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Police Seek Help in Identifying No.7 Train Pervert

Photo: NYPD

May 31, 2013 By Christian Murray

The police are asking for the public’s help in identifying a man who was observed masturbating on the Queens bound No. 7 train.

The suspect was seen masturbating on the No. 7 train by a 64-year-old female on Monday, May 13, 2013 at 11:45 pm. The suspect then exited the train at the Main Street stop. There were no reported injuries.

The suspect is described as a white male, 5’9″ and 160 pounds.

Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS.

The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers Website at WWW.NYPDCRIMESTOPPERS.COM or texting their tips to 274637(CRIMES) then enter TIP577.

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Long time resident

You guys are aware that a photo isn’t video, right? A photo doesn’t show what occurred in the previous minutes or hours, just what was occurring that can be captured in the photo – at that very instant.

You get that right? You get that people take pictures of the people doing this sort of thing not to catch them in the act and provide evidence for the police – though that could be possible – but to use a simple device found on almost every cell phone on the market for the past 5-10 years years in order to help others (the police) identify a suspect?

43rd & 43rd

Anna, then you can see that the other comment is also obviously lying…based on the photo, the man is not “noticeably uncomfortable, squirming and squeezing his crotch with his face getting red” as the comment describes. So don’t believe that story either.

And just to be clear, this is NOT how the court system works. This is how uninformed people on the internet comment. The court system works totally differently than internet comments. That is why they’re looking for this guy, not so they can automatically declare him guilty and throw him in jail forever, but so that they can first figure out what happened. Which we, as clueless people online, can’t do.


I am not believing him nor her, but I believe what I see in the photo and I did not see any sign of masturbation….I even zoomed in looking for evidence.

As I said before, if this is how our court system works, there will be plenty of innocent people going to jail and getting punish for no reason.

Long time resident

I get what you are saying and feeling, and I would normally agree. But not in this case, there is no evidence here to prove harassment.

That has nothing to do with 43rd &43rd’s comment. The comment was about the “LOL” and “she’s lying” comments perpetuating an cultural of victim blaming, downplaying crimes perpetuated against women, etc. The comment had nothing to do with whether or not anything could be proven.

43rd & 43rd

Anna, you are making no sense.

We have the word of the woman — we at least know she was there because she got a photo. And she took it seriously enough to file a police report, despite knowing (at 64!) how many people would call her a lying, stupid bitch, flattering herself, etc.

Or we have the word of an anonymous internet commenter — on a site that we know has a ton of trolls.

Why would you believe him instead of her?


By the way, I do believe this 64-year old lady is telling the truth, but this truth was based on her perception, and our perception can be deceiving sometimes.

I too have seen men grabbing their crutch before, and immediately I looked the other way, I didn’t even want to think what they were trying to do, but now I know it can be because they needed to pee so bad.

Without understanding, perception can become a judgment.


@43rd & 43rd
I get what you are saying and feeling, and I would normally agree. But not in this case, there is no evidence here to prove harassment. In fact, I feel sorry for the guy who apparently needed to pee (based on an earlier comment from a witness that was at the scene) but accused for masturbation. Everyone should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Can’t imagine what he is going through right now!

43rd & 43rd

Can’t imagine why more women don’t report harassment, when the response is either “LOLOL” or “bitch was probably lying.”

Depressing that we can’t do better.

Craic Dealer

Jeezze… some of the comments written by Buzz Killington? Talking about jerk offs, eh?

Long time resident

Public mockery is one of the most effective weapons against idiots like this.

Public mockery is also frequently used to downplay and dismiss the serious problems of domestic violence, sexual assault, etc. The mockery in the comments can easily be read “hey, it’s no big deal. Let’s reduce alleged criminal acts against women to nothing more than a childish joke.”

Guys should check their priviledge on issues like this.


I love how you named areas notorious for it’s urban culture. you REEK of racism and you have the audacity to project an insult at ME? as I stated, pathetic.

Just like it’s pathetic to put a picture up of a person who hasn’t been CHARGED with anything on the word of a woman. Hey, I think I got groped by someone too, will the post please put that picture up? Journalistic integrity? If I was that guy I’d sue for defamation of character.

you are all just a bunch of whiny posers trying to build your own little wonderland in one tiny section of a boulevard hoping the rest of sunnyside leaves you alone.

Native NYer

The article says the incident took place at 11:45pm, doesn’t the photo look like it was taken during broad daylight? Curious


@ssp hates me
Go away! Without the post you would be just a diarrhea filled mouth.
Other than your comments, what have you done for sunnyside?
You live here just like the ” hipsters” you bash all the time do.
If you don’t like it here, a few friends and I will be glad to help you move for FREE!
We will help you move to hipster free canarsie, Jamaica, far rockaway or buffalo.
The post has journalistic integrity.


Hey Velvet Vee, you hypocrite, I’m the only clear thinker in this slanted biased agenda ridden site. I’m the only one that thinks outside the box while you passive aggressive hipsters aim to change Sunnyside for your own money driven benefit.

In what way is posting a picture about a person making an accusation that’s NOT provided by the police legal or correct in ANY way? Innocent till proven guilty yet this site has posted a picture of a man and labeled WITCH on his forehead and you monkeys are ready to tar and feather the guy.

on what? the word of a 64 year old woman? You know how many crazy women are out there? Women that are quick to accuse because they THINK they see something but in reality they’re warped twisted mentality dulls their senses and they end up seeing something completely different? How many women have OVEREACTED when they feel some guy has tried to grope them when the reality is the guy was just trying to move to another side of the cart or accidentally bumped into someone.

its pathetic, this site is pathetic and people like YOU are pathetic.

Velvet Vee

@SunnysidePostHatesMe Of Course the SSP hates you, you are irremediable. You are like a bird dirt splatting down on a picnic, an ugly little interruption. So, take your discredited theories and stow them in your. . .ear.

If that man is innocent, of course he should be cleared of all charges. And perhaps he can file a lawsuit.

But I would think the SSP would be smart enough to check out the story before running a picture, and to publish only those shots that are publicly acceptable. Not the so called “money shot.” that would put him behind bars. But, let the case go before the courts. And let us hope the wheels of Justice turn quickly in this case.

Dave The Greek

He should have waited until he got home to do it in front of a fem dom magazine like Goddess or Cruella.


This photograph proves nothing. If the police arrest this guy based on a cell phone photo and one person’s accusation, then our justice system needs revamping.

Btw, the local rat hole…er…I mean Xio’s Lounge…seems quiet this weekend. Perhaps community pressure is finally getting to the owner?

equa-volley is not a sport!

looks like hes just commuting. this could be some angry psycho woman with an iphone. were there multiple sightings or just this one woman? if this were happening wouldn’t the guy have a different look on his face. I know I always do!


Hey wait a minute – I saw this guy too, yes I saw him and I saw this women take out her camera.
Sorry honey but when a man is noticeably uncomfortable, squirming and squeezing his crotch with his face getting red – he has to pee. I saw the guy and he needed to piss like right now, I know the feeling well.
Also saw him dash off the train in a real hurry.
Before you bury this poor guy take a closer look, nature was calling.
Nothing came out of his paints, just embarrassment and urgency.


Sorry, Unless I see the guy with a penis in his hand I’m not buying the story. People like youruglyreflection are those women who see penis everywhere. Everything is so damn phallic and they hate it. quick to accuse,

the man hasn’t been tried or convicted and he’s been labeled a public winky puller. Typical penis envy.

99 cent peetza hatr

Guys have to do this, women don’t understand. MTA should offer comfort women on the 7.


That is exactly my point, everyone take side of this lady because she is 64-year-old, female and she is a savvy vet.
If this is how our court system works, there will be plenty of innocent people going to jail and getting punish for no reason.

slippery slope

1. The jokes here are ridiculous and actually sound like comments made by 108th precinct when reports of sexual assault have been made. It just reflects sophomoric humor/jokes projecting shame of the jokers. They only perpetuate the idea that it’s a man’s world.

2. From this report, it is impossible to know if this guy in the photo is being labeled as a masturbator for some revenge scheme. We can only hope the cops did a thorough job in their investigation.
I only say this because it’s easy in this day and age to post a photo and claim the person is a (fill in the blank) without much more than that.

3. Public mockery can have the opposite effect. Some public exposers/masturbators ‘get off’ on getting in trouble. They want to be disciplined. I don’t think they want their photo posted online but I do think many enjoy the reaction of anger of those around them.

Jolly Rolly

@Art Vandelay How do you see to read anything at all with your head way up there where it is?


Best to err on the side of the 64 yr old. She is a savvy vet and caught this pevert.

Art Vandelay


Your own reflection isn’t so pretty either. It’s certainly pompous and judgmental. How do you manage to type with your nose in the air?


Hey, I don’t understand what all this fuss is about….why are you judging someone guilty without clear evidence? Believe me, I have zoomed in to look for evidence, but all I can see in this picture is a man fully dressed, his pants is on, his pennis is not showing, nor is his hand in contact with it.
Just because his hand rested over his crutch means he is masturbating? I don’t get it!
I have seen so many men grabbing their clutch while sitting on the train. Are they also breaking the law?

Your Ugly Reflection

I had hoped to meet–electronically anyway–interesting people in my neighborhood. This local “paper” isn’t bad, but it sure attracts a bunch of moronic readers with a much greater appetite for base thinking than I have. If it makes you laugh, go for it. But it depresses me to read it. Most of you sound just like the group of people on the corner drinking beer out of brown paper bags. I’ve heard them referred to as lost souls, among other less kind names.

Art Vandelay

@holier than thou

The men who do this type of thing are disgusting and deranged. I doubt whether they check comment boards like this one before they engage in their lewd activities. In any case, they deserve all the public humiliation we can heap upon them. Humor is often used to scorn people.


I agree Your Ugly R. My wife has seen similar things and it creeps her out. It’s intimidating, disturbing and upsetting. The above commentators chose the wrong story to try out their wit. Though it’s business as usual on this site.

Art Vandelay

@your ugly reflection

Public mockery is one of the most effective weapons against idiots like this. It got Anthony Weiner tossed out of office, although unfortunately, he’s attempting a comeback, no pun intended.


Back to a cheerier comment, “Are you glad to see me, or is that the Library of Congress in your pocket?”

Your Ugly Reflection

No wonder men think it is okay to do this. Other men think it is a joke.

Thank God it was a 64 year old woman who has probably seen this so many times in her life she can recover quickly from the utter disgust and shock. Other perverts have made her anger so strong she had the presence of mind to capture the offense on her camera, with the doomed man looking right at her.

Intimidating women in public with blatant displays of your private organs is no longer acceptable. This guy should be punished. If convicted, he will be branded a sex criminal. And he will be unwelcome everywhere he goes in life.

By breaking the law he had made himself rather than just his behavior deplorable.

Hoove hearted

Next stop 74th and Roosevelt. Change here for the E,J,A,C,U,L and 8 trains.

Native NYer

He looks a bit like the lead singer from the band Spank the Monkey. Yes it is a real band.

Sunnyside Native

“There were no reported injuries”? Come on! Let the jokes and puns begin!


“There were no reported injuries” 🙂
Such great reporting by the post. Ewwww and i like sitting by the edge.


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