Feb. 25, 2015 By Christian Murray
Community Board 2 is in the midst of overhauling its website, as it aims provide residents with greater access to public documents.
The updated website will be much more comprehensive and is expected to be ready by spring. The public will have access to documents that deal with land use matters among others.
Pat O’Brien, the newly elected Community Board chair, said that he intends to upload as many documents as possible so the public is better informed.
“Any document that is public, we aim to put it out there,” O’Brien said. “I want people to know the facts so we can have a more informed discussion.”
He said that he plans to upload older documents in order to build archives. However, he said that will take time and resources are limited.
The board plans to create a Facebook page later this year that will be used to inform people of public meetings and events.
O’Brien said that his first priority, however, is getting the site ready.
I’m sure that Assemblywoman Nolan was behind these fantastic improvements. This is great. I’m glad the Assemblywoman thought of it.
Great! a significant improvement over previous leadership’s famous refrain “you just don’t know the facts” when introducing new ideas that were already a done deal long ago. Mr. O’Brien we applaud your efforts to improve flow of information and communication with the community your office serves.
This is what all our local establishments should do. No hidden agendas.
This is a significant improvement in the services provided by CB 2. Kudos to Mr. O’Brien for following through on statements made last year regarding transparency in the Community Board’s activities.