Picture RoBoyJones/Reddit
Oct. 10, 2022 By Christian Murray
Four women who live in Queensbridge Houses are wanted for a bizarre subway robbery where they allegedly attacked two young women on an Astoria-bound N train earlier this month while dressed in neon green bodysuits.
The NYPD is looking to locate Emily Soto, 34, Mairam Cisse Issouf, 26, Ciante Alston, 26, and Dariana Peguero, 26, according to Chief of Detectives James Essig, who said Friday that they all have prior arrests.
The four suspects were allegedly part of a group of nine women in bodysuits who got into an argument with two 19-year-olds on the N train platform at the Times Square station at around 1:50 a.m., Oct. 2.
Essig said the incident was sparked by an apparent bump on the platform, which led to a dispute on an Astoria-bound N train. Some of the women dressed in the green body suits then punched the 19-year-olds before stealing their phones and wallets.
Video was captured of the incident.
The victims were not seriously injured, according to police.
Anyone with information in regard to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782).
…what would Bernie do?
Blue Man Group is back?
“No, “stop,” or “this is not okay” would of been helpful. Now if we could learn those phrases in another languages. May come in handy with all the asylum seekers walking around our neighborhood.
Were they at a costume party? Times Square? Or dressed like this to disguise themselves?
Safety is relative from person to person. What you consider scary, someone might not mind, and vice versa. Online most people found the above video hilarious.
I should of ran for office in NYC as a Progressive. I could wine about racism and climate change, and get a cushy job sitting in an office doing nothing for 250k a year. Then 4 years later do the same thing all over again. I even get my own private security while complaining about the police.
There was a shooting in this project in August. Two guys from this project were recorded stealing mopeds from people in Greenpoint Brooklyn and tracked to Queensbridge Houses. There was a shooting outside this project last March and now this group of girls. How many criminals live in this development? We are obviously subsidizing criminals to live in this city to prey on law abiding tax paying citizens. I listed links to news articles in my last post but admin felt the need to suppress my previous comment.
Hugs for thugs and Mets tickets for felons.
Mets tickets to criminals are an urban myth about a suggested policy that was never implemented.
This is why i try not to take public transportation. Youngsters be jumping turnstiles causing havoc smoking blasting music fighting harassing riders littering peeing on the subway all while cops are turning a blind eye. Imagine how high crime statistics would be like if cops actually did their job and took care of quality of life matters including shoplifting. When I hear from politicians and people in luxury housing that crime is not that bad they are not taking under consideration that basically people are running around doing whatever they want and cops are not doing anything about it. And I’m not only talking about the subway I’m talking about our sidewalks and our streets. Basically drivers and those on bikes are running red lights double parking not yielding for pedestrians and nobody is stopping them. New York City is a mess no wonder so many people who make over $100,000 are moving out. I saw that this morning on the news.
Yeah. After the politicians told the police to stand down while they were attacked with mazeltov cocktails, shot at, killed, beaten, and to allow monority business to burn and robbed, me thinks you are waayyyyyyy out there believing police should be preemptive towards crime. This crime issue is one for the politicians to solve, not police! Besides, arrest a minority and lose your job and pension. Why oh why would it make sense for police to fight crime? Anybody want to answer that?
youngsters? these are thugs and thieves. no idea where you are seeing youngsters. but not to worry, the cops caught them, arrested them, and DA braggs released them to commit more heinous crimes. you can thank him in 18 days when early voting begins.
How is legalizing weed working out?
Weed was readily available before it was legal.
I’ve heard alcohol can intoxicate people, should we ban that too? Or just ban things that Biden legalized?
Why is everybody smoking pot everywhere? You cannot walk one block without some inconsiderate stoner smoking stuff. It’s dag nasty. It’s such a trashy and unsophisticated weed scene in NYC.
Katelyn – Not where I live. Nobody smokes around our house or block. You should move if it’s that bad.
Please stop calling Cabán, Won etc socialist. They’re “progressives” that’s how they label them self. It’s a mutant under the Democrats wing and they don’t stand for working middle class.
America desperately needs Labor party as 3rd major party or you’ll have somebody as Tramp taking the blue collar votes.
Democrats would be Conservatives in Europe. For further questions look under Universal Healthcare.
You will not divide us!!
This footage went viral. My sister saw it on her local tv channel news in another country!!
It was a pretty great video.
The tax payers support these criminals. They are living in low income housing being supported by tax payers but they money to spend on green jumpsuits with matching sneakers.
Why can’t these people put their energy towards honest activities? Why?
@Tommy -havent heard expression u can make a silk purse out of pigs ear .These thugs are ghetto They will stay like that nothing will change them
Don’t you know that? Thanks Dems.
Hashtagger- You’re either obsessed with Democrats or a Republican operative either way you’re not pulling anyone over to the Republicans. You should move to Mississippi Alabama Oklahoma or low wage Texas. Highest crime rates rural and urban. Lowest wages highest, poverty highest infant mortality, worst school, poor healthcare and Brett Farve is still robbing relief funds. Greed
The Queensbridge houses, the largest tax payer subsidized affordable housing complex in the nation. And the socialist democrats wants to build more in western queens so that we can have more people living among us law abiding citizens that behave uncivilized. Roll on November and vote out those socialist, anti America, anti law and order, anti police people out of office.
How many criminals reside in this development? Two armed moped thieves tracked to this development https://www.audacy.com/1010wins/news/local/brooklynites-robbed-of-scooters-while-riding-them-2-sought A shooting last August https://astoriapost.com/police-release-photo-of-bike-riding-suspect-wanted-for-shooting-man-at-queensbridge-houses-nycha-complex-sunday Another d as hitting a few months before https://patch.com/new-york/astoria-long-island-city/1-shot-queensbridge-amid-bloody-night-nycha-houses-report. Now these women wearing costumes robbing and assaulting people. We are literally financing people to prey on tax paying law abiding citizens.
They sound really nice! Maybe they can move closer to Tiffany Caban or Mike Gianaris and if they rob them, they can call in the social workers after they talk to a 311 operator, and also ask the miscreants where they went to high school! That works every time, Caban has told us.
Don’t you know that by now?