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Op-Ed: Why I Oppose Unconstitutional Mandates

Marvin Jeffcoat, Republican candidate for the 26th Council District, which covers Sunnyside, Woodside, Long Island City and parts of Astoria

Aug. 18, 2021 Op-Ed By: Marvin Jeffcoat, Candidate for City Council

We all need to understand what’s at stake here. To do that we have to understand our Constitutional rights.

No emergency ever justifies a suspension of the US Constitution and our Rights! If government were allowed to suspend the Constitution based on emergencies the government would continue to manufacture emergencies for more and more control.

The Constitution gives states the authority to regulate based on health, safety, and welfare, but that doesn’t mean that they can force you to take an experimental drug absent probable cause that you’re actually a threat to others.

The fourth amendment guarantees bodily autonomy because we have the right to be secure in our person and free of search and seizure absent probable cause of a crime.

Instead of probable cause and a balancing of efficacy what we have are more questions than answers.

The CDC and manufacturers have said the vaccines do not prevent transmission of the virus. Doctors, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, have long acknowledged the virus defeats the porosity of masks. Yet the administration says we must be vaccinated and wear masks to protect others because vaccines work—period end of discussion. Really?

So, based on what we know are our God-given rights, what do the vaccinated have to fear from the unvaccinated if in fact the vaccines work?

Why do we need vaccines at all since there are cures available such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin? Do they pose more risk than chemotherapy?

If the vaccines don’t work 100 percent why are they being mandated? Do they have the moral and ethical authority to condemn a certain percentage of the population to debilitation or death?

Do we know that weekly nasal swabs are safe and free of carcinogens?

Why are we being forced to make public our private medical history?

We also need to rethink the way we apply political immunity. When it’s all said and done the politicians, the CDC, Fauci, and the manufacturers will have absolute immunity from civil or criminal liability even if you die.

That’s wrong and needs to stop. By the way we must preserve qualified immunity for the brave men and women of NYPD.

So, what should we do about it besides not take the experimental drug? We need to demand that the public advocate file an injunction against this administration stopping them from forcing vaccine and mask mandates and mandatory testing until they are all confirmed to be 100% completely safe and those imposing these mandates are subject to accountability if it turns out they’re mistaken.

We need to collectively file suit against the administration and its agents for violating our human rights. Ohio attorney Thomas Renz just put the FDA on notice.

And finally, we need to elect a Mayor and City Council that’s going to pass a law that will remove executive immunity for criminal actions and prevent the violation of our rights without probable cause and due process. I am that candidate, I think Dr. Devi Nampiaparampil is that candidate, I think Vickie [Paladino’s] that candidate, and I think Curtis [Sliwa] is that candidate.

*Marvin Jeffcoat is a Woodside resident and is running for City Council in the 26th District as a Republican. 

Marvin Jeffcoat with Vickie Paladino, Republican candidate for District 19, at an anti-COVID vaccine mandate rally (Photo: Courtesy of Marvin Jeffcoat)

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Nilda Rivera

People should not be putting a lab made virus substance in our body that may cause harm to us. And no one to answer too if something happens. Then means it’s not SAFE. That means you’re screwed.

Gardens Watcher

WARNING: The CDC has issued a health advisory warning physicians and the public about the rise in prescriptions for the anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin for use in the treatment or prevention of COVID-19.

It is NOT authorized or approved for prevention OR treatment of COVID-19. Overdose can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension, allergic reactions, dizziness, ataxia, seizures, coma and even death.

See Carbie Barbie’s link below.

Holistic approach to covid

Or…we should not focus on the vaccine as the sole treatment option and instead promote a more holistic and multifaceted wellness approach to building immunity.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Mask up, keep your distance and wash hands. Simple!

Holistic- History is full of holistic examples and none are successful in their outcome. You can pick your poison but best choice is preventative measures. Fact!!

Gary C.

Mr. Jeffcoat, If you have a law degree you need to demand a refund from your law school as it clearly did not equip you with a basic understanding of the constitution (Mine did). Further, your dissemination of misinformation concerning the efficacy of vaccinations, prophylactic measures, and treatment modalities to combat Covid 19 demonstrate that you are whole and completely unfit to assume any post that affects public welfare. I suspect you actually know better but are simply and unethically pandering for electoral purposes. Therefore, I wish you a resounding defeat in November. Vote Won!!!

Van Bramer on Steroids.

Racist much against a black veteran? Nooooo, of course not!
The Won lady, by the way, will be Jimmy Van Bramer II. Good luck with that while the moving van draw away with working class/middle class people. But you probably pay for “private security” guards, so why should you care?

Carbie Barbie

Republicans are the true enemies of the working class.

Crappy corporate democrats are somewhat better, but it’s the GOP that is and has been the party of business. They just use culture wars to blind people to that fact.

Common Law Rules

The fact of the matter is, that both you and Mr. O’Brien are practicing Maritime Law based on the Act of 1871. Mr. Jeffcoat, on the other hand, stakes his argument on Common Law which is rooted in the original 1776 Constitution.

Highly recommend that you remove your television set from your “tuchas” and do a little research on the Act of 1871.

Furthermore, did you check to see that your Health and Life Insurance policies will cover you after your wonderful vaccine? Generally, insurance companies don’t like to cover patients who have under gone experimental therapies….the devil is always in the fine print. Make sure you call the Company, not the agent or broker. The Company writes the policy. And they can change their minds at anytime and re-write the policy.

Gardens Watcher

Name one company that is NOT covering medical claims for members based on their vaccination status. These “wonderful” FREE vaccines vastly reduce your chances of hospitalization or death from Covid. Last year, the average cost of a COVID-19 hospitalization was about $42,200 per patient. The cost of burnout for our frontline healthcare workers, who are busting their butt and risking their life on a daily basis for the unvaccinated, is frankly incalculable.

On the contrary, I wouldn’t be surprised if health insurance companies started giving discounts on premiums for those who ARE vaccinated.

In general, denial of life insurance claims is rare and occurs only for specific documented reasons. Existing policies won’t change, so a death due to COVID-19 will be covered. Purchasing a new life insurance policy usually involves a health status check and sometimes a medical exam, and asking for and verifying your vaccination status is NOT banned.

Just get vaccinated!

Carbie Barbie

Hey, Sunnyside Post, it’s wildly irresponsible to let this hogwash be published here, especially since the FDA itself is saying this:

“Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19”

Just some of the gems of wisdom here:

*FDA has not approved ivermectin for use in treating or preventing COVID-19 in humans.

*Never use medications intended for animals on yourself. Ivermectin preparations for animals are very different from those approved for humans.

*Some forms of ivermectin are used in animals to prevent heartworm disease and certain internal and external parasites. It’s important to note that these products are different from the ones for people, and safe when used as prescribed for animals, only.

*For one thing, animal drugs are often highly concentrated because they are used for large animals like horses and cows, which can weigh a lot more than we do—a ton or more. Such high doses can be highly toxic in humans.

Are you a Cuomosexual?

Why do liberals hate the elderly in nursing homes and the disabled ? I’ll bet you love the way Cuomo handled the covid crisis ?

That Guy

I am disappointed that Queens Post would publish this misinformed, misleading and dangerous Op-Ed. This man obviously doesn’t understand how science works and much of the information in the article is false.

Gardens Watcher

He is running for City Council in the 26th District as a Republican. That’s JVB’s seat. Why isn’t JVB commenting on this?


I’m really glad that he took the time to write this Op-Ed about our Constitutional Rights and then went ahead and shared no references or case law from any court decision and how it applies to face masks and vaccine mandates.


When whites oppose being vaccinated social media says its because of white privilege. When blacks do not get vaccinated and oppose the vaccine social media says its because of systematic racism.

Why does the radical right want everything to be PC?

You don’t HAVE to make everything about race

S. Chandler

A really confused man withprioities and beliefs.
Sir, you do not live on an island but rather in a society, where your freedoms are linked to reponsibilities. Where do you get this stuff? The vacccine does nt prevent the virus? Of course NO vaccine is 100% efffective, but shpw some common senseand consideration for the welfare of your neighbors ina health emergency such as this. It’s people like you, spreading your nonsense, who will prolong and spread the virus as well as its economic impacts.

Your politicizing this disease puts my friends and family in jeopardy.

“Doctors, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, have long acknowledged the virus defeats the porosity of masks.” However reduces the virus load which reduces severity of the disease. In the earliest cases in Italy where people were dropping dead in the street, toxic screens of victims body tissues shows a viral load of 10,000 times more virus than cases now.

Gardens Watcher

Wow, a full-fledged idiot runs for city council! This op-Ed would have been taken down from social media for spreading such false information. But since he’s running for public office, I guess it’s newsworthy.

At least the voters get to read his dangerous screed and see for themselves what a challenge we are facing to get NYC fully vaccinated. DO NOT FALL FOR SUCH LIES! DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS MAN!

Racist much?

Hey, Gardens Watcher, how does your garden grow? Since Mr. Jeffcoat is a black man, can I call you a racist?

Gardens Watcher

I am not a racist! His whacked out views have nothing to do with race, and I would slam a white guy if he spewed the same garbage.

End the ghetto mentality

Why don’t you just admit that you live in a lily white area and would probably move if black people moved in because of your cough cough “property values”. You think that black people can’t think for ourselves. My half black kids are appalled by you and people like you.

Gardens Watcher

This is Queens, my friend, not Idaho, so my Queens neighborhood is a blend of all races, colors and creeds. Your assumptions are wrong and sadly, say more about you than me.

Racist Much Much?

So now all of Idaho is racist? Just because Queens has a lot of diversity doesn’t mean its without racism. I seem to recall a steep uptick of racially motivated hate crimes happening in Queens as well as the rest of NYC. Using your residence in a diverse neighborhood to defend not being a racist is like saying you can’t be racist because you have one black friend.

Gardens Watcher

I’ll be gladly voting for Eric Adams, and you really should stop with the ugly, racist generalizations.

Fox News poisons the well

Hashtagger- An individual who disagrees with somebody of a different race or calls somebody of a different race out for telling lies is not racist behavior. Grow up.


So much misinformation here I don’t even know where to begin. Though it’s an opinion piece, the editors should do better

Sunnyside Kook

Now I know who I am NOT voting for. Thank you for publishing this. It is good to know that Julie’s Won rival is a real kook.

Stop the nonsense

Jeffcoat is right
This is fascism and it will get worse
We are losing our rights
We are dividing and discriminating
Next up
Re-education camps

Fox News is stumbling yet again before a judge about their lies

@Stop – Fascism is denying election results to remain in power. Fascism is trying to prevent the certification of election results and getting people killed in the process. Fascism is denying people the right to vote and participate in their own political future.

CNN causes brain rot

No, fascism is having YOUR BARTENDER CHECK YOUR PAPERS and then asking you to leave because you are not vaccinated (for whatever reason).

Fox stole New Speak from Orwell. Fascism is Democratic. Alternative Facts are Truth. Totalitarianism is freedom

@CNN- The law already allows for the bartender to check your ID. The law states your age and identity must be verified. Being served in a bar is not a right. Voting is a right guaranteed by the US Constitution and the 21st Amendment repealed the Eighteenth Amendment and returned the regulation of alcohol to the states. Each state sets its own rules for the sale and importation of alcohol.

Fox News reports on all the news they wouldn’t and couldn’t verify

Re-education camps. It’s all on line learning and called Fox News and Facebook. You appear to be a graduate.


Fascism is an extreme right wing idea. The left opposes fascism. Fascism comes from the extreme right.

I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning

Is someone forcing Mr Jeffcoat to go eat at a public restaurant? No? Then his rights aren’t really being infringed on.

> Do we know that weekly nasal swabs are safe and free of carcinogens?

“Do Q-tips cause cancer?” Wow, I haven’t seen someone this clueless about the pandemic since Orange Man.

Telling it like it is

So many white liberal racists living in the Gardens! Good to know. And they hider behind their BLM signs to show us how “brave” they are. They are sickening. They hate Mr. Jeffcoat because he is black and a veteran and calls them out on their nonsense.


Hydroxychloroquine?…this man is either woefully uninformed or an outright liar. I’m going with the latter.

Trump Fox and Republicans all got vaccinated

Why didn’t tump get treat with “hydro” when he was infected.


“The FDA doesn’t like it because it’s cheap.” This genius thinks he knows more than everyone else. It is well known that the government profits off of drugs.

Stop FDA corruption

NOT OFF OF INEXPENSIVE PRODUCTS such as hycroxycloriquine. Do not trust the FDA: they are notorious about not approving new medications or inexpensive ones.


“cures available such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin”
My brother in law was a doctor at Jamaica Hospital at the height of the surge when every floor was a covid floor and were filled to capacity. He said they tried every drug they could including hydroxychloroquine. Nothing worked and it was the most demoralizing time of his career. This dangerous and frankly uneducated statement from someone who wants to be a community leader is in my eyes immediately disqualifying.
PS – many of us Sunnysiders have children under the age of twelve or are immunocompromised and unable to be vaccinated at this time. People talking about constitutional rights are free to keep spewing this nonsense. Please do so; so we know you for who you are and can make sure you can’t make uninformed decisions for us.

JM Maspeth

This guy is certainly pushing all the buttons and hitting all the talking points to appeal to the Trumpers. I don’t think he missed a single one. Even Ivermectin made it in there! Thank you Mr. Jeffcoat, but I’ll go with the informed conclusions and advice of trained public health professionals and medical doctors to protect myself, my family and those around me. And I’ll try to make the best of it, AGAIN, when my kids are inevitably subject to repeated cycles of remote learning yet again when their classes are quarantined due to positive tests among classmates.


Good letter Ray but some of the intellectuals with 4th grade educations think they know more than your brother. Pathetic.

Joe Biden's Favorite Ice Cream

Wow, what hatred! I feel sorry for your brother, the “doctor”. Maybe he can get you the psychiatric help you need. Hydroxycloroquine is in expensive and if taken in small doses at the beginning of a Covid infection, is helpful. Hydroxy has saved lives.

Hashtagger is gullible

How gullible. Why didn’t Donald Trump get treated with Hydroxycloroquine when he got infected? Because he knew and knows the truth.

Jacobson v. Massachusetts

Who is this ignorant person? Maybe he should actually read some case law.

Gardens Watcher

Read the 8/24 response to this Op-Ed from Patrick O’Brien. He lays out a cogent argument from a legal perspective.

The fourth amendment guarantees bodily autonomy because we have the right to be secure in our person and free of search and seizure absent probable cause of a crime.

Except when it comes to a woman’s right to sexual health.

Get vaccinated

Right?! I assume this guy also calls himself “pro-life.” The viral shed of an unvaccinated person is 1000 times that of a vaccinated person, so if my baby with a fragile newborn immune system unknowingly comes into contact with someone with 1000 times the viral load compared to the minimal viral load of someone responsibly vaccinated, it could be lethal, and if that happens, then this Jeffcoat guy doesn’t deserve immunity for promoting this conspiracy and putting my family and others in our community at risk. This op-ed is dangerous and is going to directly result in people dying by deciding not to get the vaccine because they read this lying garbage.


its not all sunshine and rainbows. i’m still struggling with bad reactions after the first jab 2 weeks later.

Why does the Radical Right want everything to be PC?

That’s because the vaccine uses Microsoft nanobots and wasn’t made for Trump supporters. As a follower of the Orange Man you should have known better. I’m disappointed in you.


Marvin is conflating freedom with selfishness. This type of thinking is ripping our country apart.


Sure. Us regular folks get banned or have our comments not posted for posting similar thoughts.

Sunnyside Strong

Sunnysidepost really let this conspiracy laden BS get published? BTW, Jeff get off Parler and those brain melting websites. Another, btw, you’re not going to win.

Bench warmer

So it’s ok for the Elite like Obama to host a 700 guest party without masks. But us regular vaccinated sheeps folk continue to turn our blind eye on hypocrisy

Fox Stupid is the biggest stupid

Party with 700? How about concerts with thousands? Opening up parties with thousands? Obama’s party was within Covid preventive guidelines unlike Trumps rally’s like the one that killed Herman Caine.

Bench warmer

No, it’s not conspiracy, it’s fair to report other people’s opinions on very important subjects , just because you don’t agree doesn’t make conspiracy


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