Xio Lounge (Photo: QueensPost)
May 29, 2013 By Christian Murray
The police have being keeping a close eye on a Sunnyside lounge bar– following several complaints from nearby residents.
The police have been monitoring Xio Lounge, located at 39-19 Queens Blvd. for the past month following a raft of complaints from 39th Place residents in April. The residents claimed that many of the bar’s patrons constantly walk down their block and trespass into their back courtyard space to smoke pot.
Captain Brian Hennessy, the commanding officer of police precinct 108, said at the police precinct meeting Tuesday that his officers had made six or seven visits to Xio in the past month in response to these complaints.
Hennessy said the police arrested two men as a result of their surveillance. One man was arrested on a public urination charge while another for criminal trespass.
The police also arrested a bartender who was wanted on an outstanding warrant. They discovered the bartender after he sold alcohol to a minor.
Hennessy said that the owner appears to have worked out all of the problems and has responded to the community’s concerns.
Xio owner is gay
Those morning party’s was a’ll trannys
Xio does not have that gathering any loneger
The captain is correct, Xio is opening it’s doors at 4PM on Saturdays.
I guess the owner did take care of the situation
The Xio Lounge is trouble anyways. I’m just surprised that the bartender had “sold alcohol to a minor.” I think Hennessey really doesn’t care about what he is doing and what his business is doing to this neighborhood. This business should be shut down immediately.
I’m surprised Oppressed Moron likes Jack’s Ale House the McGowan Bros. are huge dog lovers.
Holy mother of the Erin Isle, how could anyone say a bad word about Jack’s Ale House.
Many times have I called the police and the community board about this place. Every Saturday morning around 10am (i used to take the bus from the bus stop outside, now i walk to the next stop) there is a bunch off horrible people hanging around this so called LOUNGE some CAN NOT BE 21, loud music, drug deals and fights SHUT THIS PLACE DOWN I live on 39th Place please We don’t want this on our block in the great neighborhood off Sunnyside. We want more family friendly places …….
108 will do a great job!
The residents on 39th Pl have been keeping eyes & cameras rolling so we can turn any evidence over to the 108th. Since Capt Hennessey has taken over it seems to have quieted down. But if your REALLY want pictures of this when its active Sunnyside Post – take your pictures on a Saturday late morning early afternoon … now the “bouncers” are pushing the thugs onto 39th STREET and under the El so the residents cant say they’re “bothering” them on 39th Pl
Jack’s Ale House is no dump.
I live in the middle of Xio lounge and the new dump Jack’s Ale house. Both a big problem in the neighborhood. Like to see more police activities in both areas!
Thank you 108th.
More drag racing? Great!!! I love the post-race decorative flowers adorning the concrete pillars. Kind of brightens up the whole street!!
They were also looking for the half naked lady from the xio ad.
Why are they lining up to get in so early in the morning? I didn’t think you could serve or drink alcohol before Noon… Perhaps the NYPD should patrol there and check ID’s.
Yes, the neighborhood has had a lot of dodgy goings on’s recently. I hope the new Police Chief will sort it out, and QUICK!
Also, the drag racing under the expressway/Laurel Hill Blvd/51st Avenue by Calvary Cemetery has started up again with the souped up race cars speeding on side streets and the expressway on the weekends.
Oh yeah I’m sure the owner has worked out all the problems!!! He prob didn’t even know there was problems there to start with. NOT!!!!! Guess the residents of sunnyside hav to wait for someone to get shot inside it before anything is really done. Unreal how these places can operate with no problems and the law abiding businesses are struggling. 108th need to stand up and do something instead of patting each others backs when u find a cell phone thief. This neigherhood s not safe any longer.
this place has some scary looking dudes lining up to get in every Saturday morning. I wonder what is going on.