Photo: iStock
Oct. 5, 2012 Staff Report
Starting tonight, the No. 7 train’s weekend service between Queensboro Plaza and Manhattan is going to be down for five weekends.
Between the hours of Friday 11:45 pm and Monday at 5:00 am, there will be no service between Times Sq-42 St and Queensboro Plaza (in either direction) on the following weekends: October 6-8, October 20-22, October 27-29, November 10-12 and November 17-19, 2012.
The MTA said the closures are part of a four year plan to install a new signaling system and make upgrades to the tunnel that goes below the East River.
The MTA said that the tunnel only has two tracks and is so narrow that there is no room for subway workers to step aside when oncoming trains pass by. Therefore, the MTA has to stop service altogether for the work to be done.
I had to take three trains to arrive at Grand Central on the weekend. I can’t stand this. This is also a business killer in certain neighborhoods. We are just a cash cow for the city council and the mayor. I am sick of this!
CNN.com has a story explaining the subject of “street harrassment.” It does a much better job than I can.
@ Backwards You are as flat wrong as anyone has ever been. Keep silent on topics you have no experience in. Have respect for those who have extensive experience or you betray yourself as not only insensitive, but a fool.
I was never saying it wasn’t wrong or a perverse invasion of privacy. My point is that she wasn’t raped. She wasn’t stalked. She wasn’t even touched. She happened to be somewhere, wearing something convenient for this kid to get off on. Of course it’s wrong but I think you and Woodpecker both are dramatically overreacting. If she had seen this guy on the train multiple times or he had followed her off the train that day… that would be a big deal. In that case I’d be up in arms myself. That isn’t what happened though. If she’s honestly that upset about this, I hope she got rid of all of her skirts and revealing tops. If not she’s an enabling hypocrite for her cause.
@ Backwards You’re kidding, right?
I mean, even sickos know they are sick. And you write as if you have no idea that the action of the man with the shopping bag was a crime against all people, not just women. How would you like that kind of stuff to happen to your mother or your daughter?
It is beyond me how can anyone not know that photographing someone’s private parts with a hidden camera is the action of a pervert. I think you need a lot more than sensitivity training, if there is any help for you at all.
@ Old Lady
It was a photo… of her underwear. I’m not even sure that’s technically illegal. Go get yourself a color television and get with the times.
@ Backslash Shame on you. Victims of crimes have aftereffect for many years. Victims of sexual crimes can suffer greater injury than other types. Go out and buy yourself sensitivity training, you need it.
@Woodpecker I stopped riding the trains after over 30 incidents like yours. Self-defense classes wouldn’t have had an effect on any of them. Those guys plan meticulously and strike only when they know you mostly likely can’t respond well. I’ve joined a facebook group called Hollaback. Check it out. Also, report the incident to the police, they need to know.
To all who are surprised at the 7 train inconvenience: welcome to Queens. Now you know how we have been treated by the powers that be for decades. Sorry you believed all the hype about Sunnyside being cool. It might be in some people’s minds, but it is still Queens. We are a doormat for the city, always have been. I’ll bet Bloomberg would still charge you $8.00 to drive in even if the trains were down, we are an income stream for improvements elsewhere. Make no mistake.
what about those entrepraneuring teens selling m&ms??!!
Here we ago again!
If you remember, the signal work that was going on earlier they were just scanning copies of bar codes without walking the tunnels. Now they have to make up for that. I hope the supervisors are watching this time.
Woodpecker, are you done complaining and spitting your drama at everyone? It’s been weeks and you haven’t gotten over this? If it makes moving on any easier, the kid probably deleted the photo once he got a look at your nasty snatch anyway.
You have 8 posts in this thread. FOUR of which are in succession, without any other comments from others. I wouldn’t be surprised if you made this up just for attention or hiked your skirt up a bit for the kid to get more light.
Please respond quickly, work is very boring today…
For the many of us who usually transfer to an “N” train to get to and from Manhattan on the weekends, this is actually an improvement of service. The MTA is also extending the “Q” train to Astoria on the weekends, so that means twice as many connections. One of the major flaws of the #7 line that will never be corrected is that it runs only across town on 42nd Street once it enters Manhattan. If you wait to transfer to uptown or downtown trains until the #7 enters Manhattan, you have many staircases to climb. But if you transfer at Queens Plaza, you just walk across the platform.
Sorry Ruben. It’s the latinos who are driving this neighborhood down. They are all druggies.
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been living in sunnyside since 1977 and I can not begin to tell out of the 35 years here they have been “upgrading” the signals – who has been paid off all these years for this nonsensical crap? and take a good look at how hard these mta employees works – this has been a joke over the years!
While it’s inconvenient for locals, imagine how much for inconvenient it would be for all of us if there was construction going on with limited service during a Mets game or while the US Open was going on.
Besides getting attendees to and from the games and matches, there are presumably thousands of employees that need to get to and from the events.
It seems @me is onto something regarding the impact of the events on the economy. According to a study commissioned by the U.S. Tennis Association “…For 2010, the impact registered at $756 million, compared with $420 million in 2001 and $145 million in 1991.”
While it would be prudent to question the source of the study and the actual numbers, I doubt there isn’t some substantial impact on the economy from both the US Open and Mets games.
Yea, I hate when ppl stand on the (left) walking side of the escalator or text message going down a narrow stairwell so I cant get around them. Please do it on your own time when you get into an open area. I am short on time and have to work long hard hours unlike the unionized construction workers who are unsupervised and take full advantage of it. I see it ALL the time, they should be able to get their work done in half the time! They certainly have the WOMA (World Owes Me Attitude)
Bet ruben is one of those dudes that stands on the doorway preventing you from entering.
Or that one that jumps into the train before others can exit:)
If a person standing on the left side of the escalator doesn’t move when asked, that person might be an ass.
Good for her, believe me, the thousands of ways I COULD have handled the situation better go through your head right after. Unfortunately, it happened at my stop right before the doors opened. I just wanted to let people here know this guy’s exact method and as much as I could recall about him.
@Woodpecker What totally sick shit! I can totally understand just wanting to get out of there and get on with your life, but I can relate a brief story that happened on the N train recently. A woman yelled out “Get that thing away from me” in loud firm voice and stared directly at the offender. I don’t know what he did, but everyone on the train turned to look at him and he ran at of the train at the next stop. I’ll remember the look on of his face of a scared coward, and guessed that he won’t try whatever again anytime soon.
O’shea, yeah a LOT of MY time, I couldnt even tell you exactly what he was wearing and only saw his face for a moment, not even straight on. Have you seen what crappy results much worse cases are getting? http://gothamist.com/2012/09/19/subway_pervert_grinding_ejaculating.php
Like I said, next time will grab the idiots phone and run to the MTA officers. I dont know if you or male of female but as a woman we deal with a whole lot of stupid harrassment when you least expect it and cant stop to deal with all of it. Had he touched me I would be following up with officers. What he did was creepy and invasive but there are levels of creepy and invasive. I chose not to give him any more of my time by watching tapes of ALL the 7 train stops to see where he got on or off at rush hour. How long would that take?
Hey Rueben are you a closet hipster? so much hipster anger.
As for SANE people who want details, the perv took the opportunity just as I stepped to the door to get off the train as we were pulling into the stop. I WAS aware. That is why I caught him. I had a moment to decide if I wanted to get off the train or stay with creepo. I shot him a furious look and got off. When these things happen you are caught off guard and literally have a second or two to choose a reaction. I did not stand by and ENDURE anything.
Like I said before, he minimized his risk, he saw I was about to get off the train, stepped in behind me with the bag hanging low. I felt the bag hit my legs and looked around to see what was going on and put an end to it when I was was smart enough to peek IN the bag. He knew he was busted, I would’ve had to stay on the train to confront him. The doors opened at that moment.
Just wanted to get away from him and get home. People are so crazy these days, confronting them face to face is risky. They might eat your face you know?
Rueben, you are clearly nuts. You have no idea of my age or anything. Just a chick schlepping home from the office. This warning was none of your business. Talking to the ladies out there. Butt out butt head.
universal escalator rule 101 … if you’re not going to move stay right, if you want walk by go left.
There is a reason these escalators break down all the time. Fat newyorkers who refuse to ride off the darn escalators. When you finally squeeze by them to get to the arriving trains, they run up the stairs and hold up the train doors, preventing it from moving on time.
Inside the train? Heavy breathing Interupted by a swig or wolf down of a dunkin donut product….while occupying three seats!
Enjoy technology my b.u.t.t. Try performing a heimlich on a 300p woman that just choked on a piece of food.
Ugh here we go again , manhattan bound seven train is doomsday every winter, and the waiting for the NQ I’d nothing pleasant either, I wonder why they don’t do this over the warmer months.
Every semester is a pain for to go to school thanks to 7 marvelous closures, makes you wanna take the q32 or q60
Typical Hipster mentality. Needing people to tell them the OBVIOUS. Do you REALLLY need a reminder to watch out for that pervy tentacle porn loving asian man standing next to you with a bag when there’s a whole train of space?
You know what’s another problem you yuppies have? you guys are sooooo worried about directly offending someone that you are willing to endure a situation. I have seen you people sit next to the drunkiest of drunks, the smelliest of smelly and the craziest of crazy HOPING it will just ‘go away’ NO! you get your ass up and you MOVE.
IF anything people need to hear reminders that there’s nothing more annoying than seeing people walk up escalators. Asking people to MOVE just so you can get up the stairs 30 seconds faster? What are you a heart Surgeon late for a procedure that you can’t relax and enjoy technology? They are not STAIRS people they are escalators! I refuse to move!
In my usual half awake state on the subways I have missed the no sexual harassments. I wonder if there is a way to be more definitive about methods the pervs use like the bag under the dress routine experienced by Woodpecker.
@oppressed masses
I hear this all the time
“Ladies and gentlemen. A crowded subway is no defense to unlawful sexual conduct. If you believe that you have been the victim of a crime, or witness to a crime, notify an NTA employee or police officer” .
@ woodpecker
” a lot of YOUR time” ?
Jesus Christ!!!!
Now the w@nk*r gets to upskirt another woman.
Say something next time
Watch what happens.
Pervs on the train? There should be exceptions to police brutality.
Actually I have heard the announcements addressing innappropriate touching on the subway. I know I could go ask to see footage of people getting on and off the train and spot the guy etc.. but who knows if the footage is even on his phone anymore. All sounds like a lot of MY time when he was the one who was in the wrong.
Years ago some creepy dude humped me on the 6 train–now that seems way creepier and more dangerous and I would be willing to put my time into sicking the police on him. I was new to the city–totally flabbergasted and surprised because it was in the middle of a crowded day train. I learned a lesson, next time I’m gonna stay on the train if plenty of people are on and call the guys out infront of everyone. Anyway, just putting the word out keep your eye on what people’s bags are doing around your feet.
@ Oppressed Masses The MTA actually does this. I’ve heard multiple announcements about not tolerating sexual harassment on the train.
@ Woodpecker That’s awful; I’m sorry. Thanks for letting us all know in the comments. Good to be aware.
@Woodpecker – Maybe if plain folks and elected officials request (demand) that warnings be announced in the subways about offensive conduct like the upskirt camera videos and people rubbing against people, like the MTA now does for pick pockets and theft of personal belongs, it will make riders more aware to look out for this type of conduct. I will contact the MTA about doing this.
Yes, thank goodness that everyone made it out the US Open without any trouble…
@ Craic – Yes, This work is being done at this time of the year because of The Mets and The U.S. Open. Why do you think the last big round of work on the system upgrade was finished one week before the start of Baseball season this year and the upcoming work is scheduled to start two days after the Mets season is finished? ever see work being done on the 7 line during a Mets home series?
Bottom line is the MTA sees the Mets and The U.S. open as a chance for extra income and they are willing to make travel on the 7 line in the spring and summer eaiser then in the cold autum and winter months.
Sad but true..
AND if you guys think this 7train work is adversity then you’re out of your minds.
@Long time resident: Because of baseball and tennis? hahah yea… those take precedence.
Hey Herb, leave me out of your beef with Reuben, those sandwiches are delicious!
But seriously, people should always be aware, but thought it would be nice to warn others about this dumb a$$ creep since he is on our train for sure.
@woodpecker, Ruben thinks it’s your fault that the guy was being a perv. Just ask him.
Well I guess the young Asian upskirt perv who had his cameraphone in a little shopping bag (aiming up my dress) on the Flushing bound 7 express train tonight (around 7:30ish Sept. 19) will have to take some time off from his sicko little hobby. Happened right before I got off the train at my stop. I didnt have my phone out so no picture of him.
First instinct was “I have to get off this train” he stayed on. I have no idea what he was wearing (other than it looked like office casual and he in his 20s or 30s with little glasses) so it would’ve been tough to give a description to the MTA officials. Wish I’d have grabbed the little turd’s phone. Figured out what was happening when I felt the bag bumping repeatedly into my calves. He backed away furtively.
Would love to know how to warn other 7 train riders or find out if anyone else reported him. Next time I’ll risk making a scene and grab his phone. Any way to communicate this warning on Sunnyside post even though I did not make a police report?
Its the unions. Its never ending money and labor. More money no production.
There are plenty of flaws in the current system, under the MTA, but Craic Dealer, please provide an example of a privately owned and administered transit system even one-tenth the size of this one that has actually worked.
This is really frustrating.
why are they always having signal issues? These things crap out if there’s even a little bit of rain, where’s all the futuristic stuff we’re supposed to be getting ? I want to take a train and see a holographic commercial for a place I can go called Total Recall, I want trains that automatically
deodorizes the train when a bum enters. I want a train that contacts security when a group of hooligans start talking louder than my ipod music can block
and most importantly I want a train that automatically ejects any moronic hipster trying to do something clever for their you tube account. This includes any flash dancing, attention whoring/cross dressing and overall annoying d-baggery. Trains are for riding people! not for getting you views.
I first visited Sunnyside in ’98, been living here since 2001, the MTA has been pulling this crap since then and has yet to finish. Bunch of CLOWNS.
The Empire State Bldg was put up in less than 2 years, but these idiots take 14+ years and still can’t finish the job?
It gets worse when not only is there no service to Manhattan, but they screw ya on the way home by running trains express so you have to go all the way to 61st St in order to come back to 52, 46, 40 or 33rd.
#%$^&# the MTA
Because it would have been crazy for them to PLAN to do the same work while they were working on the Court Sq station.
I think we’re known for complaining in the face of adversity.
This isn’t really that awful. Now that I think about it, that winter shut down was a complete shut down of the train in either direction from Grand Central to Woodside, or something like that. It was a massive PITA, but there are buses that run along the route and drop people off at other train stations.
Native New Yorkers are known for laughing in the face of adversity. We always find a way to overcome the challenges presented to us. It is not the Sunnyside/Woodside population that is drastically affected. We can always transfer at Queensboro Plaza for the “N” train, which takes us into Manhattan. It is the residents of Long Island City (Court House Square, Hunters Point, and Vernon-Jackson) who face more of a challenge.
IMHO the 52nd Street Woodside Station is more hellish than Queensboro Plaza 😉
Craic, they don’t do it in the summer because of baseball, and tennis. I really doubt the year they did it in January, the union was all “working outdoors on elevated platforms during the coldest time of the year is a sweet deal! Yay frostbite!”
And yeah, long time residents dislike it too. But we also know where the buses run.
Why don’t they do this in the summer when most people are traveling? Oh… because of the powerful unions that care more about themselves than the customers that ride the subways don’t want to sit and do nothing in the heat.
THE MTA NEEDS TO BE PRIVATIZED! Then they would have to bend to the demands of the people that use the service… kinda like how Sunnyside Post works.
Attention number 7 riders
This might be a small thing to long time residents, but . . . I am really tired of this, and jumping to Brooklyn where the 2, 3, 4, 5 intersect. We need better options than a one line train station servicing the area. Anyway….
They did the same thing earlier this year in March and April. Unreal.
4 out of 5 theologians agree that the Queensboro Plaza station in winter is pure hell.
yes, this is pretty much a yearly thing. One year it occurred in the dead of winter I think. It never happens during baseball season of course. Sigh. At least this is happening before the brunt of the cold season starts.
is this a yearly thing?? as im near sure the same shut downs took place last year. surely the 7 trains between queens plaza sunnyside/woodside should be more frequent then? i recall standing waiting 15 mins when i finished my shift in the bar standing in the freezing cold.