Photo: iStock
May 3, 2012 Staff Report
The police are searching for two men wanted in a gunpoint robbery of two pedestrians in Woodside last month.
The pair of suspects approached two men, ages 32 and 25, in front of 64-13 Broadway at about 6:10 a.m. Saturday, April 21, according to police. One of the suspects pointed a shotgun at the victims while the other removed personal items from them, including a wallet, money, keys, cell phone and jewelry.
The suspects then fled. No one was hurt during the robbery, police said.
Police released surveillance video of one of the suspects retrieving a shotgun from behind a bin just before the alleged robbery. That suspect was wearing blue jeans and a red hooded sweatshirt, and was described as being about 25 years old, 5 feet 6 to 5 feet 8 and 140 pounds.
The other suspect is described as being in his 20s, about 5 feet 5, and wearing a black waist-length jacket and green Army baseball cap
Anyone with information is asked to contact police at 800-577-TIPS or at or at nypdcrimestoppers.com.
This is terrible. Is there a link to the video?
NY Laws are crazy, you allow people to get a gun but not to carry it. What’s the difference. If they want to rob, they will get the gun that they legally bought and carry it, but to protect yourself, you cannot carry it..
No… it is our 108th precinct.
i think it may fall into the 115th Pct.
Why is no one pointing out that the shotgun was planted there? That means this whole thing was planned, which would mean that there was something else going on besides the robbery. The robbery was just a mask for something else. Whoever the two guys are, they certainly aren’t amateurs.
Just trying looking it up – could be the 110th – border of Elmhurst.
It’s either the 108th or the 114th – confusing border.
Question: what NYPD precinct does this fall into?
An ethnicity would be nice, what they are wearing doesnt mean anything if u dont know if u are looking for a white or spanish guy
“Alleged robbery”?
I think it’s safe to say the robbery actually happened.
You use “alleged” when someone has been arrested for the crime and not yet convicted (the idea of “innocent until proven guilty.”)
But if there’s no question that the crime took place, it is not “alleged.”
Let’s face it, if it’s a nice spring or summer day and somebody is wearing a hood, there’s a good chance they are up to no good. Call that racist if you want but it’s the truth. The KKK wore hoods for the same reason too; they were up to no good.
Paging George Zimmerman.
The ubiquitous hoodie! Yup, nothing to fear, folks, let’s move on.
GTA- Sunnyside
It’s true wearing a hoodie dosen’t mean you’re a thug. But it sure does come in handy to hide your face from the survalence cameras!
Don’t worry Captain Powers said that crime is down.
Carry on.
Wow, that is just about the shadiest thing I have ever seen — except in movies.