Rendering (source: WSJ)
Oct. 19, 2016 By Hannah Wulkan
A new eight-story commercial building is rising on Queens Boulevard.
Development group Curb Cut Partners purchased the site at 38-01 Queens Boulevard last December for $12,070,000.
The old two-story factory building on the lot that formerly held Liberty Brass Turning Company was demolished, making way for a new building housing retail space and medical offices.
The owner filed a permit yesterday with the City for a building with 40,357 square feet of commercial space and 89,540 square feet of medical offices, with 33 parking spaces.
According to the permit, the cellar level would contain underground parking, the first floor would have retail space, and floors two through eight would house medical offices.
The 136-foot-high new building will be situated directly beside the 7 train tracks, just a few blocks down from the 40 Street station in Sunnyside.
SBLM Architects, a firm located in Hell’s Kitchen in Manhattan, will be designing the building.

38-01 Queens Blvd (Sunnysidepost)
Man thats a nice building. Similar to the ones in l.i.c , which sunnyside will be like within the next 30 yrs. Progress is so cool, i wish i would still be alive in 100 yrs from now just to see how the neighborhood progresses and keeps improving. How beautiful its going to be, ill be just like Manhattan.
Irish bars have become boring but sir walter raleigh is a should move he is a negative jerk
The 1st floor retail space is going to be occupied by a massive Rite Aid !!!
They have an exclusive deal with the medical offices on floors 2 thru 8 to be used for RX’s and such.
There will be a small store on the NE corner of the property that will be selling chinese herbs & vitamins as well as lotto.
The owners of the property aren’t the best, they’re all about malls & big box stores. Once they get this project completed they’ll be buying up all the property located near it, and soon enough there will be a mall.
It was the old people that built this neighborhood. It was way better back in the day, then now.
oh please the same smelly old farts that hang out at the stale old Irish Bars in this neighborhood! off with there heads I say. if it was good enough for me it should be good enough for them.
Why does Sunnyside need “modernity”? The brick facades and low-rise buildings are an integral part of its personality and appeal, which separates it from many of the surrounding areas, such as LIC and Astoria. Development is inevitable and necessary, but it can be done without sacrificing the integrity of the neighborhood.
I don’t disagree… but technically this is the LIC side.
Your disgusting phrase reveals far more about the dimensions of your mind than it does about anyone else in the world. #intolerance
Oh Please! no more Irish Bars they only attract burnt out Old Farts!
nice and open, doesnt look like any bad hombres will hang out in that place!
why are people always so negative on this site? the place where you live tore down an ugly old brick building and is building something pretty stunning in its place.
I agree with the above comments. If it looks as good as the rendering, why not? Sunnyside badly needs an infusion of modernity with a building that symbolizes progress as opposed to slow decay. Just don’t let there be any nail salons, chicken places, or Irish bars on the ground floor. A Trader Joe’s would be a thing of magic!
as long as its not another hotel that eventually would turn into a homeless shelter when things go south.
Hopefully, a Trader Joe’s will open on the first floor!
I bet it will be full of nail salons, Peruvian restaurants, big banks, bars and drug stores. Any open space will be filled by homeless people. What a shame.
Angela- knowing Sunnyside, I’m afraid you may be right.
who do i get in touch with the discuss renting medical space?
no, for real sunnyside post.
who do i call to start discussing a lease agreement?
There is a sign outside the building site listing a number
“40,357 square feet of commercial space and 89,540 square feet of medical offices,”….. A total 129,897 with 33 parking spaces.who did the Math on parking ? or the amount of staff let alone customers working or visiting the building taking Public transportation to this new building the 7 train and busses are packed during rush hours
It will attract reverse commuters or commuters who were gonna go to the city anyway. Plus they will get off at your station when you are getting on. The bedroom nature of all the 7 train communities are why the 7 is so crowded. Everyone goes to the city in the morning at the same time. Everyone comes back at the same time. If you want a better commute, jobs need to be distributed rather than consolidated at the end of the line. We need a few more of these buildings. They also support local restaurants, bars, and other businesses.
I agree. Not sure how they’re going to attract medical offices–they seem to cluster around hospitals–but they don’t have to restrict seven floors to medical offices. A lot of small businesses in the area could use office space.
long time sunntsider its time to move out
Your lack of respect for people would be galling if it weren’t so pitiful. You have a lot to learn about being human.
Hopefully it’ll look as good as the rendering when completed.
Wow, its pretty shocking that such a big building would be so close! At least its not ugly!