively.
oh boy what a small word
@webley ur obviously oblivious to alot of things he’s not Spanish he can’t live in this neighborhood it’s racism like that, that gets innocent people put away for no reason
@webley I’m not this kid smart guy. I just seen this kid grow up and I no he’s not that type of person. So why don’t you shut your mouth. In today’s modern time it’s not innocent till proven guilty.
Chris, if you are this kid, why don’t you show up and tell people what really happened, otherwise why don’t you shut up and stop protecting someone who is wanted.
@opressed masses weren’t you ever taught as a kid not to tell?
I saw this guy marching with SUDS in Sunnyside’s Parade for All back in the beginning of March. I hope this helps.
108 pct is notorious for harassing people in the neighborhood. And not following protocol. All because sunnyside is a good neighborhood and not much crime these detectives drive around purposely to mess with innoncent people
Don’t worry – the 108th is on the case!
I don’t have a watch. So no one can ask me the time.
If people don’t no the truth behind the story shut up. This kid would never do something like this it’s a misinterputation
it’s 2013 and these cameras are all shot with potatoes.
That is surveillance from the deli on the corner of 40th St and Queens Blvd. (southwest corner). That exact shot would be the front door and behind the perp is a blue and white ice cream refrigerator. There needs to be more surveillance cameras installed near and inside the train stations.
He really does not look Hispanic. I doubt that he is from the neighborhood, most likely from another part of the town.
And where is this picture from? Looks like McDonalds? I really hope there are other pictures so this lowlife can be caught!