Restaurant Azteca, 47-16 Greenpoint Ave. (Photo: QueensPost)
Jan. 15, 2012 By Christian Murray
The police department is trying to shut down a Greenpoint Avenue restaurant following a shooting that took place outside it in December, said Captain Donald Powers, the commanding officer of the 108 precinct.
The shooting occurred outside Restaurant Azteca, a Mexican restaurant located at 47-16 Greenpoint Ave., shortly after two men got into an argument inside the eatery. Eladio Espejo, a 26-year-old Hispanic man, shot the victim several times in the arm and thighs before fleeing. The victim survived the incident.
While Espejo was arrested last week, the police department has filed a nuisance summons against the restaurant to shut it down. Last year, the precinct filed nine summonses against various establishments. Six of the nine establishments were shut down either temporarily or permanently.
The department has had several problems with Restaurant Azteca. “This is establishment was known to us before the shooting,” Powers said.
There are a few places I wish the police would try to shut down.
I don’t like walking on Greenpoint at night – that avenue has really gone downhill and it is a shame. It is part of the reason for the southside of Queens Boulevard having so many problems.
greenpoint avenue used to be a great shopping area many years ago. dont think it will ever go back to its heyday.
Looking back at my comment, I want to add something to be clear. I’m not endorsing the restaurant in question. I just ask for clearer reporting of facts.
I am glad this lowlife was caught. Eladio, enjoy Rikers!
Raquel –
I totally agree. Greenpoint would be such an amazing shopping district. It has such potential!
It sounds like Greenpoint Avenue – which should be a major shopping area for Sunnyside – is turning into the Wild West.
NRO makes a good point.
Certainly I can make some conclusions (I know everyone here thinks everyone ELSE is an idiot but that’s hardly true).
If that’s the case, then NYPD shouldn’t be discussing it and Sunnyside Post shouldn’t be reporting it until the NYPD makes the arrests or gets the place shut down.
What you have right now is nothing more than innuendo.
animals are kept in unhumane conditions …., because they are animals?
If the police can shut this place down (possibly) why can’t they do anything about the places that distribute “chica, chica” cards that advertise for call girl services?
Can’t you people at least use some deductive reasoning to understand why the police is trying to shut down the “restaurant”. As Krissi mentioned, I’m pretty sure the “restaurant” is a front for some illegal activity, probably drugs. Won’t be unsanitary conditions because that does not fall under NYPD jurisdiction.
So what I get from this article is that if I don’t like a business all I have to do is shoot someone in front of the store and it will be shut down. Check! Are all you anti-pet store people listening?
Confusing why this restaurant is “well known” to the police… there was a restaurant only a block away that was closed because of “drug connections” last year; perhaps that is what they were alluding to.
PS: Dunkin’ Donuts is also well “known” to the police. Extremely well known.
For all the local businesses that can’t manage to go out of business on their own, cheer up, there’s help from the city!
This article is confusing. Police are trying to shut this place down after a shooting that took place outside–presumably by a person not employed by the restaurant? So what does the shooting have to do with the restaurant, unless the argument that began inside was about the food? What were these “other problems”? Why is the restaurant “known to” the police?
Meanwhile, just 2 blocks over, animals are kept in inhumane conditions for years and no one does anything and people even defend it!
“…known to us…” Unsanitary conditions? Food stored at an unsafe temperature? Why is the restaurant known to the police?
Ah man, where am I gonna get my subway rat tacos now???