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Plants Vanish in Sunnyside Gardens


May 8, 2012 Staff Report

Terry Murphy, a resident of 47th Street, said thieves have stolen his plants on three occasions since he moved to a house between Skillman and 43rd Avenues in March.

The most recent incident occurred Sunday night when a large “Sum and Substance Hosta” was stolen from his front yard. The plant, a garden giant known for its glossy, heart-shaped leaves, averages 30 inches tall and 60 inches wide. Murphy estimated that his weighed at least 25 pounds.

“It’s a very bizarre kind of thing to steal,” he said.

The plant has little monetary value; the one stolen was likely worth less than $25, Murphy said. In addition to “Hostas,” a small tree was also stolen from his property, according to Murphy, who has moved many of his plants to the backyard.

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I grew up in Sunnyside and still live here and own a house with a front garden with roses… this happens ALL the time.. New people come into the neighborhood and just dont respect what belongs to other people or the work that people do..Its sad.. I have had that happen with my roses.. One day I actually caught a woman IN MY GARDEN..Stepping on my other plants pulling Roses off my rose bush… I just came out and yelled at her.. and then she looked at me like she had no Idea what I was saying and I said dont play stupid.. and then yelled at her in spanish (because I am) and THEN knew exactly what I was saying.. Started to give me some excuse that she was only taking one.. I just ripped the Roses out of her hand and stomped on them and said you killed my plants already.. You are not leaving with them also..
She was horrified and left..I really Hate People that dont respect….

Also my neighbor planted plants and 2 days later one was missing and she went around looking and found her plant in garden of the Building around the corner from our house.. People are so cheap and disrespectful its disgusting…Yes she took it back and planted it in her back yard….The same thing happened with my broom.. I left it out and it was stolen a couple of days later walking my dog I see it in front of a house around the corner…its crazy…People walk away with anything.. Sunnyside really was not like this years ago..


What are you talkin about,I feel sorry for you , try and wake up tomorrow and not have one negative thought for the day, just see if can do it , try smelling the roses for once ,if they haven’t been stolen


Foodie, you should check your basement for pods. (Invasion of the Body Snatchers). The real Foodie has been abducted.


So what are you trying to say Raquel,fess up ,out with it straight talk please or is it like I said on a previous post about the south side mugging you have absolutely no class


I enjoy Foodie’s comments. Foodie, why don’t you take me out on a date? I will bring the hair spray.


Actually , I would like to thank Raquel for the idea.i was on a date last week ,pepper spray at the ready in case of anybody getting frisky as per Raquel’s advice anyway out came this rather bland salad and as the resturant had run out of ground pepper due to skyrocketing prices because of Raquel’s sage advice I thought what the hell and blasted it with pepper spray.The whole of sunnyside gardens has become like a big farmers market to me,the old Asian ladies and I are opening up a resturant over there called sun fun garden east , Raquel could you please attend the grand opening for you are our inspiration


@ Webly What a Great American! Shoot to kill or just maim? What about just chopping off the offending hands? That’ll teach those flora felons! Forget a Neighborhood Watch let’s get Vigilant! Better add some kevlar to your wardrobe.


Foodie is experiencing The Three Faces of Eve – Sunnyside edition. Drink up!


Hey maybe that armed robber from the Bronx is out on bail….hmmm? The timing is interesting. Quick, get out thr hairspray, he may be armed with a weed wacker.

Foodie is right-its obviously southside horticulturists. They need those flowers to adorn their fedoras and bicycles.


old asian ladies pull plants from various greenery, that’s a fact and I don’t see anything racist about that.
I would be more concern about the bums who go into private property to collect cans and bottles. I would like to see someone shoot them for traspassing, they have no right. Sure I feel bad about them, but they can wait until it’s recycling day and go get them off sidewalk. Stinking neighborhood is getting worse with these plant thieves now.

44th street.(Sunnysider)

Alot of chats aboiut nothing… what abouit a crime watch to stop this type of crime from happening… or others…you folds talk alot of nonsense… I guess all of yyou have fun complaing and doing nothing about it.. how about helping to solve our town issues….join me in crime watch in our town or neighborhook watch…. any takers….


My gut says the after photos look better than the before ones! I think Foodie is smoking something. Too much sugar has gone to Foodie’s head.


Those god dam Southside horticulturists , raquel any insights , what is your gut sayin?

Rick Duro

Our super planted new flowers in big wooden boxes right next to the front door of our bldg. A portly woman took several handfuls of them in the middle of the night. We have her on video, but, it’s tough to make out her lowlife face.


When we are talking about problems in the neighborhood and someone says,

“Oh, I’ve seen some ___ (insert Irish; Asian; Jewish; dark-skinned; hipster; foreign-speaking,etc.) people do something unusual – we should keep an eye on them.”

-they are stereotyping and assuming negative bias towards a group.. We’ve probably all done it but that does not make it right. There are bad and good individuals in every group. We live in a multicultural neighborhood and must strive to look a little closer at each other and not make snap judgments based on superficial identifiers, such as their ethnicity or their clothing.

Besides, “asian descent” is very vague and not really helpful.

Not to cast stones, but I had a salad for dinner at one of those Asian-hipster restaurants on the south side of QB that looked a lot like that missing plant, if you know what I’m saying! Maybe it’s Brammer’s fault – this sort of thing never happened when Gioia was here!



I see Asian women picking up the half bitten (by the squirrels) nuts from the tree in front of my house. Also, see them picking up weeds ??? in the park areas !! Maybe they know something we don’t ..

Don’t see anyone else doing it. Is this racist ?? Don’t think so.

Yes, Sunnyside Post does good work. Nice reporting



Where exactly did Sunny Skies refer to anyone’s race? You must go to sleep afraid at night that there’s a racist hiding under your bed.

Oppressed Masses

The person who took the hostas probably thought it was lettuce or another salad element. Check the hipsters who have been moving into buildings on Greenpoint Ave.

Loras Tyrell

The Knight of the Flowers will apprehend this cretin. Long live Renly!

44th street.(Sunnysider)

We need a citizen crime watch in our town… call up brammer office and see about training for this.. if is a volnteer positin… we need to protect our town… and what about axuiliary police officers what happen to them..


That is the oddest thing I’ve heard.

I’ll be keeping my eyes peelled for plant thieves!

you all make me laugh

Wait a second……. Aren’t we supposed to blame the drug dealing under-aged kids for everything that is wrong with our neighborhood?


@Sunny Skies Are we back to distasteful racist comments?

Please Sunnyside Post, don’t let these kind of users tamper your excellent work.

Sunny Skies

I occassionally see older women of asian decent pulling up weeds from vacant lots as well. wonder if it ends up on their dinner table as a nutritious side salad or special healing herbals.


This happened on 41st Street. I have seen a lady just literally climb over the fence and pull plants out. When I confronted her she just scurried away with a handful of “STOLEN” plants. Then there is another lady who thinks she is slick and has it all planned out. Walks by gardens that have really nice roses, and pulls out scissors clips roses fast and just keeps walking. You really can’t have anything nice in this neighborhood, so many thieves.


This happens at my house and at some of my neighbors homes too. Plants are not the only thing that have been stolen. Someone once stole the grates off my Mom’s BBQ grill. How low can some people go?? Lowlifes!!


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