Photo: iStock
Sept. 25, 2011 Staff Report
The No. 7 train will not be operating between Manhattan and Queens in upcoming weekends, according to the MTA’s fall schedule.
For two weekends in October and three weekends in November, there will be no service between Queensboro Plaza and Times Square. For those weekends, service outage will begin at Friday 11:30pm and resume on Monday at 5am.
Dates of outage:
- Oct 7-10
- Oct 28-31
- Nov 4-6
- Nov 11-14
- Nov 18-21
The MTA apologized for the disruption on its website.
“This work … will continue for several years. We realize this will be an inconvenience, and change the way you travel, but the work is necessary to modernize and improve the reliability of the line.”
Thanks to Warren Harris for this item.
Another week-end of shutdowns has been added for October 1st and 2nd, but just for the inconvenience of Sunnyside-Woodside riders. There will be no #7 local Manhattan-bound service between 61 Street/Woodside and Queensboro Plaza, but #7 trains will be running between Queensboro Plaza and Times Square. Bless you again, MTA!
I remember in one (or more?) 7 Train shut-downs they had free shuttle buses running on Queen’s Blvd to carry people to Queens’ Plaza – NOW only Long Island City is getting the shuttle buses.
Of course I guess this has NOTHING to do with the fact that Long Island City it is a higher-income area than Sunnyside or Woodside…
Jim Bob there is something we can do. Go to brammer office and ask them about a incubator program works and maybe we can get a few new start ups to enter a store front and share the rent with a bank and a mentor program to get themsellves started. Its is work but at least it will get some new blood on the street and we get some new buisness started.
I suppose we should be happy Molly Bloom is where Flynn’s used to be. It could have been another 99cent store like the Pool Hall , or like Rose Restaurant, OTB, April Glass, ,all empty for ever, it seems like.
Has anyone been able to find out why we have to be the nabe of 99 cent stores and pawn shops? anything we residents can do? Anything anyone can do?
Yes, Mr. Staunton likes to get the action!
Why is it not possible to finsish the work that they start . this work never seems to end. Why is it always the #7 train. Why us? Let the owner of Molly Bloom solve this prolem for us.
What a racket!
MTA announcement says that on those five weekends in October and November, that there is NO LOCAL MANHATTAN-BOUND #7 service between Woodside-61 Street and Queensboro Plaza. Users of 33 St, 40 St, 46 St and 52 St must take a Flushing-bound #7 to Woodside-61 St and then transfer to a #7 express to Queensboro Plaza. Transfers are available at Queensboro Plaza to N and Q trains into Manhattan. There will be no #7 service at all between Queensboro Plaza and Times Square. LIC #7 stations affected will be serviced by shuttle buses.
@ Roxy – Announcement says no service between QB Plaza and Times Sq.
You should be able to take the 7 on any of those stops to QBP and transfer for the NQ or bus.
Q32 and Q60…here i come! haha
The worst part of those five weekend shutdowns for residents of Sunnyside and Woodside is that there will also be NO LOCAL #7 SERVICE GOING TOWARDS MANHATTAN at the 33 St, 40 St, 46 St, 52 St, and 69 St stations.
Which means, for example, if you want to go to Manhattan from 40 St, you need to take a Flushing bound local #7 to Woodside/61 St, transfer to a #7 express to Queensboro Plaza, and then transfer to an N or Q train to Manhattan.
Better that they do the work than not do it, right?
The work started in the mid-90s actually.
They built the Empire State Building in what a year and a half? The clowns @ the MTA have been doing this weekend track work on the 7 train, disabling the neighborhood, for as long as I have lived in Sunnyside, 11 years.