CB2 Chair Pat O’Brien (left)
May 6, 2016 By Christian Murray
Community Board 2 Chair Pat O’Brien told fellow board members last night that he was stepping down from the top job since it consumes too much of his time.
“The commitment in time is incredible and as many of you know I have my own business and own family,” O’Brien, a private-practice lawyer, said. “There are 24 hours in a day and that is not enough time to do all the things I want.”
O’Brien’s departure comes at a time when the board has some weighty issues in front of it, such as the likely rezoning of the Queens Plaza/Court Square district and the ongoing construction boom. “There’s a lot of development that will require in-depth attention,” he said.
O’Brien said he has no intention to leave the board and would remain the head of the City Services/Public Safety Committee, which oversees liquor licenses, at the new chair’s request.
The new chair will be elected at the June meeting, in accordance with CB2 bylaws.
Nominations were made for his replacement last night, with the only person whose name put forward being Denise Keehan-Smith, a Woodside resident who heads the Transportation Committee.
Nominations are permitted to be made at the June meeting shortly before the vote is held. Only board members are eligible to make nominations and to be elected chair.
Board members—including the chair—are not paid for their service.
O’Brien said that he decided to announce his resignation in May so the new chair would take the reins in June, when the board schedule slows down for the summer.
“It will make for an easier transition,” he said.
He refuses to be the developer’s puppet, that’s why. Go, Pat, go! Atta boy!
wondering why he is stepping down so suddenly !!!!!