Suspect (NYPD)
July 13, 2017 Staff Report
The police are looking for a man who allegedly grabbed a 32-year-old woman’s buttocks while she was going up the staircase at the 40th Street subway station last week.
The suspect allegedly grabbed the woman’s thighs and butt at the 40th Street 7 train station at around 9am on Wednesday July 5 while she was going up the staircase.
The suspect is described as Hispanic, approximately 25 years-old, 5’4″ and 145lbs. He was last seen wearing black pants, a white t-shirt, and black shoes.
Anyone with information is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477)
Look how stupid ss people are
Assume he’s illegal? What’s to assume look at him run with his cowboy boots in the middle of summer. Clothing gives them away every time. Fake American
He’s an American citizen. Saw him pamphtling for the Trump campaign back in November
probably an accident, These women are so triggered by anything these days. Maybe they should try some of that 40th street under the train Yoga to relax.
Are you kidding me? You are an idiot to think that!
Why everyone assumes that he is an illegal immigrant?
Because he is
He must be captured
Pic of woman’s butt would help in this investigation.
With cell phones we are getting pictures of the bad guys. He must live near 40th Street if it was 9 AM on a weekday morning. Good luck with the 108 Pct on the case. By far the worst Pct. in Queens, if not the City for many many years. Very poor leadership and accountability for their officers whereabouts and active work.
They’re too busy making bogus arrests to get their numbers up so they can get more funding for donuts. I’ve seen them spend resources and manpower harassing cab drivers in Woodside. I’m not talking about one or two pigs, but a whole squad (must’ve been like 15) harass a cab driver who was just having his dinner in his cab. And because he didn’t speak English well, they took him in for ‘questioning’. Slapping high fives and using the word ‘Bro’ 5 times in one sentence.
The 108 is a pig farm. Pigs that went to community college for their 60 credits. Don’t expect them to do anything for the public. They are unhelpful and if you aren’t white or a woman they’ll automatically treat you like a criminal.
The pequeno dwarfo just needed a bit of el amor and he clearly did not meet his snowwhite that day. He is probably climbing the wall the other way now. This is not how you approach the lonely girls of Sunnyside.
Is this a foreshadow to season 7 of Game of Thrones? The whitewalkers aren’t white at all but Mexicans?
If the 108th scumbags weren’t too busy getting donuts and coffee, this could have been prevented.
MTA needs to FIX the subways!
Make em work! Some days I’d be better off WALKING to work.
The Assman is back!
Were is the rest off him ?
That looks like one of my relatives. Maybe my nephew Ollie Loco. The white sheep of the family.
Looks like he has a case of the runs!!
Montezumas revenge
I guess im racist if i say Hispanic butt grab , again?
yOu’re probably just racist for lots of reasons.
I’m glad this is being reported. People need to know that this is wrong! And people need to report these type of incidents to the proper authorities when they occur.
He’s a midget haha little mthr for
Citizens arrest went out the window when the perps started pressing charges against the citizen for assault and people get locked up for the good deed. Now people don’t want to get involved.
thats why i’m all for the open carry law. its a good way to thin out the criminals and not have charges pressed against you.
Just check outside the bodegas on 47th Ave and 39th Place. There are always 10-15 hispanic men outside listening to loud music and harassing women.
This is total crap. I have lived on that block for 15 years and have NEVER seen anything like this. I walk by there every day.
That’s what we do
He looks just like one of the guys who delivers pizza for Woodside Pizza on 60th Street! I don’t swear it was him.
Maybe it was your brother from brothers pizza on sunnyside
He likes big butts and he can not lie
Baby’s got back
Pretty sure this is the little guy that harassed my wife early in the morning right across the street from the 40th street station. I called the police but they said they couldn’t do anything because I wasn’t at the scene of the crime waiting for them. Great job guys.
Pretty sure you’re a herb for not taking matters into your own hands. You must be smaller than 5’4
Great job not stepping in in the first place
Thank you for reporting this A WEEK LATER. You guys are always behind. I guess better late than never.
What ever happened to citizen’s arrest? Whatever happened to guys showing their masculinity and taking down the bad guys? So some woman’s gets assualted and we hear about it in the paper and see the guys picture. Why didn’t anyone take the sucker down?
Not like the old days when citizens would have an old fashion dual and settle it fair and square
Because more often than not, when someone intervenes in something, THEY are the ones that get hurt. No thank you, when I have nothing to do with something and then I’m the one that gets hurt, what’s the point?!?
I am not a violent person but I would respond if I saw one these preverted cowards abusing anyone.
Nice haircut. They run funny too. All 5′ 4″ of him . Go Shorty. Does he get on the train for free because of his height?
Did anyone see the latest Planet of the Apes movie? I loved it! I’m going to tell you the big surprise! Caesar does!
Thank for telling us what he was last seen wearing. (There is a picture.) This has now become weekly news. headlines scream-
crazy, I don’t get it. Is this something that goes on back in whatever country these guys come from. I’m asking seriously. I don’t know , because it has become a weekly occurrence. Maybe they get away with it back home. I dont understand
Ask ur presidente he does it all day.!
You mean Bill Clinton
HAHA! Got em! Bill Clinton stinks big time! He’s so relevant right??? WHat a jerk.
Just go to yahoo news and find the story where they have the tape of Bill CLINTON saying gross things about women to Bill E. Bush — not nice.
This has been happening all over the world since the dawn on time. It was always taken in the context of “boys will be boys.” Thank God it is finally considered what it actually is, sexual assault. You hear about it a lot because it happens a lot.
Hahaha idiota
what a disgrace where is JVB when it comes to matters like this — all he cares about is “Resist”
You’re right: Jimmy should be a one-man police force, fighting crime 24/7. But since our president does this sort of thing it’s probably not even a crime anymore.
what a stupid answer you gave — you are unbelievable for sure —
Trump = Manchurian Candidate
Barbara = Manchuria Imbecile
Where are you when it comes to this matter, Anonymous?
What’s your address so we can meet in person to discuss your posts?
anonymous – You post this same post everyday. You’re a bore.