Police on scene at 11:30 am
Aug. 4, 2017 By Christian Murray
An off-duty police officer was groped at the 40th Street train station this morning, according to police.
The incident took place at 11:00 am on the platform and the suspect then fled. A police spokesman had no further details at this time.
The suspect is described as being of Indian descent, around 5 foot 8, and 190 pounds, wearing navy blue pants.
Sunnyside has the most crackheads and dirt bags like this whats new oh wait sunnyside focuses on supporting local instead of supporting cops ?
STFU outsider
He looks Filipino
Very good rox
Was the officer in uniform or in plainclothes? And what were the genders and races of both victim and alleged attacker?
That looks like a local dude named Ratan
Ahhh,stop and frisk ain’t too fun after all.
you’ve got to be kidding me. this must be so embarrassing for their (short?) career. don’t the go through basic training to take down perps? is hand to hand combat not taught anymore? is everything just point and shoot? seriously, this is hilarious! you are not a cop for 8 hours a day. you a cop forever, anytime of day.
Is that a gun in your belt or you just happy to see me? I know I know, that joke sucks. I’m an idiot
Thank God there was an overwhelming response. It would be great if the police responded this way to every sexual or personal attack a male perpetrates on a female, but at least it happens sometimes. It raises awareness. It puts fear in the primitive minds of sexual offenders, please God. They are ruled by primitivity and need to be overwhelmed by fear in order to stop their crimes. They have an inadequate conscience.
What a joke. You’d think this off duty cop would be able to chase down the culprit. Guess the NYPD has a low standard in their physical fitness training. My guess is the only exercise they get is moving that donut from the box to their mouths. I’d say walking as well but they probably drove their squad car with sirens and lights on to get to the nearest Dunkin Donuts.
Thats Stupid, The Way They Had The Tape Like It Was a Murder
Please stop attacking El loco. El loco, El loco, El loco.
What was his name?
So he copped a feel.
No he felt a cop
Police officer gets groped and cries, “Ahhhhh! Call the police!”
Maybe she was just a meter maid or just a documentation clerk. They sure like to call themselves police officers. Regardless of who or what their duty is, I too am surprised that someone who can identify herself as police office wasn’t able to respond and take action directly and immediately. Are they trained not to respond? Shame. Couldn’t she just put the Indian dude on a head lock?
What is a male or female off duty police officer that was groped? This happened in Sunnyside, you never know.
Men and woman can and do get groped. It can happen to anybody no matter one’s race, age, sex or gender (including transsexuals). Same goes for the people doing the groping. Its 2017. Brett asked a fair question. As a woman, i have seen many men get groped by woman at work. Some laughed it off and others too offense to it.
That was all it was? While I am not downplaying sexual misconduct of any kind, the police response was way over the top for that. 5 police SUV’s plus multiple detectives and they are still on site as of 2pm. We could use that kind of presence more regularly in Sunnyside.