Nov. 27, 2014 Staff Report
Ethel Plimack, a Sunnyside Gardens resident, turned 104 today and the neighborhood came to her 46th Street home to wish her well.
At noon, Ethel’s neighbor Patricia Dorfman distributed birthday candles to the well-wishes and knocked on her front door. When Ethel opened her door, about 120 people cheered.
The mob sang Happy Birthday and Ethel expressed her gratitude with a broad smile and a few soft words.
Dorfman, the organizer, said that the occasion was particularly touching. This was the second time she had organized the event– the first time being when Ethel turned 103.
Many people who attended viewed Ethel as an inspiration. “Do you think you will reach 104?” one resident asked a friend. The friend replied: “I will be lucky to make 64.”

Momo and Sunnysider, you rock. There is not much happening in Sunnyside as we can see by reading this blog. Without you idiotic posts, it would be very boring to catch up on the local [non-]events.
Actually could we have a real gossip column in the Sunnyside Post? It would increase the readership.
Sunnysider – you and people like you sicken me. You’re phony and pretentious. Stay in your miserable little world. I’m sure that your appearance is as hideous as your personality. You are vile.
@one I would never date such a negative person but thanks anyway:)
Momo and sunnysider why dont you to just date already
maybe an article on the tremendous change Ethel has experienced in her lifetime?
Momo you were the first person to post negative comments. I wish I get to be 104. Why should I post my pic??? Post yours first. As far as going to church on Sundays ( or Saturdays or any other day) is none of your business . But I sleep beautifully thank you.
When good people act, evil people complain.
I just became Ethel’s friend. I never knew that she existed before Pat Dorfman and the Sunnyside Post brought her to my attention. I wish her the best. Only a cruel, selfish fiend like you would accuse someone of being against a 104 year old woman. I hope you go to church on Sunday without guilt feelings. Merry Christmas. No wonder you don’t give your name.
Momo if you are Ethel’s friend then you should know about her birthday wishes. I think you are a fake !!!
I actually have done interesting work. More than jump out of the bushes for Ethel’s birthday party. God bless Ethel. If you’re so hot post your picture! If you post yours I’ll post mine. And your name.
Momo obviously you are not one of the “interesting ” people in the neigherhood !!! Also looks are skin deep!!! It’s what’s in your heart that matters. ( btw I’m pretty hot)
Patricia Dorfman or Dorothy Morehead seemed to be a part of every story. Are there other interesting people in this neighborhood?
Maybe you could tell us some of the interesting work you’re doing in the neighborhood.
Momo you are an idiot. It happened last year also. She knows about it and looks forward to it. Know your facts before you write crap.
Sunnysidei- you’re an idiot. I’m much smarter than you and better looking! I love Ethel as much as you and hope that I can be there for 105. And you write crap!
So good to see you well, “Aunt” Ethel! Love you!
Say Hi to Josie.
Ethel knew for a year in advance that her neighbors were coming to sing. She was well prepared and anticipated the event with happiness all year.
Happy Birthday Ethel!
That’s real smart Pat have 120 people yell Happy Birthday to a 104 year old women when she wasn’t expecting it. Good way to make sure that she doesn’t make it to 105.
Alright Ethel! Now there is someone who should have a street named after her.