Photo: QueensPost
May 27, 2014 Staff Report
A new furniture store located on 47th Street opened Thursday selling discount furniture.
Papa’s Furniture sells couches, living room set and tables at affordable rates.
Papa’s, which is located at 45-20 47th Street, is not part of a chain.
I think the latino chain of furniture stores, Papi Furniture, has much better deals.
The only Papa I give my cash to is Beard Papa, legendary cream puffs of Japan and the NYC
I take offense to that comment!
Anyone else annoyed last night when those workers outside capital one started using a jack hammer at 9pm!?
I think I remember hearing it was changing hands, but I can’t remember the details.
What’s the over and under on their first ‘going out of business sale’?
SPHM16, I couldnt agree more on the mattress collectors. These old piss, feces stained mattresses belong in the dump. They drive around with 4+ of them piled atop their vans, bringing bed bugs from point A to point B. It’s about time the city addresses this issue…OR…just maybe the city likes them being collected, less work for Sanitation Dept….
Meanwhile, the large corner Queens Furniture Outlet on the south side of Queens Boulevard near Aviation HS has started a “Going Out of Business Sale.” Is it for real or just a promotional gimmick?
I strongly support individual businessmen against the abuses of chains.
I bet tv at is not really hipsta Thugg’s email.
Hey, I’d love to buy second hand refurnished bed bug ridden furniture from a “mom and pop” shop. you know why mom and pop shops don’t make it anymore? because they SUCK. Give me a company that follows strict guidelines on quality and insurance. Not some rinky dink operation.
I see guys picking up Bed Bug Mattresses all the time. I yelled at one the other day, I said HEY YOU! That’s got Bed Bugs on them! that’s Disgusting MAN!” and he tried to act like he didn’t speak English, so then I spoke to him in his Language and he had this look like “oh, I’m called disgusting in TWO languages…ok.” and left.
I shall ask again, WHY has there not been a report on the Art store? Wsa’matter Moderator, those lovely ladies didn’t give you enough attention??
i say six months, if even that. So you move the furniture sets out the front door and tie it to the roof of your double parked car? Poppys got some string I guess, but no loading zone.
Another poorly thought our business venture. When do the fluorescent color paper signs start getting taped to the windows?
Bring an Mac store in here and let Apple show show you how its done. Enough of these half assed attempts at business.
sure, you can send my hate mail directly to me now:
Good enough for me. Sunnyside is better off having mom-and-pop stores than chain stores.
Best of everything!
Good luck, Papa!