May 23, 2017 By Christian Murray
The owner of the building containing Mexican restaurant La Adelita will be bulldozing the site, according to a recent filing with Buildings Dept.
Owner Ovidiu Mihu filed for a demolition permit to raze the three-story building at 52-22 Roosevelt Avenue on May 12 which was approved.
Mihu filed plans in January to build a five-story building on the site, consisting of retail, residential and medical office space.
According to those plans, the proposed building would have 3,062 square feet of retail space on the ground floor, as well as a lobby.
The second floor would contain 4,538 square feet of medical offices, and the third through fifth floors would hold a total of 10 apartments, or 10,600 square feet of residential space.
The plans also show that the new building would have a finished rooftop for the use of residents, though the site is right beside the 7 train.
what about that money that la adelita took in from the gofundme campaign to help her pay taxes and keep the restaurant? go fund me is such a scam.
I going to miss this place. 3 and 12 stars
I never ate there. My mom usually makes my dinner. The only time we ever eat out is on mothers Day. She pays. Hee, hee, hee.
WOW…wish these apts were around when I lived in Woodside!
Isn’t this the same restaurant that got bailed out a few months ago for cheating taxes?
Yes, it is!
Out with the Old Farts and in with in with the new and vibrant Hipsters.
Hipsters would never love in whatever shoddy building appears there, next to the 7 train. Itll just be regular old paper thin walled apartments. Don’t fret. Besides, it’s not even in Sunnyside. Woodside could use some help
Who cares
Just ask his real estate developer constituents.
follow his money for his re-election campaign –
Oh, good. Just what we need! More empty storefronts, more doctors and luxury apartments that rattle your teeth out of your head as you sleep. Wonderful! Long Live the Real Estate Developer!
Oh brother,here we go..
This is in Sunnyside?
At least they’ll have a beautiful view of the lead paint chips falling down onto pedestrians.
Wow this neighborhood is really blowing up! Developments spouting up everywhere. Let’s get some comments from some old people who hate change and despite everyone who is moving in.
Only someone who has no fear of being priced out of a neighborhood they have lived in forever would say such a stupid thing. Yay gentrification.