Suspect (NYPD)
May 4, 2012 By Christian Murray
The police have arrested a man who allegedly robbed a series of Woodside residents at gunpoint and forced them to withdraw cash at ATM machines, according to an official source.
The 23-year-old suspect, who was arrested in the Bronx, was wanted in connection with three incidents in April. He targeted individuals near 50th Ave (44th to 46th Street) in Woodside during day light hours, and marched them at gunpoint to a nearby bodega to withdraw cash.
The police were able to identify the suspect after someone in the public recognized him from a crimestoppers video. The suspect was then identified by one of the victims of his crimes. He his currently in custody.
“I want to thank the officers of Police Precinct 108 for their quick work in getting this thug off our streets,” said Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer. “They acted quickly in identifying the suspect and tracking him down to the Bronx.”
Meanwhile, Van Bramer said that the city had agreed to allocate eight more officers to the 108 police precinct after he wrote a letter to Ray Kelly, the police commission, earlier this week. The new officers will start work Monday.
Van Bramer said Kelly had assured him that the department will look into adding more officers.
Hahaha all u ppl should get ur facts right he will b home =]]] YAYYYYYYYYYY
“the ‘newbies’ keep your earphones in and be oblivious to where you are and who’s around you — makes u an easy target! you should take part of the blame!”
All right, so if both parties are to blame, what’s the solution? Should criminals and victims get together and call a truce? Or should we throw them all in jail together? Or maybe we should destroy all of our money and possessions so that there’s nothing to steal. That way, criminals won’t be forced to commit crimes. It’ll be good for them.
“23 year old suspect” – then he should have the book thrown at him – not a kid. Again how did he end up here? What is the connection?
Why was this guy on the southside of Queens Boulevarde? Does he know the area from drug buying/dealing?
Everybody calm down! For years the 108th ignored the very serious drug dealing on the southside of queens Boulevard in the Mets Houses and nearby streets. Many of the crimes were and are committed by addicts. How did this guy end up in our neighborhood to commit a crime? I have also been robbed – more than once – and it is not fun and I believe it was by addicts. Members of the Lion’s Club are not out committing armed robberies. Raquel and others have made some good points about the drug dealing on 48th Avvenue. People would be evicted from the Mets and then move in across the street! I also started carrying pepper spray and in a pinch hairspray in the eyes will stoop somebody for a couple of seconds.
@ susan with a small s…ur brain must be as small as that small s u claim..how dare u say someone is to blame for being the victim of a crime.
How closed minded can u be. I was robbed at gunpoint 2 yrs ago and according to u cause I was wearing headphones at the time that somehow means I deserved it.
I am pretty convinced that someone has robbed you at gunpoint of any common sense and humanity
Alleged suspect? Just to clarify, people are alleged to have commit crimes, because all it is at that point is an allegation and calling someone who hasn’t been convicted of a crime a criminal is libelous. But someone wanted for suspicion of committing a crime is a suspect. Because they are suspected of doing something illegal. Suspicions are sometimes wrong. It’s not libelous to call someone identified by police as a suspect a suspect.
Longtimesunnysider– yep! We’ve go to keep on being squeaky when it comes to crime in the neighborhood. Thanks to Councilman Van Bramer! “We the People” have to let him know our concerns and for that we should also thank Christian Murray and the Sunnyside Post.
Longtimesunnysider–how “longtime” are you? My roots in the neighborhodd go back to 1956 and P.S. 150.
Marilyn S.
You have tried very hard. I award to you my first tinfoil award of the year. Perp is from the BronX. Not south-side.
Please bite off your fingers so we don’t have to read your fudge pile anymore:)
This thread makes a good case for registering with unique names. Glad to see some get the distinction. I hope I’m never mistaken for a person who says a person who is robbed is to blame.
That said, not all crime victims are wearing headphones when stuff happens and if you’ve never ever been distracted in your life, then you deserve a medal.
Susan, he is from the Bronx, I found out through cop friends of mine, enough with the south side, newbies thing, As Rodney king said can’t we all get along!
Great job by the 108 police with good old fashioned police work. As Capt. Powers said at the Town Hall meeting, resolving crimes takes time and assistance from the public, here a person who recognized the bad guy from a video. Susan the earlier poster is correct, the 8 new officers were already scheduled to be assigned to the 108 before Councilmember Van Bramer’s letter, which both Capt. Powers and Van Bramer explained. Councilmember Van Bramer is seeking to have more officers assigned to the precinct.
one armed man??!
TY Councilman Van Bramer— you are a god send to your entire District — to all who can read – it said he was APPREHENDED it the bronx ! did not say he LIVED there…35 years of living here the south side of the blvd has always been the “bad side” but with the “newbies” keep your earphones in and be oblivious to where you are and who’s around you — makes u an easy target! you should take part of the blame!
@Sunnyside of Life
When hair spray is outlawed, only outlaws will have hair spray.
Rocky you are a strange one, I have not talked about 48 ave or white stuff, try to follow posts, I was point out to Raquel that the perp is from the Bronx,she should ask all her cop friends about the arrest. He is from the Bronx, if Raquel had any style or class she would admit she was wrong but my GUT tell me she won’t
Foodie, everybody knows that 48th Avenue is where you go to buy the powdered stuff! I also wonder what his association with the southside of QB is. For years, police called south of Queens Boulevard Little Washington Heights because of the drug dealing. Stay tuned . . . not to mention the shootings. But have no fear: you and the other joker, Sunnyside of LIife, will keep us safe and I still carry pepper spray!
Foodie – article didn’t say he lives in the Bronx – said “found him in the Bronx”. Hmmmmmmmm I wonder what he was doing in Sunnyside? Perhaps dipping into the cheese dip with Foodie?
Good news. Assuming he’s guilty, I hope he spends a lot of time locked up.
The squeaky wheel gets the oil! Well done to the 108 on getting this lowlife.Another job well done to Sunnyside post on getting this great news out to us so quickly.
I’m also happy to report that I noticed a police car about a block from the Sunnyside Arch, I don’t recall seeing one there before.
this is fantasic reporting by this web site and a very concerned councilman that we have in our area….keeping our town safe…
Well Raquel ,didn’t you say he comes from the south side of the boulevard !people who go with their gut give me indigestion . At least now people will know not to listen to your advice.i
Sunnyside of Life, smoke and hairspray get in your eyes! He was dazzled by your wit and humor and was thus apprehended.
Very cool!!!
I thought the eight officers being added soon were already on the way and Jimmy’s letter of April 24 was to request *additional* officers of an unspecified quantity. That’s how I heard it at the town hall.
The NYPD did not confirm or deny reports that the suspect was apprehended with the aid of hair spray.