Nov. 13, 2017 By Nathaly Pesantez
A pair of robbers beat a man with a cricket bat in Woodside on Friday before stealing money from him, police said.
The incident happened on Nov. 10 at around 2:10 p.m., when a 35-year-old man sitting in his car at 37th Avenue and 61st street was wrenched out of it by two men, police said.
As the victim was pinned down to the ground, one of the men struck the 35-year-old with a cricket bat, police said. The robbers then made off eastbound on 37th Avenue with $100 belonging to the victim, according to police.
The 35-year-old, left with minor injuries, told police that he recognized one of his robbers.
No arrests have been made as of Monday afternoon, police said.

37th Avenue and 61st Street in Woodside.
What’s going on with Sunnyside and Woodside? They are getting worse by the day. Have been living here for almost 15 years and it’s the first time I am considering moving further East. Ugh…
For the few of us who are left, prepare to defend yourselves with a hurling stick. A hurling stick will beat a cricket bat any day of the week, just ask the limeys.
The suspect had to be from a country that plays cricket.
There isa new Bengali restaurant on the corner and a Bengali/Indian catering hall up the block. Most likely a dispute rather than a random robbery.
Please don’t profile me just because I play Cricket.
Lol what’s next. Beat with a lacrosse stick
Well the Uber driver that got killed by a hockey stick carrying mad man
Cricket ? Well it’s no Hispanic crime for once. They don’t play cricket. Unless it was the day laborer who robbed the racket out of jerrys garage
This part of woodside is horrible.
What is horrible about it? It’s actually a very quiet block. Playbill is right there and so are many private homes and businesses.
Hopefully the two punks get what they git coming.
a cricket beating
This can’t be a simple robbery if they didn’t get his car. Must be some kind of loan dispute? Any names? Are these people Indian descent? Who carries around a cricket bat, it’s like if it was hockey stick I’d call the robber Canadians or Alaskans or Minnesotans or something, so nothing against particular group here.
I hate this kind of police reports, I hope you guys actually follow up and get the true story so woodside/sunnyside doesn’t look like wild west (or wild asia pacific in this case) with people cricketing each other in the middle of day for mere $100.. Proper cricket bats worth more than that.
A mere $100, but a pittance! Wall St. shakes us down for billions of millions!!
Horrible. The Brinks building is on the corner with major cameras. I hope they catch the guys quickly.
Bruno plays cricket…just saying?
This story sounds suspicious…not all is being explained here or told here by this person who said he was robbed by two people with a cricket bat…