Photo: nysenate.gov
June 21, 2011 By Christian Murray
State Sen. Mike Gianaris is holding a meeting on Friday with Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, Assemblywoman Cathy Nolan and civic leaders to determine those areas of Sunnyside and Woodside where trees need to be planted.
The meeting comes after Gianaris sent a letter to Mayor Michael Bloomberg urging him to plant trees in the neighborhood arguing that there was a lack of trees in many parts of the area—particularly on the south side of Queens Blvd.
Gianaris, shortly before he sent the letter to the mayor, visited Sunnyside and Woodside and looked down 48th Ave and said: “It’s rare to have such long stretches without trees. The city has done a good job in planting trees throughout the city, but I think there have been some parts of Sunnyside (and Woodside) that have been overlooked.”
The political and civic leaders will be focusing their efforts on a tree planting campaign on Queens Boulevard, 48th Avenue, 47th Avenue and 43rd Avenue, between 38th and 48th Streets.
The city responded to Gianaris’ letter and said it would provide the trees. The number of trees has not been finalized, although the number is expected to be generous.
This Friday’s meeting will be held in Gianaris’ office and leaders from Sunnyside Shines (BID), Community Board 2 and the Sunnyside Chamber of Commerce are expected to attend. They will determine the pinpoint location of the trees.
However, in the interim, Gianaris is open to accepting recommendations from residents and requests that they e-mail him with their suggestions at: gianaris@nysenate.gov
@ Raquel:
Certainly something that doesn’t allow her a forum to be the bigot and homophobe that you are. What do you do for a living?
What does Cathy Nolan do for a living?
It is great that all our community leaders are working on this project together with input from our residence. this is positive energy that we need in our town. Now is our opportunity to react to planning trees in our town.
Bravo to Sen and our counclman and bid and this webisite for bringng us the 1010 news in our town.
It’s true. I have a dog and it is tough to get him away from the trees. I’ve seen a kind of flashing at the bottom of the guards that won’t let the pee get into the soil, it flows onto the sidewalk. As for the garbage, hmm. Any ideas anyone?
As a local merchant, I love the sight of trees, but I hate the way people use them as garbage cans/doggy toilets. Especially when we merchants get ticked and fined if we can’t keep on top of the mess (and believe me, it’s not easy to do).
Wonderful news!!!
He looks like Dr. Wilson from the show House.
Woodside and Sunnyside residents are very fortunate to have people like Mike Gianaris and Jimmy Van Bramer working for us.
Thanks Mike and Jimmy!
Patcheen, what is the exact area of this root breaking through the sidewalk. Email me at gianaris@nysenate.gov and i will make some calls to see if we can get this issue fixed. Thanks.
Wonderful. Trees are the kind of progress I like to see.
Glad to hear this going forward .. Yes, 48th Av has always been barren of trees. I grew up on 46th St betwen 48th and 50th Ave and can’t ever remember trees along the avenues ..
….Hope someone will make sure they are planted deep eough so that the roots will not tear up the sidewalk in a few years as it has done on No 54th St off Skillman Ave. Still waiting for a correction to this problem ..
A call was put in to 311 about a year ago in June or July 2010 and nothing has been done about this “accident waiting to happen” sidewalk ..
Thanks ….