44-07 Queens Blvd. (Photo: QueensPost)
Jan. 14, 2013 Staff Report
The space that was occupied by the now-defunct Tapenade Bistro (44-07 on Queens Blvd) is about to get a new tenant.
Tapenade closed after being in business for about nine months, as the restaurant’s casual French fare failed to generate enough business.
“We should know within a week what kind of restaurant is taking over,” a leading Sunnyside real estate broker said. “That place is a real turnkey [business ready to operate]; it’s in great condition.”
Tapenade was owned and operated by Alim Maruf and Abu Khan.
Maruf was the former owner of Bliss Bistro, which was a French bistro located on Skillman Ave. (46th St.). Despite its initial popularity, Bliss Bistro failed.
Khan had owned a Sunnyside bodega, called Executive Grocery, at 46-22 Queens Blvd.
Maruf left Tapenade about a month before its closing and started working at La Bouchon, a French restaurant at 304 East 78th Street in Manhattan. He is hoping to attain a partnership stake there.
La Bouchon is owned by Shekh Noman, who also owns Saffron Garden on Skillman Avenue.
chipotle!!! please!!!
Thrice, Mike. Basmati Table, Bliss Bistro and Tapenade.
Bring a nice coffee shop or a cool restaurant. No more Irish pubs, pet stores, 99 cent stores, B grade establishments, subway stores or watery yogurt ice cream stores with SPECIAL coffee. 🙂
Aubergine’s coffee is definitely not mediocre. It’s not amazing but it’s very solid and way better than Starbucks
Bring back The Rose!
How about a five guys? Or Maybe a Dennys?
I did not like the Grind due to the staff and the high school kids who always occupied the place and made too much noise. The Grind was heavily staffed by teenagers and young adults who constantly played loud hip-hop and dance music, making the entire experience there completely miserable. It was no surprise that place went under, it was no better than a greasy fast food joint that kids hang out in after school (or when they are playing hooky). If another cafe opens up on Queens Blvd, the same thing will happen. Just take a look at the Starbucks, one of the most crowded Starbucks I have ever seen. I work in Midtown and the Starbucks are never that crowded in the city. Of course this is just relfective of how overcrowded Queens is overall. No room in Starbucks, no room on the 7 train.
Hooters has great fries!
The new tenant hasn’t yet been determined. It took a few weeks to get the restaurant ready after the eviction of the previous operators, but it’s now ready to lease. Several well-established restauranteurs have expressed interest and we should know soon who will open there. Sorry, you all make me laugh–it won’t be Hooters!
@TheRealRealRuben side note how many girls said you are cute don’t count your mommy that you live off of at home and your big sister
Cafe Marlene has good coffee but is otherwise overpriced. Aubergene’s coffee is mediocre although the sandwiches are pretty good.
Someone like me is so smart and brave to be so stupid and hateful on an anonymous site. I am ready to duel anyone. I am the real dumb Ruben!
Seafood. With conch fritters and tropical drinks.
I just want to note that Bliss 46 Bistro has become one of my favorite new spots. Those looking for something new should give it a try.
Hooters. Get it Done.
Aubergine is nice but it’s in Woodside, not Sunnyside. Having a really nice cafe along Queens Blvd. Would be nice. We do have Starbucks, but it’s Starbucks
Rubin – tsk tsk tsk, you are such a silly hypocrite. you cry about my hate toward things but you yourself are hating me. See how your left slanted and twisted hippie thinking works? In fact…your constant yammering toward me has almost reached stalkish levels as you already imagined meeting me and having “words” with me. Yes..and I am the one full of Hate…You’re a hop skip away from reaching Erika Menendez levels.
Good thing Sunnyside Post doesn’t ask for personal profiles and protects us from unstable nut jobs like yourself.
It’s true. I’m too stupid to even know what a good bagel is. I think I’ll just stick to what I know, Hate.
re: Grind.
meh. Food tasted good, never got sick. We could use a nice grande cafe like that again. never had a bagel there, just the paninis.
As for Dave’s bagels…Blech. Terrible bagels, dirty joint.
Essa Bagel, Pick-a-Bagel, H&H those were some amazing bagels.
You joke. Dave’s bagels are at least made fresh. Keyfood’s bagels come off a frozen truck, kept in a freezer for days and then reheated.
Dave’s bagels is great!! I’ve been getting my bagels there since I was a little kid. Fresh stuff!
I’d like to see a good Italian restaurant open up with great wines or a nice Medittereanean spot. A seafood restaurant would be nice as well!
TheRealRealRuben – Yeah I’m with the commenters. I think Key Food bagels are better than Dave’s Bagels. We really don’t have a decent bagel place in the area.
Also, although we have Saffron Garden and Curry Point, neither is particularly that wonderful.
As for pizza, I recently tried Verdecchio and REALLY liked it.
Personally, I’m hoping for… hmm… either a bagel place or good Indian or maybe a noodle shop?
A good Indonesian restaurant would be most welcome. I can’t afford the flight to Bali at the moment.
Sunnysider, we have at least two nice cafes- Cafe Marlene and Auburgene. I agree that Sunnyside Pizza is very good but too far. Italian food- Daisy’s (although I have never eaten there) and Donatos (hit or miss). Yeah, I guess you are right about Italian food.
I also want to add that I am very disappointed in the Saffron Garden. I had high hopes after it reopened. I have gone there a few times just hoping that it would be tasty but no such luck. The last time I was there was with a Groupon. The voucher was supposed to be for an app., entre and a soda. They then charged me for things that normally accompany a meal like rice and condiments.
Never again. I don’t know how they are even still open since they are never busy.
*fingers crossed* let’s hope we get something good! I would like to see something healthier but that will never happen lol.
Yes a Vietnamese restaurant! I’d do it in a heartbeat if I had any clue about cooking or running a restaurant.
Come to think of it, I always ask for extra cream cheese in Dave’s bagels and they never give me extra!!!!
a new bagel place sounds good
So sick of all these grade pending establishments. If you are not serious, don’t open up any place dealing with food.
Please, not another Colombian restaurant!
Whatever it is, I hope it’s something unique. When are some of these businesses going to learn that if you don’t provide something unique OR relatively high quality you’re not going to last? Especially in an up and coming neighborhood like Sunnyside. I pass a lot of these new places every day and they’re empty (for example the new Turkish place on 43rd and 43rd ave.) and I feel kind of sorry for them, but they should have known better
Some things Sunnyside lacks – A high-end cafe, Vietnamese food, GREAT pizza (Sunnyside pizza on 40th is good but it’s a little too far for most people living around the garden area), Italian food, good bagels (like others have said), etc…
No more Turkish, Mexican, Thai or Chinese food please. It won’t last unless it’s REALLY good
You guys wouldn’t be so nostalgic for The Grind if you had any idea what went on in that kitchen. Mike was more interested in his female employees than he was in maintaining a clean kitchen. He wouldn’t replace rotten produce because “it’ll taste fine if you cook it, it’ll mix in with the other stuff.”
If you’re looking for good bagels and coffee, I recommend Dave’s! He used to supply the bagels for The Grind.
Hippie! Gimme a bagel with a schmear of hate!
BTW, I used to take my son to Daves every weekend morning, constantly telling him to try not to put his hands on the skanky caked up dirty black chairs and table I had enough. Man, shouldnt that be a top priority at a food establishment? Cleanliness?
Arms and fingers shouldnt stick to your table.
You want bagels head to the place near PS1 – old gas station converted into bagel place. Crunchy on the outside soft on the inside, damn good! and big! The bad thing about Sunnyside is for most things, if you want really GOOD versions, you gotta go outside the hood.
Who is this imposter? I can’t believe that anybody would want a taco bell around here. Only an ironic hipster would want that. We need more cheap eats like hate burgers or ignorant pizza, the only food The Real Rubin understands.
if Dave’s Bagels is the one on Qns Blvd in the mid-40’s and you think that is good Ruben, you haven’t had very many GOOD bagels.
bliss bistro was far better then tapenade. I’ve been to the bagel place on qns blvd a few times and it’s a poor excuse for a bagel. While we are talking hipster lets get the ball rolling for a beer garden in the former foodtown!
I miss the Grind and the Rose. I was sad when they both closed.
I miss the Grind. I liked that place. That bagel store on Qns Blvd in the mid 40’s is gross.
There’s a bagel shop RIGHT ACROSS the st. It’s called Dave’s Bagels. a simple turn of the neck would reveal this.
As for coffee, The Grind was a great spot. You hipsters should have supported it more.
Sunnyside needs a 24 hour Taco Bell . Cheap eats for all the poor people who can’t afford those 14 dollar lunches being pushed around the area.
Yes, I second Rick! I’d love to see good bagels or a nice sit-down coffee spot, like the long-defunct Grind, or Espresso 77 in JH. Maybe even both?
We could use a GOOD bagel joint
Hopefully some establishment with better food takes its place.
Lord knows we need better restaurants in Sunnyside.