Photo: QueensPost
May 30, 2014 By Christian Murray
An individual called the police this afternoon claiming that someone had been shot at 46th Street/Greenpoint Avenue and that someone was threatening to place a bomb at the same location, police said.
Several police cars were located outside of Key Food and Rite Aid at 46th/Greenpoint at about 4:30 pm– although the incident had been called in earlier. The manager of Key Food and workers were not willing to discuss the police presence.
The police received another call from the same individual this afternoon who made a bogus that three people had been shot at Greenpoint Ave/Bradley Ave in Long Island City this afternoon, police said.
That claim too was false. The investigation is ongoing.
Meanwhile, on an unrealted note, an individual jumped from a 46th Street building (located btw. 48th and 50th Avenues) today.
No further details are known.
I’m bombed on Greenpoint Ave. every weekend.
South Side Johnny, my Bum material is CLASSIC
So many complains about last sentence. It would have been nice if it ended in “more on that story later”..
I hope they catch this prankster, and it sounds like they know “same person” not sure how they know but I hope they catch him unless it was the guy who jumped.
Also I don’t understand this portion.. “The manager of Key Food and workers were not willing to discuss the police presence.” Why would they discuss if they don’t know anything about it.. As if cops were there to raid key food, what is there to discuss, not a lot of people have comments on things they don’t know about. You should have asked the cashiers at rite aid, I am sure they would have given you a book worth of stuff.
Wow very informative. The last sentence especially. And yeah someone jumped to probably to his or her death.
I thought that was you, Reuben, looking for new material.
I saw a shifty new bum walking the streets of Sunnyside, I’m betting it was him.
The last sentence is also bogus
I passed the scene today on 46th street. The street was closed off and everything. I think that needed a story of it’s own…not just three sentences at the end of another story. Should have been posted when further details were known. Don’t you think???
Oh, and uh, by the way, a guy jumped to his bloody death on the streets of Sunnyside….
WTF is with the last sentence??
You have to be kidding me?! Whoever this person is, he/she should be locked up immediately! Thank god the fake shooting and bombing didn’t happen.