OTB (Photo: QueensPost)
Dec. 24, 2012 By Christian Murray
A new pet store is opening in Sunnyside at the former location of the OTB site at 44-05 Queens Boulevard (44th & 45th Streets).
This space has been vacant for nearly two years since New York State decided to close 50 betting parlors across the city after they went bankrupt.
The new pet shop will not be selling dogs and cats, said one of the workers at the site. It will focus on selling pet supplies. The store is expected to open in early January.
There are several pet stores in the neighborhood, from Super Doggy Wonder Kitty (4304 43rd St.), Skillman Pets and Pets Unlimited.
My husband I and I were in there this morning.
The owner is a very, very nice man. He was helpful, friendly, and just really happy.
The place looks fantastic. It’s clean, doesn’t stink, it was super easy to find things, there was plenty of room to move around, and he has a great selection of high-quality items.
When we first walked by on the way to breakfast, he was out there making sure the sidewalk was cleaned off.
I was impressed and happy with our purchases this morning.
OH – and he offers free delivery of the big stuff. He has huge bags of food, cat litter, cat food that may be hard for some people to be able to get home, but he said it can be delivered for free.
He also refuses to sell animals.
From what he said to us this morning, he knows his stuff. He worked for the zoos as a pharmacist.
Overall impression was VERY, VERY positive and we will be making sure to support his store as much as possible!
re: oppressed masses comments: “In the same way our Almighty God created creatures known as satan and the devil, dogs were put on this earth by Him as the embodiment of evil. And that palace on 43 and Skillman will be Sunnyside’s very own Hell on Earth.”
You really need a good bit of schoolin’. How does that song go? “Don’t know much about history…”
The dog and man are an integral pair. Early man, during the neolithic revolution, depended upon the dog (cat as well), and without the dog man may have not have the same speedy ascent to world dominance. We owe part of our success to the dog.
OM, maybe you need to add an H to those initials so you can relax a bit, meditate, because, guess what?! The dog run is coming!! too bad!! hahaha! I hope you live right across the street from the dog run, so you will have to look @ it every single day.
What a GREAT addition to our ‘hood. Not only have the dog ‘people’ added a dog run, but improved the entire park for people just like you and your fav little buddies, the public urinating/defecating/drunken/trash tossing ball players you love so dearly.
Maybe you can donate some of your free time to teach them how to act like responsible adults in public?
Oppressed Masses: A bunch of us were at a neighborhood watering hole last night and the Sunnyside Post blog was mentioned. The topic changed to who the regular crazy people who post comments was mentioned. You would be happy to know your pseudonym was mentioned as well. You should know that the consensus was that you are a curmudgeon who needs to get laid. Stop talking ill of dogs, especially the neighborhood dogs, as they are a beloved creature of God…your almight Savior. The dogs are here to stay in Sunnyside! 🙂 Woof! Happy New Year!
Angray- they could be better taken care of and adopted instead of living in small, dirty cages in the back of a store with no nature light shining in.
Angray – if they aren’t sold, it is prob the same end that happens to all the dogs in the store that are no longer “cute” enough to sell, sadly.
What happens to all the pets if Pets Unlimited is closed down?
A priest blessed a dog? wahahhaha, so nice of God to take time out from saving kids from an insane shooter to cure a fu$#@ing DOG eh ?
Let me tell you what is evil and sick — that these creatures some call dogs deposit their fecal matter on our sidewalks or in small tree planting areas and then watch as a human, a Temple of Christ, is required to bow down and pick up said feces, except that too many people don’t pick up after their pooch resulting in the rest of us walking through the mess and dragging the load into our homes. My Native friend, if you read the comments on these pages following Pastor Strock’s opinion column, you know that many readers think that Christianity is a myth; a story about a priest curing a dog’s ill health with some kind of hocus locus serves to support those who seek to tear down the Word of Our Lord.
Wow! I hope everybody gets to read what a true evil person you are. Please from now on upload your picture on here, so that everybody can know who you are and know the face of evil. So glad the founder of the Sunnyside Post forum is a dog lover. I can’t wait to talk to Father Dowd about this. When our puppy was very sick, he stopped to bless my dog, make the sign of the cross on him and say a few words to our Lord, asking for a return of his health. And it worked. Everybody at that noon Sunday mass had to wait, before Father Dowd finished with our dog and continued with his procession down the main aisle. You truly don’t read enough of your scriptures. St. Francis of Assisi would be so proud of you. You are truly not one of God’s soldiers, but I will say a prayer for your sad, pessimistic soul – as it clearly must be hard being you.
In the same way our Almighty God created creatures known as satan and the devil, dogs were put on this earth by Him as the embodiment of evil. And that palace on 43 and Skillman will be Sunnyside’s very own Hell on Earth.
Oppressed Masses, who comments always appear to make him/her sound like a person of the Catholic faith, should be over-joyed for the soon to be new digs for the neighborhood dogs. They are God’s creatures, after all. They were on Noah’s Ark. At least that is what I was taught in religion class at Queen of Angels school, while it was still a Catholic school.
QB unfortunately, is the kiss of death.
yes, OM, the warmer months will provide canine aquatic activities (felines only on saturday mornings and water skiing squirrels on fri nites) and come winter will be utilized as a skating rink, much like Bryant Park.
Have heard many stories about Pets Unlimited over the years. The comments on that petition are pretty strong and on the $. When I first got my dog, it was the only store w/i walking distance. After 1 visit my dog treated entrance to that place like going to the vet. Says something….
Hopefully officials can make a visit soon. I think most SUDS folks use Superdoggie Wonderkittie or Skillman Pets. Maybe this new store will redirect foot traffic away.
Petition to shut down Pets Unlimited on 46th street:
Hopefully Pets Unlimited will shut down very soon and those dogs and cats can be saved. They’re all from puppy mills and now are forced to live in a small, dark, smelly, disgusting store. Shut it down!!
You can google the stores name to see all the horrible reviews and complaints about the store.
There is also a petition to sign:
Please sign it! Save those animals! Do not support puppy mills or anyone who does business with them.
Hopefully this new store will not sell animals!
They should call it, “Off Track Petting.” (Couldn’t resist.)
for once i agree with ruben. going to petland is a hassle, especially because of the slow service.
i hope one of the guys will consider taxidermy of our beloved friends. gotta offer somethng diff from your competition
I wonder if this new store will have floatation devices and pool toys for use in the canine aqua center being built on 43rd and Skillman?
i think there’s room in ss for another pet store. they all seem to differentiate themselves pretty well.
perhaps they will sell a device that stops owners from leaving piles of their crap on the sidewalk.
oh thank Goodness, NOW we’re talking. The only pet store in Sunnyside is that tiny closet they call a store in 46th. I hate having to go all the way to petland to get my pets their food.
plus…no more stinky old people hanging around the OTB .