Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (via Twitter)
June 27, 2018 By Nathaly Pesantez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a first-time political candidate vying to represent New York’s 14th Congressional District, stunned the Democratic establishment by defeating incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley in Tuesday’s primary.
The 28-year-old Bronxite, who has worked as an educator and as an organizer for Bernie Sanders, unseated a 10-term congressman viewed as one of the most powerful Democrats in Congress with a double-digit lead and over 4,000 more votes.
Ocasio-Cortez received roughly 57 percent of the vote compared to Crowley’s 42 percent, with 96 percent of scanners reporting as of early this morning according to the city’s board of elections.
Crowley, who faced a primary challenger for the first time in 14 years, conceded just after 10 p.m. yesterday, releasing a statement congratulating Ocasio-Cortez on her victory.
“It has been the honor of a lifetime to represent Queens and the Bronx. I am proud of the race we ran and, more importantly, proud of all of the work we’ve done to advance this community,” Crowley said in a statement. “I want to congratulate Ms. Ocasio-Cortez on her victory tonight. I look forward to supporting her and all Democrats this November.”

14th Congressional District
Crowley, who heads the Queens County Democratic Committee and was thought to be next in line for House speaker, added that the fight against President Trump must continue with a Democratic sweep of the House.
“The Trump administration is a threat to everything we stand for here in Queens and the Bronx, and if we don’t win back the House this November, we will lose the nation we love,” Crowley said. “This is why we must come together. We will only be able to stop Donald Trump and the Republican Congress by working together, as a united Democratic Party.”
Ocasio-Cortez, who watched the results of the election from her viewing party in a Bronx bar, tweeted her reaction to the victory just before 12:30 a.m.
“This is the start of a movement,” she tweeted. “Thank you all.”
In another tweet, Ocasio-Cortez thanked Crowley for his service to the 14th.
“I look forward to working towards a take back of the House on a strong platform of economic, social, and racial justice for working class New Yorkers & Americans,” she wrote. “Let’s do this.”
President Trump also weighed in on Crowley’s defeat, claiming Crowley lost for not being “nicer” to him.
“Wow! Big Trump Hater Congressman Joe Crowley, who many expected was going to take Nancy Pelosi’s place, just LOST his primary election,” Trump tweeted. “In other words, he’s out! That is a big one that nobody saw happening. Perhaps he should have been nicer, and more respectful, to his President!”
Trump, however did not mention Ocasio-Cortez, who is further to the left than Crowley, and her victory.
Ocasio-Cortez ran an grassroots campaign that focused on a progressive direction for the Democratic party that includes abolishing ICE, expanding Medicare-for-All, tuition free public universities and trade schools, and ending the role of corporate finance in politics.
Her campaign also denounced establishment, out-of-touch Democrats for what she saw as settling with policies that didn’t go far enough for constituents, and bending to the will of corporations and machine politics–a frequent criticism she held against Crowley.
Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign also rejected donations from corporate PACS and lobbyists, a decision she said would help her stay attuned to the needs of the constituents.
Crowley’s campaign focused on his experience representing the district and how his years would translate to a tougher fight against Trump.
The two faced off in two debates, of a planned four. Crowley skipped out on two debates, including a recent one in the Bronx that resulted in a scathing response from the New York Times editorial board.
In all, Crowley received $2.5 million in contributions, with Ocasio-Cortez receiving close to $301,000. The Washington Post, however, noted that 70 percent of her campaign funds came from checks smaller than $200, pointing to her core base.
Ocasio-Cortez will now face Anthony Pappas, the Republican candidate for the 14th District, in the November general election.
Saw her interview on PBS tonight. It was like watching Walter Cronkite interview a golden retriever. She almost makes Trump look intelligent, almost.
It’s a great day for Queens and the Bronx and Democracy- residents no longer have to live with the dark cloud of the Queens Machine and Crowley/ Dem corruption and nepotism.
Crowley and his family have been ruthless to those who got in their way. Many people are cheering at his downfall today.
Good riddance to a pol who used his office to enrich family and cronies, and forgot about his voters!
At least Joe Crowley doesn’t have to lie about living in Virginia anymore.
@John Bourke: Democracy is actually very dangerous. We live in a Republic, John Bourke. A democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. A Republic has parameters so that the minority is protected from the tyranny of the majority.
Yes but the Queens Machine was tyrannical – Joe Crowley used his office to help his cronies and family get rich, and to control the courts. So you are right – the system worked to protect citizens of this district form the tyranny of Joe Crowley. Power went to his head , he spent more time in the last year around the country trying to win support so he could become Speaker of the House, instead of worrying about his own re-election. Luckily , we are protected from his attempts to serve himself by getting more powerful and wealthy. It was a win for everyone to get rid of him.
I voting for Anthony Pappas in the general election! VOTE republican. Lets send the message.
I voting too
Happy that an establishment democrat was ousted, but please people …if you don’t believe in 25% taxes …we have to keep these socialists out, wherever they rear their money-grabbing heads and hands.. Vote Republican. Republican.
Yes, vote Republican, do u realize that Ocasio-Cortez, is a socialist? She wants to give everything free to all immigrants. We all work hard for our money and we pay for what we want and paybforbtjosebwho don’t. Enough is Enough….this woman will distroy us..
Bernie- Yes vote Republican if you want more low wage right to work legislation forced down your throats, surpressing salaries. Vote Republican if you want religion forced down your throats. Vote Republican if you want birth control out lawed. Vote republican if you want a woman’s right to do with her body what she wishes outlawed. Vote republican if you want more guns in the hands of the unfit. Funny socialism hasn’t destroyed Australia Ireland Sweden or Canada.
Honestly, I’m alarmed her idealism is being accepted. She quotes the murderous Che Guevara on social media posts and people cheer. It is fine to want change from Crowley, but this is embarrassing. Her fear mongering immigrants to get votes worked. As Latino from immigrant parents born and raised in Western Queens we have to do better.
Is it true the Queens Post newspapers, as a parting gift to Uncle Joe and his hand puppet JVB, is eradicating Gang of Four style all photos of Joe and Jimmy where Jimmy is giving Joe credit for something Joe had nothing to do with?
John- Is English your second language? I have never seen such run on sentences and I’m a fourth grade teacher.
Communism has officially entered
I’ve been living here over 30 years.
When I was only 1 of a few Spanish people living here.
What a shame this once very good neighborhood has become.
Democrats were bad enough.
But this is worse.
Marc – At least democratic policies bring opportunity for upward economic mobility unlike Republican policy that keeps the wealth in the hands of a few. Just compare the wealthiest and poorest states by income. All the poorest states are Republican strongholds of Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, South Carolina, etc. Maryland, New Jersey Connecticut Washington and Massachusetts the wealthiest. Marc do yourself a favor and move to red state and get yourself a right to work for less low wage job. You’ll be with like minded low wage low information blowhards.
And all the ghetto cities like Detroit, Chicago, LA, Newark, Camden, St Louis, Baltimore and NYC are run by democrats.
And the Republican run states are not poorer. They simply earn less but the cost of living is MUCH lower so they therefore get more bang for their buck when compared to NY, NJ etc. So in fact, they are richer and that’s due to conservative policies.
MAGA- Keep dreaming, outside of the cost of housing the cost food, clothing, gas and healthcare are pretty much on par throughout the country as a whole. In NYC we all don’t have to live on the Upper East Side or on the Long Island Gold Coast, there are much more affordable very good neighborhoods people can live comfortably and safely. It’s a capitalist society the more money you have the more freedom and liberty you have. Fact! You also missed the fact cities like San Francisco, Seattle Boston and DC are Democratic strongholds with some of the highest standard of living in the world. More bang for your buck? Poor is poor, plain and simple. The 10 most dangerous states 2017-2018 according to FBI statistics:
New Mexico
South Carolina
10 Wealthiest US States per US Census
New Jersey
New Hampshire
Republican policy keeps people poor and unsafe. Fact!! We know you’re a Fox watching Trump loving blowhard truth fact and history don’t matter to you but here are the stats anyway.. I’ll take the money you can have the ideology.
It’s more than ideology, lefty.
The wealth is mostly made up by the 1%ers, the people you proclaim to hate unless it’s to help make strawmen for arguments like yours
I’d rather make 2k a month and spend a third of it on rent in a red state than make 4k a month and spend 2/3 of it on rent in NYC and wonder how to pay for everything else. And only gas is really the same everywhere due to regulations. Food, clothing and healthcare are not close in price from LA to say a small town in KY. Republican policy is most pro 2A too. That keeps people safer than gun free zones like…oh I dunno….CHICAGO maybe? It’s more like democrat policies that produce the poorest, most unsafe cities.
All democrat run in this article
“You also missed the fact cities like San Francisco, Seattle Boston and DC are Democratic strongholds with some of the highest standard of living in the world.” True but not for the overwhelming amount of poor people in those cities. Ever see a SF tent city? Here…I’ll show you:
You don’t see those in very many red areas, if at all. I’d rather live in a shack with a roof and a door in West Virginia than in a tent on the streets of grand and glorious SF surrounded by dangerous psychos that you can’t protect yourself from because they don’t have the Republican protection of the 2A.
Maga: You speak in Yogisms “Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.” Chicago had Los Angeles, California – 47.3 million visitors and Chicago, Illinois – had 54.1 million visitors in 2016.
Queens, NYC Median Household Income $54,373 per year -2014 NYC Census Data. $4K a month is only $48K a year. If that’s a good salary to you you’re obviously doing something wrong. Your Forbes article about why red states are poorer than blue only solidifies what I said about housing. Do what most New Yorkers do, rich or poor, at retirement sell and buy a place in Florida Arizona or North Carolina, where you’ll find subdivisions called Little New York, Little New Jersey Little Mass and Little Michigan. Tent cities are found in every city and every state, its one of the US’s approach to psychiatric health care. You obviously don’t travel much. Talking poverty, the worst poverty is found in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, fact. The Mississippi delta actually shows third world statistics. Look it up blowhard. Don’t tell me about food prices I lived in Covington Kentucky and Nashville TN, Kroger in these cities cost the same as Stop and Shop on 48th street. You don’t what you’re talking about. Enjoy your loser ideology, uninformed blowhard.
@MAGA- You obviously haven’t traveled much. LA and Chicago are vibrant wealthy cities with the some of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the world. They’re magnets for the wealthy and talented. When you travel around NYC do you hangout in in East New York or Mott Haven?
Nobody goes to chicago…it’s a hole. Same for LA. The only city that people reliably WANT to go to is NYC. Those wealthiest neighborhoods you want to live in but most likely never will? Yeah, they’re for the uber rich your kind hate, most of them probably Republican. “hanging out” there means nothing if you don’t actually LIVE in those neighborhoods.
Lol. Blue states and cities are net earners. Empty red States take more than they give. Why do these goons hate facts? Haha
So let me ask you Sean, Obama was in office for 8 years, you say “democratic policies bring opportunity for upward economic mobility” so how come we still have poor people like yourself whining about republician policies being the cause of distress ?
8 More- I don’t say anything, facts truth and history speak for me. Just check out the statistics. Your opinions are not facts or even relevant, no matter what Fox News tells you.
And is it a fact that minimum education means minimum wage?
And please dont reply in anger. take a moment to read what you posted on the chain.
In other words, you got nothing in mental capacity as well as financial capability. 🙂
Can the last American to leave Sunnyside please take the flag!!!!
Who’s American, in your eyes?
another worthless far left wing politician in NYC?? Nah…you’re imagining things
Alexandria just slayed the dragon!!! Next in our sights Jimmy Van Bramer and Kathy Nolan who don’t do a lick of work for their people of Queens. JVB and Kathy Nolan were all chummy with Joe Crowley at the flag day parade on Greenpoint Ave a few weeks ago. One down — two more to go.
I like Joe but he is an establishment Irish guy in a district that is not that anymore. His family lives in Maryland (or Virginia, or wherever) but I think I saw him at least once every other week here in the district on weekdays and weekends in parks, libraries or just on the street. His staff lives in the neighborhood. He grew up here. Does she live in the Bronx? I hope I see her and her staff here as often as I saw Joe and his.
We traded a liberal vote for a more liberal vote. I doubt that there will be any vote that will come up in the next two years where Joe and her would have voted differently. But maybe she’ll bring up ones he would not have. Assuming they don’t die in committee.
We also traded a guy at the top of the ladder who could chair committees, set agendas and procure tax dollars for a freshman who will be at the bottom of the ladder and not be able to do any of those things.
I’m most interested in the DNC convention in 2020. She’s obviously smart enough to make a fire-brand speech during prime time and try a run for the first female Latina President, which all girls of color should see. But by then Nikki Hailey could be dividing the republican party at their convention.
The people have voted. Democracy is a cruel mistress. Let’s see where it goes.
Think the problem is that he might have visited neighborhoods in Queens when he showed up, but they did not know him in the Bronx. He might have grown up here, but it has changed in 20 years. That’s not fair. As Queens Democratic boss, his staff bullied anyone who got in their way. stories will come out now, once he/they can’t retaliate. stores online of corruption, nepotism.
The 14th is one hell of a district, talk about gerrymandering. Sunnyside, Woodside, south Bronx
Are Latins still considered minorities? African Americans too? I think its time that the minority status is removed from this great group of individuals. These people are the present and the future of NY and I Dont see why they are considered minorities any more. They make major contributions to the community. Why are they still considered minorities, it isn’t fair. We are all equal, welcome to the establishment. Crowley lost because people are sick of the “old way” or the “old order” its time for fresh new faces. I believe this is correct. So, no more minority status for latins and African Americans. We are all equal.
Not as long as they can take advantage of the status. First consideration for jobs ect. They don’t want to be considered minorities unless it’s beneficial
So true! When will non-minorities ever catch a break. So many of my white pals are always “gee whiz, I wish I were black.” Life would be so easy.
That’s so true! It’s so much easier for non-whites to get ahead in this country. Poor people, too! They get all the breaks while us rich folks suffer.
As a white dude there’s little chance my family can get a big settlement from the city after a cop chokes me to death! Life’s not fair.
OK trust fund baby .
New York Times and others reporting that Crowley lost due to his sense of entitlement and smugness. He arrogantly lived in wealthy Virginia for past 15 years, deceiving voters and did not even show up for most debates. Apparently this is a true shock for the Crowley camp – he, his family and cronies thought they would milk the system for life.
The Crowleys are not an innocent bunch. They have felt entitled to destroy families, or anyone who got in their way for years – voters got rid of him, which he deserved
Who did he destroy? I have not heard that side of things.
Amusing to read that people think authoritarian communism is coming. The ignorance is palpable given the many socialist European countries that count among our allies that are doing pretty well for their people.
Congratulations to Ocasio-Cortez. We need more people like her to turn the tide away from Wall Street and corporatism.
See how amusing it is when a republican wins the general election.
Hooray!! One down two more to go Jimmy Van Bramer and Kathy Nolan — you are next. Voted last night at PS 199 and Kathy Nolan sitting there as an observer/poll watcher totally inappropriate actually asked the election board manager what she was doing there — she was basically shaking hands and campaigning for Joe Crowley.
Nolan is incapable of finding a real job. She should be running scared.
Well to do white Nolan will be the next to fall. She has held her “job” for over twenty years and is “out of touch” as they say, much like Crowley. If she has any dignity, she will just not run again.
Jimmy can play the gay card – remember the Dems are into “intersectionality” or whatever they call it. However, if a gay female should run against him, he is finished. And if she is also Hispanic . . .
And is an immigrant.
If a bigot runs, you two will be first in line
Dear tootsies, Cathy Nolan is very responsive to the district and earned her powerful position in the Assembly through hard work and yes, her long tenure in public service–(Chair of the Education Commitee, and on the Ways and Means committee–among others). She’s a long-term politician but is a decent person and knows the ropes in Albany. I’m not on her staff either–but have been around long enough to realize her seniority helps us here in Queens. You are from Queens, right?? As for your “white Nolan” comment, that’s a bit much and you don’t get a pass on that, or the spewing the “gay card” garbage about Jimmy. Check out their voting records before you pop off about her dignity. You have none.
So glad I moved out of Sunnyside two years ago. I lived their for half a century and saw firsthand what an influx of third world immigration can do to a once great place to live. Sad.
What a huge loss it was for the community when you left. ?
Thank everything that is holy you left =)…Please keep your head in the sand…no cares about you
Thank you for leaving.
I hope you leave too
What about the people who want to represent themselves? No reps needed. Lobbies would text me directly to try to sell me something awful.
Communism doesn’t work. The experiment was had in Russia and it failed in the 90’s. Liberty is what is important because it acknowledges the individual and wealth and success inspires wealth and success. Communism/socialism is envious of people who are justly successful/wealthy.
Thanks for this well thought out and deeply researched analysis, Vlad!
Vlad – Please define liberty as used in your sentence.
Russia is a socialist country and how is that hopey change thing working out for them? Young foolish minds think voting for Cortez will get them balance in society
Was. Sweden still is. They are doing better than we are.
Socialism is the surrogate sister of communism. You may want to become current on the economic status of Sweden and how 600.000 refugees wiped out their surplus. And maybe keep an eye on their general election this coming Sep 9th.
Just because a system works in one country or regional of the world does not mean it would be successful in another part of the world. I don’t think American Capitalism would work in Sweden for example as I think Scandinavian Socialism would fail in the United States. Mentality, demographics, social solidarity, and education play a large part in what system ultimately prevails. You can’t have a guy like Donald Trump running Sweden, but you also can’t have a man like Bernie Sanders running America. It just would not work.
MOTTWO- List of most socialized nations :
Please get informed.
O the contrair, Anonymous. China has socialism as its official ideology. The remaining 7 are all democaracies with social programs. Big differencies. And if you cared to look at the platform that Cortez ran on its based on social ideology. Much the same as Cuba has that you didnt include.
MOTTWO- Not my list, list belongs to http://blog.peerform.com/top-ten-most-socialist-countries-in-the-world/. I’ll say it again, get informed. Join the Navy see the world or at least get a formal education Fox News isn’t helping you any.
If you must resort to name calling you have lost the argument
MOTTWO- I’m not talking about this idealistic girl, I’m talking about your low information posts. Take some pride in yourself and get an education, you can’t be that lazy, you don’t even leave your house to do it.
a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
@MOTTWO: What name were you called? Being told your uninformed is not name calling, it’s an observation. From the contents of your post it’s spot on at that.,
It is most certainly not
Cathy Nolan out next. Death to the Queens Democratic machine.
That’s what’s up. Let’s make sure she beats the R in Nov.
ill miss his happy 4th of July banner ads most. RIP Crowley.
always good to see an underdog win… but not into her socialist agenda. should be interesting
I’m thrilled that our communities, across the 14th, will now have someone in office who is not beholden to corporate lobbyists. Way to go, Alexandria! Corona came out for you yesterday!
These are exciting times. There’s a palpable sense of light and warmth cutting through the fog of pervasive smarminess that for too long has engulfed civic existence in Queens. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a warrior for integrity and truth, with the requisite fortitude to have already effectuated immense improvement in our collective consciousness.
Looks matters
She’s a far lefty and will not represent many of us . She may have a primary herself in two years . Crowley does not reside in district and was out of touch . This woman would mske Chavez proud
she does not live in the district either and she is all for the illegals get this straight.
Curious about your source for this bit of misinformation.
Where does she reside then?
The Bronx, in the district.