Feb. 29, 2016 Staff Report
A Queens Boulevard lounge/club/Greek restaurant and sports bar rolled into one has finally closed.
OT, as in Over Time, suffered from a string of hardships shortly after the 39-31 Queens Blvd establishment opened in 2014 (see story). The owner tried to turn it around in 2015 by promoting its Greek food and cocktails.
However, business remained slow and the bar/restaurant was listed for sale at the beginning of the year.
But last Wednesday OT ran out of time. The landlord took legal possession of the premises.

How about bringing back a movie theatre in our area? Thats what we truly need. Best diner in the area is Foxy’s and they have lost a lot of movie goers business. Lets get a movie theatre back in our neighborhood, NOW!!!!!!
Owner didnt have a clue how to run a place like this. He thought he was big shot, a top dog but all he was, was a mutt. Fake ass hot shot. Treated customers like crap and thought he was scarface.meanwhile he had no idea how to run the place.totally his fault, he didnt belong in a business he never run before. Fool and his money are soon parted. Dummy even waited to long to put it up for sale
He should have put it up for sale when he started opening up at 8 pm then 11pm .not opening all during yhe week sometime. Im glad hes gone he dont belong in this business. Hes like fred sanfords son lamont ,,, DUMMY!
Put a nice condo there.
Massive headline potential here.
The Whistle Blows on OT.
No Buzzer-Beater for OT.
OT DQ’d.
oh man that guy must have lost a small fortune.
Place is a dump knock it down. Why do you guys spend time even talking about it.