Paris Baguette in Brooklyn (Source: Brownstoner)
July 6, 2016 By Michael Florio
A well-regarded Korean bakery giant is expected to open on 46th Street later this year on the highly-trafficked strip between Queens Boulevard and Greenpoint Avenue.
Paris Baguette, a chain that serves cakes, pastries, sandwiches and coffee, will be opening at 45-22 46th St. in November, according to a company spokeswoman. The bakery has more than 3,000 retail stores worldwide, including more than 50 in the U.S.
The new Sunnyside location had been occupied by Beauty Feel Supply for 13 years, which closed in February due to a slowdown in business.
Paris Baguette is already working on putting together a grand opening event that will include a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Sunnyside location. There will be free samples for attendees, as well as special gifts for the first 100 people that show up and giveaways, the spokeswoman said.
The company has cafes located in Flushing, Bayside, Manhattan and Brooklyn. The chain operates in a number of states, such as New Jersey, Massachusetts, Nevada, Georgia and California.
For more on Paris Baguette, click here.

Location of future Paris Baguette
So they don’t have butter to put on the bread if you get a demi baguette and want to eat part of it there. They cannot make a decaf latte because the latte is already mixed and they apparently don’t know how to put decaf coffee into a cup with warmed milk and a squirt or two of vanilla. They don’t have mint tea, and cannot tell you they don’t have mint. The cashier showed me a placard stand up with pictures of what tea they have. The cashier area is too small and cramped and forces people to line up along the cases where others are trying to look at and select their food. But at least the bench seats are more comfortable than Starbucks and there’s a broad variety of pastries to select from.
When will it open?
When will it be open
I hope it is very very expensive.
Hope it’s not expensive
Paris Baguette is a chain. They’ve had a location in downtown Flushing for several years now. Prices seem slightly lower than at a newer branch opened last year in Manhattan on west side of Eighth Avenue between 57th & 58th Streets.
It’s another example of how this city is going to shit. This landlord wouldn’t offer this location to an independent operator because they want to rape whoever is interested in the space. Than all you jerks jumping for joy screaming hurray another franchise is here to feed us.
If you were any decent people you would be saying no we don’t want anything like this I’m not gonna go there instead you praise it.
I hope your happy when all these corporate giants take over and your paying top dollar to live in a giant strip mall and all the independent operators are gone because the greedy landlords drove them out. Choke on your baguette.
You are (you’re) mixing up “your” and “you’re.” It’s distracting from your message.
All we’ve done is expressed satisfaction with the idea that an empty storefront is being taken over by a commercial enterprise; no one is “jumping for joy.” This isn’t Mayberry, this is New York City and independently-owned bakeries are closing, not opening new shops these days. If you want to focus your argument and make it more effective, maybe you should contact the landlord and give him a piece of your mind (if you think you can spare it.)
Are you really our neighbor? And you’re hoping we choke? No wonder people are saying that NYC is falling apart at the seams!
You’re (which is how you contract “you are,” btw) hoping we choke(!) because we’re glad to hear a bakery is replacing an empty store front? Who’s “jumping for joy?” That’s very harsh. No wonder people say NYC is falling apart at the seams!
Great! If they sell a nice baguette, I’ll be a regular. Folks that are against “chains” probably have no idea how expensive it would be to do something like this independently.
Spoken like a true corporatist. This is why we have a bank on every corner, Times Square turned into disneyland, “blockbuster” movies that re-iterate brands with 10 sequels, and advertising that spends more money each year than the GDP of mid sized countries to clutter your life with subliminal messages that encourage you to make bad decisions.
Yeah. Chains are a good thing. Nothing like making a choice between ‘A’ or ‘A.’ We don’t need no stinkin’ variety or an economic system that spreads the wealth. We prefer to hand it over to the few that can employ economies of scale giving us products we don’t need and of inferior quality.
Well, we do need a good bakery. Why do you open one? Or are you all talk and no action. I bet that’s it.
Is this place like Cafe Bene where they say it’s French food but it actually tastes like nothing?
French cardboard, eh?
Caffe Bene is truly lackluster. They are targeting the Asians demographic in the area
Paris Baguette is awesome! They have an Asian interpretation of classic French pastries and I love it. A welcome addition to the neighborhood.
Yes yes yes yes yes! Finally! Great news – it’s the best Korean bakery chain. As an Irish person living in the neighborhood for two decades, I’m delighted. It would be great now if a decent Korean restaurant like Kimganae in Flushing opened next door.
If they charge Manhattan prices, it won’t last long…Perhaps the competition will cause Key Food across the street to improve its bakery section, which is truly awful.
The Paris Baguette team recently won the Coupe Du Monde De Boulangerie – the olympics of baking held every four years…. this place must be good. Obviously the French hate them…. bwahhhhhhhhh!!!
Gimme a break. There’s no such thing as the coupe du monde de boulangerie!
Surprising that the French didn’t even come second. Resting on the laurels of their heritage, I guess.
Great , its going to turn into flushing soon
Rude much? Our neighborhood is diverse and that’s what makes it the best. Get over it.
Can’t agree more that one of our neighborhood’s charms is its diversity!
Also, Paris Baguette is a chain but they offer a wide range of bakery items at a level of freshness that is harder for smaller bakeries to maintain. I just hope this PB doesn’t go the way of Caffe Bene and its perpetually stale-looking items.
Get over it asshole!
Anyone know what will open on Queens Blvd where Pure Spa & Salon was? I see there’s some construction going on inside.
We definitely could use baguettes but I’m not happy about another chain store that should be in the mall or at the airport. (Like the Café Bene on Queens Blvd.) Really not happy.
This neighborhood is in dire need of a good bakery. From the looks of it, this place isn’t it. Thing is, look at the market across the street. Only in the last couple of years did they start to carry Amy’s breads – a reasonable facsimile of decent bread. All they ever sold were squishy brown colored sponges that taste like straw. The demographic that lives in Sunnyside isn’t one of European decent, so good daily bread is replaced with tortillas, rice, or sandwich Wonder Bread. Even the bread sold at the farmers market on 43rd ave on Saturdays is average and way overpriced. It’s “artisanal” so they can charge $4.50/ loaf for bad ciabatta.
Paris Baguette is sweet. Good luck to them.
Don’t like today’s chain stores for the most part. Did like Woolworth’s.
Thier ham and cheese baguette is where its at though.
This place in sunny side is dirty I found hair in my food went back the next day and had a baker com out and call me a liar