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Oktoberfest on October 8 at Sunnyside Gardens Park

Oct. 6, 2011 Staff Report

The public is invited to attend the free-admission crafts fair and pumpkin patch fest on Saturday from noon through 5 p.m.

The entrance to Sunnyside Gardens Park is on 39th Avenue, between 48th and 49th Streets.

There will be many artisans offering handmade crafts for sale, music by Strung out String Quartet, and children’s activities including pumpkin painting and face painting. Beer will be for sale as well as grilled fare.

The rain date is Sunday, Oct. 9.

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As the organizers of the Sunnyside Gardens Park Oktoberfest/Pumpkin Patch event we must set the record straight. Since its inception 5 years ago this event has always been held on the Saturday of Columbus Day weekend. We chose this weekend for several reasons. It’s a fun affordable activity during a long weekend for those who don’t have a country home to escape to or even a car to go get pumpkins with. The weather is more reliable than the weekends to follow, and we have an easier time procuring our member volunteers to work this event.
Last year Oktoberfest was Saturday October 9. Yom Kippur was Friday, September 17. Oktoberfest 2009-Saturday, October 10. Yom Kippur-Sunday, September 27. Oktoberfest 2008-Saturday, October 11. Yom Kippur-Wednesday, October 8. The very first Oktoberfest in 2007 was Saturday, October 6 while Yom Kippur was Friday September 21.
I hope you see where I am going with this. This event pretty much stays around the same date and we keep it that way for the consistency of planning, advertising and the scheduling of volunteers. No staff….volunteers! Volunteers who take time from their jobs, their spouses and their children to help this organization and this community.
I hope everyone understands the scheduling of this event this year was not intended to hurt or offend anyone just as I’m sure it wasn’t intended to hurt or offend us by calling us “morons”.


Penny Lynch
Park Director

Kimberly Moser
Vice President, SGCA


Nobody said the world should “stop” – it could have been scheduled for a more inclusive day! Good grief – don’t they want MORE CUSTOMERS? and, Mr. Watcher, why do you put the word “Jewish” in quotes? Or do you think it is an Eskimo holiday? Your bigotry is showing.


I say enough with all public celebration of anything religious or ethnic! Let people have a party when they want to have a party on their own turf and let’s stop all the parades for Saints and ethnic groups!! My love of humanity is boundless but give peace and quiet a chance.

The Watcher

Can anyone tell me WHY the rest of the world has to stop because its a “Jewish” holiday?


The “organizers” would have had more people had they checked the calendar. The hatred being spat out at people who object to the timing, is mindboggling and reveals the mindset of many of the people in this neighborhood. They are fast to shout, “racist, homophobe,” blablabla but when somebody poorly times an event, they are strangely silent or even worse, hostile. At this time of year some people need to engage in self-exmination.


What a bunch of boors! The organizers could have picked another weekend for Octoberfest. I am not Jewish but I respect the Jewish tradition. The people attacking the lady are wrong and shortsighted in addition to being ignorant.

45th and Skillman

Are you serious, Sunny Blue? How DARE they peddle their wares on Columbus Day? Don’t they know there are at least 5 Italians living in this neighborhood?

Sunny Blue

Thanks 45th! Seems we’ll all get another chance to indulge in a tube sock, cheap junk festival on Columbus Day. There’s another street fair on Greenpoint on Monday. Who knew he sailed the ocean blue so we could don cheap cotton socks and eat Mozzarepas.


I guess this is off-topic now, but I attended the event and it was pretty fun. Great turnout, music, food, festivities. Very talented crafters, too. I hope they do it again next year on a less controversial date.

The Watcher

Raquel, you obviously dislike the park, so even if it was NOT a “Jewish” holiday, I doubt you would attend. If every organization had to check with every single religious institution to see if was OK to hold a Block Party or other public event, nothing would get done. Does NYC shut down for Ramadan? How dare you suggest that everyone, especially us goyim, have to have restrictions placed on us because today is a “Jewish” holiday! There is religious freedom in this country, as well as separation of church and state. I find it offensive when anyone uses religion as a crutch to hate and manipulate the general population. So you go celebrate your holiday and I will enjoy a fine Saturday afternoon in the park. Mazel Tov!


Roger – it is called the Judeo- Christian culture. I believe a new synagogue opened in Sunnyside. There are lots of Jews who own houses in the Gardens. Does anybody not have a calendar? This is called respect. I would not plan a street fair on Good Friday out of RESPECT. Yes, respect for my more devout neighbors. What are the planners thinking? Octoberfest Mother’s condescension is particularly revolting. Is she going to dress her kids in leider hosen and brownshirts?



How does a group of non-Jewish people enjoying a fun day out interfere with observant Jews celebrating a religious holiday?

There are probably more Hindus in Sunnyside than Jews and I’m sure they have plenty of holy days too but since I’m not a Hindu, I don’t know when they are or care to have my activities restricted to accommodate them. In any case, I wish my neighbors of various faiths all the best but I’ll be damned if I’m forced to observe their holidays.


The condescending jerks attacking Raquel should take a good look at themselves. They are offensive. The timing of this “fest” is very wrong and if it was organized by the guys who charge money to join the park which has received public funds, they should really be ashamed of themselves. No wonder I never wanted to join. Octoberfest Mother is particularly condescending, “dear”. What a bunch of pagans – I meant fools!


I’m with Raquel. She is absolutely correct and I am not Jewish. The organizers don’t give a bratwurst about their neighbors and obviously don’t have calendars. And the people attacking Raquel are a bunch of harpies and probably pagans to boot. Shame on you fools.


I thought Yom Kippur was a day for Jews to atone for their sins, not sit around bitching about what their non-Jewish neighbors are doing.


I hope they have brats by the time I break the fast. Though I kinda doubt it. Hey Raquel, baby, why don’t you organize a Purim party in protest? Why does everyone think that protest has to be destructive or boycott? Do something!

45th and Skillman

Sunny Blue – “tube sock festival” is the comment of the day.

We can all enjoy some mail truck cotton candy in our wolf tshirts.

Oktoberfest Mother

My Dear Raquel ~~

So sorry that this celebration of the Harvest upsets you.
You must remember, my dear, that this celebration has been going on for centuries ~~ as so wonderfully explained to you by all here. Since we do live in a diversified country, you must live and let live, tolerate differences, beliefs, and in this case, celebration.

We celebrate this fest with “gemütlichkeit – pleasantness, friendliness, coziness, happiness, you see.

You must go on with your own celebration. Of course, if you decided to attend, you would be welcomed with open arms, my dear. <3


anonymous, i’d love the top bunk,and i’ll bring the heinekens and we’ll toast raquel,she can’t possibly imagine the great time she’ll be missing out on.

Lucky Lu

Raquel, did you dare to have fun on Good Friday? Did you eat meat that day? If so, maybe all Catholics should be offended. I think your outrage is ridiculous. We don’t live in a religious state. We can have street fairs whenever we like, including on the religious holidays of others. Nobody is required to celebrate or observe through non-celebration any of my religious holidays. Ever go to a movie on Christmas Day? You don’t hear Christians screaming that all movie theaters should be shut down on Christmas Day because it’s a religious holiday. NYC public schools were closed for 2 days last week for the Jewish New Year, even though the vast majority of the students aren’t Jewish. No Muslim holidays, Hindu holidays or Buddhist holidays are given off, even though those religions are more highly represented among NYC public school students. Get a grip on yourself. Tomorrow is Yom Kippur. I just don’t care. It’s just another day of the year for me, and I’ll do as a I damn well please, including attending Oktoberfest.


Raquel, you are getting a royal smack down here. What a shame. This is a major holiday and I am impathy for you. I celebrate this holiday myself but that is not the point. Planning and some sensiitivy is due. But for some reason it has been overlooked. I am going to write to the herald myslelf just to make a point and see what the response will be if at all. the Jewish Hoidays come out differently every year. We just got very unlucky this years with a rayal smack down plus all st chuch is also having a street fair tormorrow also.


I’m actually much more confused why Sunnyside celebrates Oktoberfest a week late than why they celebrate in spite of Yom Kippur.

Sunny Blue

Don’t forget the “Tube Sock Festival” aka the “Pumpkin Festival” being held on 46th St. tomorrow. All those with holes in their socks can replenish them then.

Melisa Pellot

Raquel, could you inform everyone of other dates on which you would boycott events held in our neighborhood? That would help provide everyone with a list of the best dates on which to schedule things so as to best ensure that there’s no chance of your being in attendance.



Stop making this a religious issue…Oktoberfest is in fact a German celebration, not religious. And Easter is the holiest day for Catholics, people are mistaken and think it is Christmas because of all the propaganda. I work in Real Estate and cannot tell you how many times I am asked to work on Easter Sunday, ridiculous. I am sure the members of the park organized this since it coincides with the long weekend!

Old Timer

And, hey, are you not attending because you are observing your sacred day, or are you not observing in protest?

Old Timer

@ Raquel Your reaction is loud and clear. The organizers may be insensitive to your sacred day, but that doesn’t mean they need their head’s examined. Personally, I find it insensitive that people go to inane “holiday” movies on Christmas Day, but that doesn’t stop them. Observe your holiday. No one is stopping you. This is a diverse society. Many, many different things going on at the same time.


Do you want the top or bottom bunk Patina? I’ll bring the hefeweizen if you bring the bratwurst!


Maybe the “morons” who run OKTOBERFEST, were simply trying to have a festival in the actual month of OCTOBER. So in fact they didn’t have 52 weekends to choose from, but only five. And, they really don’t choose the date each year–the festival is traditionally held the second Saturday in October every single year, year after year.
Maybe they should have changed the date this year due to Yom Kippur…maybe they tried but the hundreds of volunteers and vendors come to expect and set time aside for the second weekend in October every year and many wouldn’t be available a different weekend to work.


Every bar in Sunnyside will also be open and serving beer that day. Should they have to close for Yom Kippur as well?


Why do I get the feeling that many Jews probably aren’t interested in a German beer festival no matter what day it’s held?

Jewish people will be at home quietly observing this holy day. Why would they care if non-Jews are out having a beer in the park?

There’s not a day on the calendar that isn’t of some religious significance for somebody.


I was a little taken aback when I saw that it was on Yom Kippur, but I don’t think the organizers meant to be disrespectful. Most of them are not Jewish and I doubt that Jewish holidays, even important ones, would be on their radar unless someone said something to them. I’m sure if one of the Jewish park members said something early enough on the planning committee would have tried to reschedule it.


It was planned this way because, like “Anonoymous” they do not care and have total disregard and disrespect for their neighbors. They simply do not care.


Anonymous, you show your low character with your attacks on Sunnyside’s Jewish community. Or do you think that they don’t exist? Whoever planned this event should have his head examined. Patina, you and Anonymous can double bunk in hell together.


Raquel ….I agree with you completely. Although the jewish community is indeed smaller than years ago. Yom Kipper is the most relegiuou holiday of the year . I think that who ever planned this really does not care and planned it anyway.I think a protest letter to the Hearld would be great if you want to do it.

We are not allowed to spend money, have a good time. we are fasting all day. we are suppose to be repending for our sins not having fun.. I am not trying to get all relegious on this soap box here and may be here is not the place but a little respect would be nice. After all we do have 52 weekends in a years could they not pick another one. Just my little opinion.


If you’re Jewish, don’t go. Ramadan lasts a whole month, should we put everything on hold for that too?


Yes, actually, IT DOES: CHRISTMAS IS A FEDERAL HOLIDAY – and many businesses let people leave early on Good Friday. THE BANKS CLOSE EARLY ON GOOD FRIDAY. What planet are you two living on? Way to go: there are two NEW synagogues in Sunnyside, so the morons who run this “fest” decide to hold it on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. I will not be attending as a protest.


NO, Anonymous: but some CONSIDERATION for some of your neighbors might be in order! How does that grab you?


Sounds fun! I appreciate when Sunnyside Gardens opens up to the public for events such as these. I’ll be there.


Does anybody look at the calendar? Isn’t there a big Jewish holiday that day called Yom Kippur?


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