Photo: QueensPost
Oct. 18, 2012 Staff Report
The police are seeking help to find a man who stole a woman’s wallet at PJ Horgan’s at 42-17 Queens Blvd.
On Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 1400 hours the victim, a F/W/45, was inside PJ Horgan’s Bar when she left her seat to go outside.
While the victim was outside, the suspect reached down into her bag, removed her wallet, placed it inside his bag and then fled the scene.The wallet contained money, credit cards and debit cards.
The suspect is described as being Hispanic, about 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighing 260 pounds. Anyone with information in regards to this grand larceny is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS.
I love pogey bait at the roach coach!
hey reuben, got any chaaaaaange. that fat bald guy in horgans does.
Long time resident……. How is this…..
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot…….If the some or all of the swinging dicks and hard chargers that I served with were at PJ Horgans (great bar by the way) for a wetdown or if I was just drinking alone with a 1,000 yard stare on my face and that unsat, fatbody, brokedick, put his dickskinner near Susie Rottencrotch’s, mama-san’s or a housewife’s gear to ratfuck it while they were smoking and joking, or grab assin, we would promptly deliver a blanket party to that shit-brick. At the bare minimum, we would deck him with a punch to the snot locker or suck. We would definitely get some CQC!
Since the bar was empty, this shitbird realized “Gear adrift, must be a gift” and promptly acquired the wallet and Oscar Miked to go stuff his face at the closest chowhall or 7 day store with pogey bait and geedunk. Judging by his rotund shape he was not heading to PT. That reckless thing on his neck is real high-speed. He did not look D&D – he appeared C&S. He was working solo – definitely not part of a DIET or FARP.
SSDD back on the block. Always have to have a fire watch, but not necessarily wear your war paint in the bars and pubs.
Now the victim may have to dead horse her next paycheck. Next time I am sure she will dummy cord her gear and have her head on a swivel.
Semper Fi
P.S. – Hope the PMO’s hack this scumbag.
@86Mets You are so silly! Seeing another person’s point of view makes you effete and whipped? Not to my way of thinking, but if that is how it seems to you, I have good news for you. There is lots more to learn about life, and it is interesting.
@Girl Power
You mean the next generation of effete, *****-whipped males?
@Lucky Lu They just can’t see it. Leave them alone. They’ll never get it. We can only hope the next generation is able to see more clearly.
I see women all the time with their handbags dangling and ready to be swiped.
I’ve never seen men wave their wallets around like that.
Sure the thief was in the wrong but the woman was still stupid.
Morale of the story: keep your cash and valuables on you all the time.
It is beyond me as to why people here are blaming the victim. You, me and everyone we know are sometimes careless, and sometimes stupid. That does not mean we are affirmatively signing up to be robbed, mugged, burglarized, assaulted, raped or murdered. This blame the victim attitude is disgusting and frightening. Sure, in this case we are talking about a stolen wallet, a minor inconvenience in the big picture. But I shure as h*** hope none of you show up on a criminal jury so you can blame the victim.
Who said I hate men? The man is a thief. He victimizes those he is able to victimize.
People who want to be hateful, are hateful. People who want to insult use insulting language. Such is life. Small irritations like that don’t bother me much.
Enjoy yourselves!
don’t blame me, she was drunk!
forget the political correct M/H & W/F, just tell it like it is dammit
Intelligent male portly hispanic has a brilliant idea to hang out in a bar where white female women get drunk and wander out into the streets at 2am. The guy saw a golden opportunity and helped himself to a little cash n cred cards. The woman, she didn’t realize it was missing until the next day at noon wen she woke up
Wow, stay classy, guys.
@Girl Power
Make all the excuses and man-bashing you want. She was an idiot. Even other women should realize she was stupid. Dumb broad is exactly the right description for her.
@Girl Power
Would you prefer I refer to her as a “skirt”? “Breezie”? “Chickenhead”? Seriously, if I was trying to be offensive, I could find much better material than “broad”.
Besides, as a broad myself, I find the delightful anachronism of the word rather delicious. I frankly wish it was used more often.
Why is Sunnyside Post using military time? 1400 hours? Isn’t that 2 pm?
I’m imagining a blog full of military jargon. Ever listen to two or three recent or active duty military personnel talk about military stuff, if they’re in the same branch? Holy cow. It’s like they’re talking another language. Acronyms for everything.
Many year’s ago, I had my brand new black leather $500 jacket stolen from PJ Horgan’s. I had hung it up on a peg by the booth I was sitting at, it was dinner time on a Saturday night, out with four other moms for dinner. I was not drunk, I was not dumb, I am a woman (not a broad). I wasn’t careful!
The blame goes to the short, fat guy who was so slick ha managed to get away with it. I’m sure this woman will never leave her belongings unattended again. I have not been a victim of theft again in my lifetime.
@Girl Power
Excuse me, men are talking.
Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo baaaags, bitchezzzzz! People be stealing’em up in hea!
People who use the word “broad” to refer to women live in the time warp in which learning fails to take place. Your opinions are so regressive they are laughable. Your species is dying out quickly, thank God.
I find it hard to work up any sympathy for this broad. Yes, it is a real shame that purse-diving scumbags like this exist, but really? You leave your purse unattended and open in a bar? Stupid.
I’m a girl too and I find it pretty ridiculous when women invite trouble and then get bent out of shape when it arrives. I had my wallet stolen out of my open purse on a rush-hour 7-train and, yeah, I was pissed off but realized that it was essentially my fault.
Everyone at work said “Awwww, that’s terrible! That is ridiculous that you have to worry about things like this happening!” I had no shame in replying “Meh, it was my own dumb-ass fault for not zipping my bag.”
It would be great if we lived in a place where one could leave their possessions unprotected and out in the open and not have to worry, but we don’t. I’m hoping that this lady learns her lesson and won’t be so complacent going forward.
And the joke turns out to be on my wallet theif–that purple Coach pocketbook was FAKE, sucka!!!
Obligatory “maybe on the south side”
The best part is if I do see this guy I can simply call him out on it. He’s too small and far too out of shape to fight or run away.
Look for a guy with sunglasses on top of his head and a fanny pack around his neck. He will be easy to spot.
If we print out his face, tape it to the turnstiles at 46th and 40th this guy will be identified within an hour.
I’m a guy. My wallet is ALWAYS on me.
I can’t understand why women leave their handbags, purses, wallets and other valuables where they can’t see them.
Dumb broads.
sounds like by the description of events someone watched this this happen.
5′ 6″ and 260 lbs! He couldn’t have have been running too fast. Check the Lodati Park volleyball courts when they open up again.
The man is a thief. The woman was absentminded. He is the criminal, not her. You two are jaded and calloused.
Just cancel the cards and call yourself an idiot lady. Unless Van Bramer has convinced you that Sunnyside is SUUUUCH a great place that you can leave your bag unattended in a BAR. hey…I hear leaving your door unlocked is also something you can do in SUNNYSIDE!
Here I go again victim blaming some woman for leaving her purse alone in a bar while she went out to smoke. Maybe she was completely trashed, at 2pm on a Tuesday, which is why she couldn’t chase down a 5’6″ dude in size 46 waist pants.