Sept. 21, 2020 By Christian Murray
Police have arrested a female bigot who authorities say threw a glass bottle at a black jogger in Woodside last month then shouted a racial slur at her.
Lorena Delagune, a 53-year-old white woman who lives at the Woodside Houses NYCHA development, has been charged with attempted assault as a hate crime and aggravated harassment as a hate crime.
Delagune allegedly hurled a bottle at a 37-year-old black woman while the victim was running near the northeast corner of 53rd Place and Broadway on Aug. 17 at around midday.
The incident was caught on video and distributed by police.
The video shows Delagune throwing a bottle at the victim, with the jogger jumping in the air to avoid it. The victim turns her head back toward her blonde-haired attacker but continues to jog on.
The alleged bigot yelled at her and said “get out of here n—-r” and “Go back to Africa,” according to the Queens District Attorney’s office. If convicted, Delagune faces up to 7 years in prison.
Police said the victim did not sustain any injuries.
The incident was investigated by the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force.
So they arrest a woman for doing something that caused no harm whatsoever but while speaking a verboten word and being the wrong race. (Do you SERIOUSLY think she would have been arrested were the races reversed? Lol!). She is now tagged with a “hate crime” and may face multiple years in jail, while rioters and looters get away with no charges at all.
The term for this is anarcho-tyranny. George Orwell, your time has arrived.
Playing identity politics again. What do the the races of the criminal and victim matter? Other than the fact that the criminal was screaming racial slurs. Thanks for defending her!
Absolutely disgusting behavior that needs to be reprimanded.
I guess she was too afraid to yell the racial epithet at her neighbors, so a random jogger had to do.
Ohhh! Look! A NON WHITE person is being racist!!!
Take notes, world!
But yet they say she is white. I don’t understand!
But yet they say she’s white. I don’t ubderstand!
The police and article description say she’s white. Do you have any reason at all that’s not correct? No?
Then yeah, a white person is being racist!
Really, Lois Lane???
She’s Columbian and if asked to fill out an application for college she would not check white.
She should just claim she was peacefully protesting and then nothing will happen to her.
Why does the writer go out of his way to state what race both are? What does it matter? The picture speaks for itself. The point is its a hate crime and the perpetrator is a racist lunatic. This is clickbait…articles like this are stoking hatred and division.
I agree with you 100 percent!..
Great news! Oddly enough, she’s the immigrant!
A white woman was arrested for the hate crime
That’s false, a racist wack job was arrested for a hate crime. The race has nothing to do with it. You can be any race and be racist, just look at all the hate crimes the black community commits against whites and other races on a daily basis. But these are never classified as such because it doesn’t fit the BS narrative.
Why aren’t people complaining about her race this time? ?
Yep, the “immigrant” comment was completely wrong
Do you know how ridiculous and racist you sound???
We don’t call Italians “white,” we call them Italians.
This white hate criminal was not an immigrant.
Nope. Her name is Lorena, not Karen.
She is Colombian(not white) and lives in the projects…she is a person with known mental health issues that is why the kids were filming her…they knew she was good for some entertainment….also amazing how when somebody black commits a violent felony they won’t print the race of the person but if they think the person is white and is acting erratic from mental health issues they make it a point to highlight that persons race…more fake identity politics/ racism before an election…see ya at the polls!!
That explains a lot, especially why the video just happened to catch this in the act. Seemed like a staged set up at first to me. The woman clearly has mental issues. Both weren’t wearing masks either.
A woman causing harm to another woMAN
She was scheduled to speak at the RNC before going into hiding. I’m sure trump will pardon her soon
Sounds Hispanic
Not that it matters
And again with the alleged! Not only whites use the enn word derogatorily. Not all whites are bigoted. Not all light skinned people are white.
Alledged “female bigot.” We don’t know if she’s really a female or a bigot. Maybe she was just a cool whites woman who is allowed to use the “N” word. Some White people are. Unfortunately I’m not so I would be classified as a bigot.
Get your facts straight.
But why do you want to say it?
Second time you’ve used it. The illiteracy is getting old.