July 7, 2016 Staff Report
Police are searching for a group of teens who allegedly stole a car in Sunnyside, took it for a joy ride and then crashed it in Astoria.
The teens entered the Zip Car parking lot at 47-01 Queens Boulevard, broke into the vehicle and drove it off the site sometime between 11:50 pm June 26th and 9 am June 27, according to police.
The teens then crashed the car into a parked truck that was occupied by a 37-year-old woman outside of 32-44 48th Street at 9:30 am on June 27th. The four teens fled the vehicle and ran northbound on 48th Street, police said.
No one was injured in the collision.
Police describe the first suspect as a male, Asian, 15 to 18 years old. He was last seen wearing glasses, a black shirt, beige shorts and black sneakers.
The second individual is a male, Asian, 15 to 18 years old. He was last seen wearing light colored baseball cap, a dark colored shirt, light colored pants and black sneakers.
The third suspect is a male, Asian, 15 to 18 years old, who was last seen wearing dark colored t-shirt, black pants and black sneakers.
The fourth individual is a male, Asian, 15 to 18 years old. He was last seen wearing a red t-shirt, light blue jeans and he had on a black backpack.
Police have released photos taken from a witness, and are asking anyone with any information to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).

suspect (NYP)

Suspect (NYPD)
Did they catch these meatheads yet?
They made page 32 on NY Post today, including the kids pic. Good job fellas, you got street cred now! Lol
the clear face pics of this boy is named Syed nabid Hussain he lives in woodside also the people he was with were khandekar Chowdhury and Mahdi and some Puerto Rican kid
how do you know he was Puerto Rican or is every Latino a Puerto Rican in your narrow BIGOTED MIND.
he should use the photo they got on him for his Facebook profile
Snitches??? This kids a fool. Y’all want a degenerate doin shit like that in your neighborhood? We don’t need no burn outs doing outrageous things like that. Things could have been way worst.
I believe the suspect is Khandaker Choudhury
Damn all of yah are snitches lmao ?.
You must be his buddy that sells nickel bags. Go turn yourself in too, you degenerate.
What is yah? Didn’t you take English classes in school?
He has a lisp I believe I’ve seen him riding a bike looking to buy pot
ya’ll are some snitches lmaoo
And if one of your family members got hit by the car, you would be the snitch. Things like this can be avoided if the kid had a brain.
Lock up his monkey ass
Once again…real timely reporting. 2 weeks ago. Is it the Sunnyside Post or the NYPD who are so slow to
inform the public? Timely notifications would be great if you expect help from the community.
He’s a bindi
This kid buys pot from my old next door neighbor. Definitely from around here.
What street and ave
mehdi you busted….forget about a job n the future…nobody gonna hire your criminal ass..cept wendys.
Please he will be fine his rich immigrant relatives will always looks after him and get him a job. He can always work for one of them. It’s Americans that don’t have that support system that get screwed. I’m sure former Rutgers student Dharun Ravi, that racist, anti-American evil bastard, who was convicted of lying over a hundred times yet only sentenced to 30 days in jail for spying on his roommate and causing Tyler Clementi to commit suicide is doing fine. His Indian neighbors raised thousands of dollars for him and protested at his trial. I’m sure he’s working for some Indian relative or friend and making a lot of money. But really hope one day Karma really catches up with him!
Look if you want to find him easy, go to is125 publi middle school on 46th street and ask then to put up mehdi akhmed they have his school record and from then you find his address,
His name is mehdi
If Muslim isn’t a race then how is Trump racist?
How about his affiliation with white supremacists?
That’s what happens when there kids are bored during summer break
These kids are on drugs
You fools do realize that Muslim is a religion not a geographical description…you can be muslim and be whiter than paper…the description of Asian is to describe a person from a certain geographical location.
The Suspects name is Mehdi Amhed
And the others he was with
His name is Mehdi
South Asia includes India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. People could be Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, etc. So ‘South Asian’ is not a substitute way to say ‘Muslim’. A crime report that identified a perp by religion (how would anyone know, in most cases, anyway?) would not be very helpful, since it is not usually visible.
It was not a truck that got hit, it was a Sanitation car. Toyota. I was there at the scene.
Just catch the vandals. Who cares what country they or their parents are from.
…Summer is here and the nonsense starts. The picture shown shows a boy well cared for. Just wait till Daddy gets wind of this.
Hahahaha what a dope!!! It looks like he posed for the picture.
git out cant geography well. asians are from.. asia. please look on a map and show me what countries are in asia.
The suspect pictured above does not look Asian. Are the descriptions of the suspects accurate?
These were the photos and descriptions provide by the NYPD.
You know Asia’s really big, right? Did you immediately think Chinese?
He IS Asian. More specifically South Asian.
It’s the PC term for Muslim. They have been reporting crimes like that in England and Europe for years. Too afraid to name the religion of peace as not peaceful. Get used to it. :/
Idiot. Could be any number of religions. Have you noticed that Asia is the largest continent?
Whats the name for Christian Priests who have been molesting our children for DECADES and continue to be coddled and protected by the Christian Church?
You can’t tell a persons religion by looking at their skin you retard. Jesus christ, thank god you’re not in charge of any investigations. Does your mind not realize that RELIGION can consist of any nationality or skin color?
Asian is the PC term used to avoid naming a suspect as Muslim, or Middle Eastern. Seems the NYPD are ftollowing in the PC footsteps of England and Eurpoe as they have been using the term for years. Too afraid to show Muslims as not peaceful. :/
Alright time for a quick lesson, In the continent of Asia, there are many countries, following me so far? Some of those countries are called India and Bangladesh. Those countries are home to people that have brown skin who can sometimes be Christian, Buddhist, or even hindu. I realize things like this might be too advanced for someone like you but please stop labeling every man with brown skin you see as a muslim 🙂 you make the community look bad. So yes the NYPD are going to label them as Asian because anyone who has the right amount of chromosomes and isn’t mentally handicapped will know that you can’t tell a persons religion by looking at their skin
I agree.
Are you aware that India is part of Asia?