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Police Looking For Man Who Smashed Security Cameras After Urinating on 7 Train Platform

The suspect and an entrance to the 33rd Street–Rawson Street station (Photos NYPD and Google Maps)

July 21, 2022 By Michael Dorgan

The police are looking for a man who smashed two security cameras inside a Long Island City subway station earlier this month.

The suspect, police said, was inside the 33rd Street-Rawson Street subway station on July 9 at around 3:35 p.m. when he began to urinate on the southbound 7 train platform.

He then damaged two MTA-owned security cameras worth around $800 before fleeing in an unknown direction, according to police.

Police on Wednesday released images of the man wanted for questioning. The suspect is descibed as having a dark-colored complexion and was last seen seen wearing blue-colored pants and a blue t-shirt with the words “get on board give blood’ emblazoned across its front.

The incident comes as police search for another man who is wanted for breaking nine security cameras at 7-train stations in Sunnyside over the past month. The assailant allegedly destroyed the cameras in three separate incidents with the total value of property damage in those incidents being at about $3,000.

Anyone with information in regard to these incidents is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the CrimeStoppers website at

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I have given up on using our subways systems. The NYC subway system attract criminals and obnoxious mostly poor ghetto people who piss, play music, smoke, harass others, fight, scream etc. like they do not care about other passengers. Try moving to another cart or telling them to keep it down and it may lead to you being hurt. Working from home is the best.

what a world

“The suspect is descibed as having a dark-colored complexion”
Dark-colored complexion?? Is it too hard to just say “black person”?

Hooray, identity p0litics!

Who mentioned CRT? ? Instead of playing the race card, try to focus on the issues.

Yes, franshiqua! We KNOW you are black.

Whenever someone wonders why news stories DON’T just say black, it’s because of this that is crt. Whites are satan and blacks always angels. The reality is embarrassing for you folks.


I can see how the news continues to avoid describing any criminal if he happens to be black. Please give us a real description not something like dark complexion. This guy likely has a long criminal record of this sort of thing. The city has let out thousands of criminals out of jail and mentally ill from the institutions. Our current mayor and local politicians continue to refuse to address the issues of crime. Nothing has been done about this for years now and only now are people starting to notice. I like so many have chosen to move out of NYC.


They should also include the victims race just like they do when a white man is suspect and the victim is a POC.

All the Trump voters beating police on Jan 6 were white

So we should assume white people are criminals? Or does that only work for people you don’t like?

Tis a joke!

I call them Amish because in reality the Amish are furthest from these hoodlums. You know we can’t say anything about him being a certain color that coincidentally blends in with nighttime.

The hoodlums beating police on Jan 6?

Wow that’s super clever and funny (if you’re a boomer)

Is that going to be your 'proof' for the end of time???

Cause what are you trying to prove? That voting Americans aren’t going back to democratic rule? Yeah, THAT has worked out great!!!

Just so that you know, all of the black people I know, didn’t vote for Biden.

Make the "Amish" joke again

It’s really edgy!

“All the black people I know” do you know any? Do you tell them you think they are the farthest from “Amish” you know? Or you hide your feelings about race from them?

you got it right

nobody voted for Biden…that is how we know the election was stolen thru their paper ballot drop box schemes…seems like nobody I know voted for Biden…How did he get more votes than Obama???

I'm in teaching. Most of my colleagues are black.

Haha. Enjoy eating crow. Hey, it’s free!!!

Tired of narcissist and gullible cry babies. Trump lost live with it

Everyone who has ever dealt with Trump say they would never work with him again. Almost nobody I know voted for Trump. I side with Barr, the judges ( which many were Trump appointed) state AG and board of elections there was no evidence of any fraud worthy of attention. All the Fraud cases were voted for Trump (Denver, Florida and North Carolina).


please name any federal, state, or local court or legislative body that allowed all of the evidence of fraud to be presented and thereby debunked…just one in any state….when the tide changes in november we will finally get the hearings in congress the american people deserve and the evidence will finally be presented…goodbye establishment scum

Gullible Republicans believe in myths fairytales and conspiracy theories

@request- Baseless and blind accusations are not evidence therefore not admissible as such. Trump is a career criminal. Convicted of using illegal laborers in the illegal demolition of Bon Wit Teller. Convicted of housing discrimination. Trump University convicted of Fraud and forced to pay victims $25 million. Lawsuit by Katie Johnson which alleges that Trump and Jeffrey Epstein sexually and physically abused her under threats to physically harm her and her family while a 13-year-old minor from June–September 1994 Katie Johnson v. Donald J Trump and Jeffrey E Epstein (dismissed) Lawsuit by Jane Doe which alleges Trump and Epstein engaged in forcible rape, imprisonment and assault while she was 13-year-old minor and another 12-year-old girl in 1994 Jane Doe v. Donald Trump & Jeffrey E Epstein (dismissed by Doe). Do you really think a deflection to the Biden’s changes Trumps pattern and history of criminal behavior and hanging out with criminals?

Erin Boliski

By your logic of focus, it’s more interesting that he is male. Males commit an overwhelming amount of all crime in all classes, among all races. And yet, I am sure if you are male you would object to it being interesting or in paying a higher “crime tax” because of your gender.


If you want equity commit more crimes. LMAO! Look up the numbers on the crime statistics in NYC and see which race commits the most crimes. Ed is using facts, you are trying to defer. Sad.

The masculinity is a double edge sword it needs to be handle with faith

we also invent everything. everything. planes, trains, automobiles, computers. We build everything brigdes, buildings. 97 percent of work place deaths are men. your welcome.

NY Heaven for criminals

He couldn’t hold it and broke the camera by accident.
Therefore no charges and he’s free to keep doing it, thanks to DA’s like Alvin Bragg and let’s not forget the amazing bail reform, designed to protect criminals instead of citizens.


According to Critical Race Theory, you don’t have to say a word to be a racist. Just being white, you are inherently racist. It’s a secular version of Original Sin but just for white people. Anyway, that is the hateful garbage they want to teach in schools.

Adams losing control of NYC

Great comment. Actually, Mayor Adams is playing the liberal card now…”vote Democrats, Republicans bad, we care about you.” AOC is the progressive “BLM and defund the police” millennial stance. Either way, both are destined to ruin the city.

A huge problem in NYC? No question. Who’s is supposed to be accountable? Well…just look at those in office, their party, and those who voted the in.

Adams has been Mayor of NYC for 7 months, and crime is out of control. Truth is, things will only get worse. Just remember whoever is in office is clearly responsible.

Hulk smash!

lic camera smasher and sunnyside camera smasher should get together. Sounds like a match made in heaven. Maybe we’ll be lucky and the mta will raise the fare to pay for all this vandalism. stay classy ny

This dude srsly gave blood???

Really? Was he promised that his blood would go to another Amish?

But srsly, stop worrying about peeing people on the subway. It’s every new Yorkers God given right. Especially since y’all lock the bathrooms and we have no public toilets in this city. George Costanza was right.


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