Sam (far left) at Lou Lodati Park dog run shortly after it opened (Photo: QueensPost)
Jan. 28, 2014 By Christian Murray
This weekend there is going to be a giant dog party.
Travis Brorsen, the winner of CBS’ hit reality show ‘Greatest American Dog,’ will be showing up at Wespaw Pets in celebration of the store’s first anniversary in business.
Sam Abdrabouh, the owner of the 44-05 Queens Blvd. pet shop, said Brorsen will be there on Saturday and Sunday to provide tips and answer questions.
As part of the weekend event, the store will be giving out gift bags for dogs and cats as well as raffling off items. Residents are encouraged to bring their dogs and cats with them.
Sam said that Sunnyside has been very good to him. “This community is great…I’m glad I opened here and I would do it all over again,” he said.
The event will take place on Saturday, from 2pm to 6pm– and on Sunday, from 12pm to 3pm.
Sam has built a loyal following with Sunnyside’s dog owners.
Rick Duro, the president of the Sunnyside United Dog Society (SUDS), said: “When Sam came to the neighborhood he immediately sought us out understanding that it is good to have a connection with the neighborhood.”
“He bought us a pool [for the Lou Lodati dog run], an industrial hose [to clean it] and 5,000 poop bags,” Duro said.
Furthermore, Duro said he has given us food and toys when ever SUDS holds adoption events and sends paid workers to help out.
Wespaw is fabulous on every level: price, staff, design, stock, etc. How this positive article about a (deservedly) successful business resulted in a discussion about city schools, I do not know. And yet I can’t stop myself from reading the comment boards. That’s… entertainment?
Right On A Damned Animal ! Congrats to Sam.
Is it wrong that I would rather spend time with my dog than my 12 year old son? Plus my son would rather spend his time playing X-box. I love my son -but being a parent is not all that it’s cracked up to be. The dog doesn’t talk back. Just wags his tail and is happppy 24/7. Dogs rule. So does Wespaw.
@ Pirates vs Robots – I walk my dogs on those very blocks and there is DRASTIC improvement since the dog run opened. FYI – every year SUDS does a ‘Scoop the Poop’ day and what we have noticed from canvassing 40th Street – to 48th Street, from Queens Blvd. to 39th Avenue, is that the majority of the poop left on the sidewalk was from little dogs. There was piles of little turds laying around and little turds do not come from big dogs. This neither here, nor there. Dog owners should be picking up the poop, cigarette owners should not stomp their carcinogen sticks out on the sidewalk & leave them there and kids shouldn’t leave there McD’s or BK trash around. We will never get rid of all of the litter bugs in Sunnyside. Furthermore, the owner of Wespaw Pets, who this article was written about, cannot enforce dog owners to scoop the poop either. Your best bet is to keep an eye out for a dog owner who is leaving their dogs crap on the sidewalk and say something. Or shame the owner with a picture of him, the dog & the poop. If you are an owner in the gardens, post a sign on your property asking dog owners to be responsible. Don’t complain about a neighborhood problem; Help be part of the solution! Feel free to join us, SUDS, on the next ‘Scoop the Poop’ day!
The same people that dont pick up in normal weather, dont pick up when it snows. It seems like a lot more, its simply the contrast in color to the snow that makes it stick out and more noticeable.
I walk my dog a lot and rarely see people not picking up, maybe 5-6 times last year. That tells me that people pick up when no one is watching, or, they are walking their dogs at really odd hours.
When I do see it I offer them a bag and they do the ‘fake search’ for a bag and claim they 4got it, or the dog went 2x already.
When you see someone not pick up call them out on it. Speak up and say something. I do.
The dog poop situation has absolutely improved, but, as was mentioned, it will never be perfect, nothing in society is. The poop you see on your block is from the same 1-2 lazy, selfish dog owners. Dogs are creatures of habit and go in the same spots all the time. 10 people with 1 dog each that dont pick up = 140 poops on the sidewalk a week. The amt of people that do not pick up is easily dwarfed by those that do.
Sadly, just as there are slobs on the subway that throw their garbage on the ground, parents who allow their kids to litter around my bldg b4 and after school, people who take up more than 1 spot with their car and people that flick their cancer sticks on the ground, there are always going to be people that dont pick up after their dogs. They are selfish ____. Feel free to fill in the blank with an appropriate mad libs word.
I walk 41st, 42nd streets every day and there has not been am uptick in the amount left on the ground.
My dog is so out of control because of this weather. Usually while I am at work I leave him at a day care. The day care is great , it’s like a Montessori school for dogs. My little one is toilet trained and even brushes his teeth as well. But sometimes he uses my toothbrush and it’s ok. I can’t yell at my precious
@ Sunnyside Native
Unfortunately the dog poop situation has not improved and has, in fact, gotten noticeably worse in the area immediately surrounding the dog run.
The blocks adjascent to the park (42nd St between 43rd and Skillman, and Skillman itself) will obviously have the highest dog-traffic in the neighborhood from people heading to and from the run, so though the issue may be improving in other areas, it seems to have simply been relocated to the blocks people walk to reach the park.
I propose a heavy tax on dog owners to pay for DiBlasio’s universal Pre-K
Love this store! Congrats to Sam and his entire staff: Del, Latoya, Amy & Aiden! I shop here for our dogs & cats and glad to give Sam the business! I work hard to feed my pets the BEST. Sorry the damn kids don’t get the same treatment by THEIR parents. That is not MY responsibility. It’s the responsibility of the PARENTS! Go fight for your kids nutrition and their after care! It’s enough that my taxes go towards our lovely effed up school system, despite the fact that my fiancé & I do not have kids – it’s just what part of our taxes go towards. Thank God my parents sent us to Catholic School from 1st – 12th grade!
The place on 46th Street has been here since I was a kid and it has always been atrocious. I won’t even get into how Steve the owner has “strong armed” other pet stores that opened up over the last 30+ years to either close or move. It is sad that they cram all the birds in those cages. Don’t even get me started on the ‘dungeon’ down below where many animals are housed in cages. These puppies come from puppy mills. 100% fact.
Finally, the dog poop situation has been fixed probably 85% since the dog run opened on June 22, 2013. It will never be 100% solved. You will always have selfish, lazy dog owners who either don’t pick up the poop. The urine on sidewalks is a ridiculous comment. Where would you like it to go? I let my dogs pee anywhere their nose leads them to, except homeowners gardens/lawns. So deal with these factoids and move on…
Finally, the dog poop situation has been fixed probably 85% since the dog run opened on June 22, 2013. It will never be 100% solved. You will always have selfish, lazy dog owners who either don’t pick up the poop. The urine on sidewalks is a ridiculous comment. Where would you like it to go? I let my dogs pee anywhere their nose leads them to, except homeowners gardens/lawns. So deal with these factoids and move on…
I agree JOR – It seems the snow is a free pass to not pick up after your dog.
Where is all this DOG POOP I see more human waste than Dog waste so spare me the BS.
The owner of Wespaw Pets could provide a broader community service by distributing reminders to party attendees to pick up after the dog poops and to bring the dog to the curb when it urinates. The amount of dog feces and urine stains on Sunnyside sidewalks and building entrance ways is disgusting and a disgrace. It would also be helpful if dog owners are instructed that leaving bags of dog fecal matter on the sidewalk does not constitute cleaning up after the dog; the feces bag needs to be placed in an appropriate trash receptacle, preferably at the dog owner’s residence. Too bad the good will generated by the community supported dog park has not resulted in a greater respect for public sidewalks and walk ways.
The pet store on 46th street is a disgrace. I’m not a dog person, I’m a bird owner and I get sick to my stomach every time I pass that place and see so many parakeets crammed into cages and the owner can’t even be bothered to give them a few toys to play with.
I walked in there once to mention this to the owner and I nearly puked from the smell of the place. It’s dirty, unhygienic and cruel to any animal that is unfortunate to find itself in there.
Yeah well said Rick, gotta give it to you, you bastard
catz r better
Garden Loser, if they were giving away wee wee pads for free I still wouldn’t shop at that place on 46th St. I find the prices at Wespaw are very reasonable and pretty close to internet pricing. And the carry quality food- not trash. As for me and my pooch, we’re only shopping at Wespaws. My pup cries when we pass the stinky spot on 46th St and wags his tail and pulls me into Wespaw. He knows the workers at Wespaw love him and will give him treats. I’m excited for them and can’t wait to party with them this weekend.
Rick — well said!!
Solution 1: home school.
Solution 2: make your kid school lunch.
Anywho. I’ll be there with my doggie!
The place on 46st have the same stuff at a much cheaper price, the we we pads about about half the price for the same exact thing same brand
re: SunnysideSux comment.
Blaming pet owners smart enough to buy high quality for the pets is misguided. I spend good $ to ensure my dog lives a long, healthy life, less vet bills, more active, etc
I teach HS, my 12th yr, and I have always been horrified by what is fed to my students. Greasy, fatty foods with very little nutritional value. Many of them dont eat breakfast, and, as the school lunch is so gross, they eat a bagel with chips, doritos or cheese puffs smashed in the middle as a substitute.
These terrible school lunches ABSOLUTELY affect their performance. Eating nothing for bkfst and then crapola for lunch leads to their bodies shutting down and they end up exhausted come 6th-8th period. The worst classes to teach in a middle school are the ones coming off of a lunch period, as they are all wired up on sugary foods. Picture Beavis in the Great Cornholio episode.
The question is, why does it have to be this way? Well, the Bd of Ed gives contracts to the lowest bidder. The winning company then wants to maximize profits, so they dont sell healthy foods (fruit, veggies) as they spoil too quickly. These companies do not have the best interests of schoolchildren in mind, it’s all about $.
It’s up to parents to push for change, that’s their job, advocating for their children. With all the emphasis on the flawed Common Core, kids lose out on phys ed and health classes. Proper nutrition is essential. But, when, McDonalds is so cheap and easy (no prep, no mess) the battle is uphill.
Well, maybe ppl should have fewer children so that they can afford to feed the ones they already have. Or, here is a novel idea…don’t have kids if u cant afford feed them.
Damn animals eat better than the children in schools.
Congratulations to Wespaw on their one-year anniversary. We are very happy to have a place in the neighborhood carrying grain-free cat food at decent prices. Before this store, we had to lug it back from PETCO or a more expensive Manhattan store near our work. It is a pleasure to shop at Wespaw. The staff is welcoming and helpful. This is not a FAKE review. We actually shop here and feel this way.
Wespaw is certainly a great neighborhood place. However its gonna be chilly this weekend!!
This store is a scam. They want you to think they’re giving you a discount, when actually they overcharge you! Thieves! No integrity whatsoever.
Great store! Thank you!
This is great! This store in a breath of fresh air for the neighborhood. Everyone on staff is just wonderful and knowledgeable. A pet store party- how cool is that? This is the greatest store to come to Sunnyside in a long time.
I am so very happy for Sam and WESPAW’s success. It has been a great deal for Sunnyside to have such a wonderful store. For me personally, it has solved the problem of getting quality dog / cat food and supplies at reasonable prices and great service. He has really stepped up to become a part of the Sunnyside Community and I, for one, am very grateful!! Congrats WESPAW!! many more happy years in the neighborhood!!!
I am so very happy for Sam and WESPAW’s success. It has been a great deal for Sunnyside to have such a wonderful store. For me personally, it has solved the problem of getting quality dog / cat food and supplies at reasonable prices and great service. He has really stepped up to become a part of the Sunnyside Community and I, for one, am very grateful!! Congrats WESPAW!! many more happy years in the neighborhood!!!
This is VERY GREAT NEWS for my puppy!!I just moved this neighborhood, I love so much and my puppy too but only thing I really don’t like in sunnyside, there is so many FAKE reviews!!!! Be honest! Sometimes I feel so ashamed to read.
I always appreciated a doggie style party.