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New York Nursing Home Residents and Staff Are Now Being Vaccinated for COVID-19

Governor Andrew Cuomo (Governor Andrew Cuomo)

Dec. 21, 2020 By Allie Griffin

Nursing home residents and staff across New York state began receiving the COVID-19 vaccination today.

Other essential workers also began receiving the shot — including workers at federally-qualified health centers, EMTs, medical examiners and other congregate care workers, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced.

The groups are among the first to receive the vaccine — behind frontline hospital workers.

Vaccinations at 618 nursing homes statewide are expected to be administered over the course of the next six weeks and are being conducted by CVS, Walgreens and other pharmacies.

The coronavirus has devastated nursing home facilities. Across New York, the virus has killed roughly 6,500 nursing home residents, according to state figures.

The first nursing home residents were vaccinated for COVID-19 this morning (Governor Andrew Cuomo)

More than 38,000 vaccine doses had been administered in New York as of Monday morning — a number higher than any other state, Cuomo said.

“We have already distributed more vaccine, and our hospitals have vaccinated more people than any state in the nation,” Cuomo said. “We did this despite the snowstorm that we had over the past few days.”

Mayor Bill de Blasio praised New York City’s vaccination efforts at an earlier press briefing Monday. He said the city has administered more than 42 percent of its vaccine supply compared to the national average of 19 percent.

“Based on the data we’ve received from the CDC, New York City is vaccinating people basically at twice the national average time,” de Blasio said.

The state has received more than 160,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine thus far. Another 120,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine will arrive in the state this week as well as 346,200 doses of the recently-approved Moderna vaccine, Cuomo said.

The governor also announced the creation of New York’s Vaccine Equity Task Force to ensure vulnerable and underserved communities, such as minority and low-income neighborhoods, get vaccinated.

Health experts say that between 75 and 85 percent of the population needs to be vaccinated for COVID-19 in order to beat the virus. Recipients also need to be vaccinated twice for it to be effective.

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Now Killer Cuomo has approved vaccinating all the old people in the nursing homes.

Will we hear statistics on nursing home patients ?

1. How many died after the vaccine?

2. How many allergic got reactions?

OR are they going to just chuck it up to, they were old and just died.?..??.

Will we ever hear of anything else on the status of these vaccinated old people??….I wonder.

I just find it so odd how Coumo for months did not want the vaccine. He wanted to do independent testing! He did not feel it was safe. It was too soon. That is all he talked about… no no no vaccine for months…BUT now in the last 2 weeks it’s the best thing ever and he is best friends with Dr Fauci? That was a really quick change of mind?

Something does not add up. Did he get paid? Does he think anyone has not noticed that quick change of mind?

Are Cuomo and his beloved brother going to take it?

Trumps Mass Murder of 400K

Just ask the mass murderer Donald Trump. Cuomo wouldn’t have had to clean up after Trumps failed policies and inaction in the early days of the pandemic. Trump was video taped dancing with the flag and calling the virus a hoax in March 2020. You may not want to remember his negligence, inaction incompetence but 80 million Americans didn’t forget.

Gardens Watcher

The first vaccine WAS NOT even available until just a few weeks ago. And that vaccine was developed in record time, and approved by the FDA and independently verified by NYS. Testing has been available for months and NY led the way in expanding access to testing.

Safe in Sunnyside

I feel bad for the patients in the nursing homes. I hope they are not being used as Guinea pigs. I honestly don’t trust the vaccine. I wonder when Cuomo and Deblasio are going to take it???

Gardens Watcher

The vaccine is safe. Nursing home residents are rightly prioritized since they are among the greatest at risk and comprise the greatest number of fatalities. If they contract Covid, they are more likely to end up in the hospital, thus putting our healthcare system into overload.

As for the Governor and the Mayor, they have wisely decided to wait their turn. Both are healthy. Cuomo is 63 and de Blasio is 59.


Please keep your holiday celebrations small and only with household members. We can get through this


SSP should post articles and videos of our local officials getting the vaccine. AOC posted hers on social media and she is so loved and influential in our neighborhood.

Gardens Watcher

She should have waited her turn. NO good reason why a healthy 30-year old got to cut the line. She deserves the criticism she is getting.


I have to disagree with you my friend. She is able to reach far more people encouraging them to get vaccinated than any senior politician can. She is smart and could handle any criticism thrown at her. Look at the way she was able to get reelected despite resistance and harsh critic from both parties. She was offered the vaccine and found the opportunity to educate the public over its safety. I am sure many young rich or famous people are getting vaccinated but just keeping quiet about it to make it seem like there are just like the rest if us and that are healthcare system is equal.

Gardens Watcher

Young, healthy people should not expect to get their vaccine until next summer or even later. Even her fellow squad member Omar criticized her.


Would you advise your children or a younger loved one to wait and not to get vaccinated if their place of employment offered it to them and they wanted to get it done? Have you ever thought about the fact that many places will require vaccination proof for work and travel. The flu also kills more elderly but there is no system set up to vaccinate the elderly first. Look all i am saying is that it was available to her so she posted the process online to reach the public. Do not pay too much attention to online trolling.

Gardens Watcher

Now Congressional staffers (possibly 1,000 of those deemed “critical”) are being offered the vaccine, not months from now when the vaccine supply will be more available. There are frontline healthcare workers who have no idea when they’ll get the vaccine — just as we move into a dark winter for Covid. The vaccine rollout is a mess.

Stop the politicizing

Garden Watcher – Please spare us your politicizing. The members of both houses were advised by attending physicians to get the shots. Funny how you turn a blind eye to Senator Joni Ernst who has spread conspiracy theories about the virus.Politicizing and banner waving partisans like you have turned America into a laughingstock. Good work, I hope you’re proud. The most infections, the most dead. Thanks.

Gardens Watcher

Chill a little, pal. I didn’t start the politicizing. I was responding to Chloe’s comment which brought politics into the convo. There are thousands of frontline workers and elderly folks who are far more at a serious health risk than AOC and haven’t been vaccinated yet, and will have to wait months before getting one.

For the record, I’ve been a registered proud Democrat probably before you were born, so please spare me your wrath and whacked out assumptions. I am eagerly awaiting the vaccines and have been encouraging widespread acceptance, as have all of my extended family who are in the healthcare field. So thanks for continuing to wear your mask, wash your hands and practice social distancing. I’ve been outspoken on that from the get go too.


Where is everyone getting tested? We are having problem finding a place who can test without waiting in line for hours..

Eric B.

Cuomo, the oxygen thief is responsible for thousands of Nursing home deaths.
Now, he wants to make them guinea pigs.

Why not let Cuomo take it first, then if something happens to him, we know not to touch it.
What a oxygen thief this human feces is. Oh, I did already say that.

Trump Mass Murder of 400K Americans

Put the blame where it belongs Donald Trump and his failed administration. Never forget the Republican genocide.

Erik B.

You say put the blame on Donald Trump?
Trump sent a battleship and opened up Jacob Javitch Center as a hospital for the elderly and other Corona victims.. Not one corona elderly was sent there. Not one sick person from Elmhurst Hospital was sent there.
Instead, they kept filling up Elmhurst Hospital and nursing homes. That was on Cuomo, and Coumo alone.
It’s not Trump’s job to protect NYC. It’s Cuomos.
Cuomo sent them back to the nursing home instead to these vacant hospital (Javitch and Battleship).

Trump owns 400K Dead

Erik – Because Trump was too late with this aid as he and his administration were late with most of their response when there was a response to the virus. Since the ships were so late other logistical measures needed to be taken. You may have forgotten but 80 million other Americans didn’t forget.

Trump too little too late

The medical ships you refer to were too little too late. By the time they got here other logistical measures needed to be put in place. The pattern with The Trump Administration when they finally chose to react it was always too late . You may have forgotten but 80 million Americans didn’t.

Just the facts

Erik -The administration was too late in fitting the ships and getting them on line. So other logistical measures needed to be implemented. Stop spreading propaganda. Trump administrations entire handling of the pandemic was little too late or just ignoring it and hoping it would go away in April.

Erik B

This is exactly what happened. Look at the timeline. Trump saved millions of lives.
Dan Crenshaw explains the timeline.

Don’t bring keyboard words to a serious debate.

Get some standards

Erik B- Fact is America has the most people infected and most fatalities in the world. Trump has us competing with third world nations for the worst in response to the pandemic. Now Trump is caught trying to intimidate a Republican Official in Georgia. Another criminal act by a criminal American President.

Erik B.

Again, in my lifetime, Trump has been the best president. Even if he is not re-elected, he was able to expose the corruption in the Highest Level of our government, as well as, the FBI and CIA.

as per your

The problem with folks like you, that you depend on others to tell you news, instead of going out and doing your own research.

Anyway, my job is not to convince you to like Trump.
The hardest thing to open is a closed mind.

Trump has a history of being a con man.,

Erik B – All Trump did was con the gullible and the easily conned. Why did Jeffrey Epstein give Republican Les Wexner a $66 Million NYC Mansion? Trump said Epstein was a great guy.


@ErikB- All the person responding to your posts has obviously done is research and fact check your comments.,Are you that afraid to come out of your right wing bubble?

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