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Occupy Queens Established, Offshoot of Occupy Wall Street

Dec. 4, 2011 Staff Report

A Sunnyside resident set up a table, displayed some literature and began promoting “Occupy Wall Street” underneath the Arch on 46th Street.

David Andersson, who lives on 41st Street, said he wanted to let people know about Occupy Queens, an offshoot of the Wall Street movement that focuses on issues such as immigration, affordable housing and job losses throughout the borough.

“I would like to see an Occupy Sunnyside,” Andersson said. “I’m here to test the water in Sunnyside and see how people react.”

He said if there was interest he would be willing to set up events at places such as All Saints Church on 46th Street and/or at Thomas P. Noonan Park.

During the course of the afternoon a stream of people chatted with Andersson and picked up his literature—but he was far from mobbed.

Nevertheless, Anderson said that he has had “great feedback.” He said that he was telling people interested in the movement to visit

Occupy Queens held its debut on November 11 at the Jewish Center of Jackson Heights. More than 150 people attended to voice their concerns and opinions regarding the major issues facing the borough, according to published reports.

The group held its third meeting on Friday at the same location.

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It is scandalous the Joe character has been allowed to make death theats on Raquel. We are talking about his wishing she had been on the plane that crashed into the WTC; wishing that she and her family had been shot instead of another women in Brooklyn several weeks ago; nasty racist comments about latinos, especially Mexicans – and yet the moderator lets him continue. And other people take her to task for standing up to this head case. No moral equivalency here, people. Joe is sick and Christian should have banned him weeks ago.

Rocky Balboa

Raquel is right – ‘Joe” has called for her death in a violent fashion and has made racist comments. I am surprised that Christian has not stopped him or that others did not notice his call for violence. He clearly is a sick person. That others have not noticed this says a lot about them.


The moral equivalency thing doesn’t do it for me. Somebody called for my death and attacked Hispanics and he receives no condemnation? And attacked members of the military and the police to boot. When you wish that somebody had been on the plane that crashed into the World Trade Center you have crossed a line. And that this creature has repeatedly attacked Hispanics with the ugliest stereotypes imaginable -WITH NO CONDEMNATION – speaks volumes. “Serve chimichangas . . . real Americans . . . ” Disgusting and vile.

Just Looking

I was interested in reading the posts by JKW and On the Fence and hoped to learn from the different points of view, but I stopped learning when Joe the Plumber and Raquel traded hate mail with each other.

I guess I should stop commenting here. It is not uplifting.


Chris, when somebody calls for somebody’s death, as Joe has, or makes nasty vicious comments about Mexicans (and I am not Mexican) it is time for you to step in and ban Joe the Plumber. I am stunned that you have permitted his racist rants to go on as long as they have.

Sunnyside Post

Raquel, Joe the Plumber,

These comments are getting out of hand. Please keep your opinions on point– and refrain from name calling.



It is obvious that the “plumber” is a sick person. When is Christian going to ban him? His bigotry and hatred have been duly noticed as have his threats against my person. My children – police and military – have also seen these threats and will protect their family from the likes of “joe”.

Joe the Plumber

Case closed. As in your immigration case? You better call a lawyer because ICE is coming for you. Have some chimmichongas waiting for them.


Joe, you are joking, aren’t you? I was born here – what hellhole did you come from? Or better yet, what rock did you crawl out from under? Case closed.

Joe the Plumber

“The Sunnside Occupier looks like some of the kids who majored in political science at CUNY and then became corporate lawyers. Yes: let’s occupy Jimmy Van Bramer’s office.”

And you look like you should be deported back to the 3rd world hell hole you were spawned into. Leave American politics to the real Americans.

John K. Wilson

On the Fence
Respect your thoughtful reply; and, to the extent that Occupy Queens moves away from the OWS histrionics and looks to take on bad policies perpetrated by corrupt politicians who force the general public to subsidize corrupt public sector unions—to the detriment of the public, I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. The same politicians who support OWS are forcing the many (us) to pay for the superior lifestyle of the few (the higher salaries and higher, safer, ironclad pensions of the public sector unions…who fund the campaigns of the politicians).
But the Occupiers oppose Capitalists who seek to make profit—forgetting that the desire for profit fuels innovation and the creation of wealth most efficiently. Wealth must be created before it can be re-distributed. Yes, there are abuses, as there will be in any system involving people. But, there are laws against such abuses. Let’s enforce those laws…not throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Occupiers decry “corporate greed”; is there an exception made for “public sector union/political greed”?

( Here is a link to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a government agency. Scroll down to “earnings” )

On the Fence

I attended an Occupy Queens meeting. Though an OWS offshoot, the movement seemed much more organized and had a broader focus. Their goals are evolving and range from starting a third party to promoting the Queens art/music scene to feeding the homeless. Occupy Queens seems much more focused on long-term community development than drum circles and protests, though they do raise awareness through gatherings and marches. I’m not for or against the movement, but I applaud their hands-on approach to improving our community.


The Sunnside Occupier looks like some of the kids who majored in political science at CUNY and then became corporate lawyers. Yes: let’s occupy Jimmy Van Bramer’s office.

John K. Wilson

Seems like a good, if misguided, guy; I give him great credit for walking the walk, not just talking the talk. He has given Sunnysiders who believe in the OWS movement an opportunity to demonstrate how mainstream they say it is. I’m sure we’ll see scores—or hundreds—of our OWS-supporting neighbors gathering with clever signs soon. Let the drumming start!
Few things would give me greater happiness than a full-blown Zucotti-style encampment under the 46th Street subway stop…which is so close to Van Brammer’s office. This would be convenient for Councilman Jimmy—as he could hand a check (discretionary tax-payer funds) yo the Occupiers with his left hand; and, a citation of appreciation to the Police of the 108th with his right…as the two groups are having…ah…”meetings”.


I appreciate anyone who is willing to talk about politics and exercise their freedoms. What else is America supposed to stand for than to offer its citizens the right to a voice?


How can we possibly take this man seriously when he doesn’t even recognize the potential danger of getting his chest hairs caught in the zipper of his jacket? 🙂

Oh Geese

Who exactly are the wage earners, and how are they different from this man? Did you contribute more to the system than this man if your lifetime? I doubt it. If I make more money than you, am I better than you?


They are holding a meeting at the JC of Jackson Heights? Has the JC seen the anti-Semitic tapes of the OWS crowd in all its glory? Yup, go after wage earners and watch what happens.


Here’s some more feedback for David Andersson: You and the rest of “Occupy Wall Street” are a bunch of losers. I hope that is helpful in your research.


Yeah, enough is enough. Things are absolutely perfect in this country, we shouldn’t want to change things one bit. This is a free country, prosperous, clean, safe and healthy. The food that we eat is delicious and nourishing, our roads, bridges and trains are the best in the world. Our health care system is second to none. Our children are smart, educated, and well-informed, and their prospects for future employment are vast and limitless.

We should all give thanks to the big corporations who run the economy and exert just enough pressure on our enlightened government officials to get their selfless goals accomplished. For without them, none of this would be possible. I feel sorry for people living in Germany and Canada and Australia right now. They truly don’t know freedom.


After reading some comments posted here it seems like bigotry and stupidity are alive and well in Sunnyside. I remember being cursed at while marching down Wall St in 1969 in opposition to our government’s insane foreign policies. David should be commended for demonstrating non-violent protest. It is as fundamental to democracy, and as relevant, as it was 40 years ago.


This crap don’t work round here…not enough hipsters..enough with this ridiculousness already.

Read Me

Here to test the water? Hahaha, most of them don’t even speak english. You should post notes in other languages, mainly Mexicanish, Drunkish, Bummish and Thugs-Who-Operate-Pawn-Shoppish.


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