July 28, 2014 By Christian Murray
Muslims around Sunnyside and Woodside are celebrating Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting.
A large prayer service was held this morning at 47th Av and 39 Place– as well as other locations around the neighborhood.
The observation of Ramadan month marks the anniversary of the Quran being revealed to the Prophet Mohammed.
Thanks to Michael Muchmore for the photo
Please note: This site aims to deal with local issues– as opposed to Gaza and the Middle East.
Oh yay! Diversity!
@ Nostradamus – “Sunnyside gingers” is racist towards people of Celtic origin and your post is totally homophobic. Grow a pair, you silly wanker.
A hypocrite?
I live right at the corner and I didn’t even say it was an inconvenience, you dolt. I was defending other people calling it an inconvenience, just like they do when BLUE BLOODS shoots in our neighborhood and blocks parking for everyone.
You have too much hate in your heart, clearly.
“All your irish day parades with homosexuals prancing around … is an inconvenience not to mention completely disgusting and sinful. All of your gay wine bars and stupid events are an inconvenience every drunk person shouting and stumbling around is an inconvenience. shut your mouths.”
Homosexuality wasn’t even brought up. You are a disgusting human being, and should be ashamed that you think spewing hate-speak is putting us all “in check” and “bringing up our IQ.” You have got to be the dumbest person to think you’re smarter than anyone, saying things like that. Never thought we’d find a bigger asshole on this forum than some of the previous morons, but thank God for you. All of our prayers have been answered, and now you can teach us all to be smarter and have higher IQs.
– Keep your hate and bullshit out of our peaceful neighborhood and off of Sunnysidepost
It’s a very big celebration for a large part of our community, and I’m glad they are able to enjoy this day. I see many people all dressed up and it makes me happy to live in such a multicultural environment. In so many other places in the world, this might be met with religious bigotry, but here in Queens, everyone is welcome and we see a lot of respect for alternate beliefs.
@andrew how am i racist? i did not mention any race you fool, and what are you going around stalking my posts you loser get a life. and i like sunny side just not its occupiers
@kreegs f$$k you, you’re a hypocrite just like the rest of them you know exactly what is meant by inconvenience and you are a fool to say or think otherwise.
Nostradamus is a loving and peaceful human being, it is my duty to put sunnysiders and the post’s bullshit in check and rid them of their ignorance.. you can’t fix stupid, but maybe i can bring up their IQ a few points. doubtful but at least i can say i tried 🙂
Its only for an hour and a half twice a year! What is the big deal! Happy Eid to our neighbors!
Here’s to living in a country where religious tolerance is enshrined in the constitution. We may believe in different gods (or not) and worship in different ways, but one thing binds us together — GO METS!
Happy Eid Al neighbors!
NOSTRADAMUS, your words were more hurtful than any used in this forum so far. Way to show us just how much hate is in your own heart. People calling a street closed “an inconvenience”, is not hating on Muslims, it’s describing a street closure as exactly what it is, an inconvenience. Let the hate go, and start having compassion for all people in this world.
@ Sunnyside post
Get a proper editor. There are people that will do it for free.
The stories are always poorly written. And that disclaimer is a joke.
It is clear that NOSTRADAMUS is a hater. He takes every opportunity to make distasteful comments on posts and spew hatred. Sounds like a racist too. The real question is why he even reads the sunnyside post and take the time to comment if they don’t like sunnyside lol…
Let them celebrate! Who cares! Every Orthodox Easter, there is always a crowd of people and not everyone can fit inside. One example would be at the St. Nicholas Romanian Orthodox Church, where worshipers would fill part of 48th Avenue since the orthodox church is already packed. If you think it’s a nuisance, then you have problems!
Do they honestly need the whole street? can’t they just get on a sidewalk and sit in a row? you know..like in Gym class !
@Chumi…Labor Day and 4th of July are examples of Holidays. ..This is a Holy Day and I offer our neighbors best wishes on theiir important day…as well as I do you Chumi on your Holy Days
Hey 39street, go f$$k yourself.
One day a year and people have to complain about it. Let them have their of celebration . Most Muslims are hardworking decent people and they deserve their day. If you don’t like it go back to your den or cave and your laptop and play candy rush!
It’s like when those nuts, I mean religious people, have the Easter procession carrying a cross through the streets of Sunnyside. All religions will inconvenience you at some point.
Happy Eid-Al Fitr 2014
Happy Eid Al-5+””#2!!!1
“Please note: This site aims to deal with local issues– as opposed to Gaza and the Middle East. ”
So why mention it at all?
“IF IT AINT WHITE IT AINT RIGHT” apparently thats what sunnysiders/gingers believe , all of you speaking badly and saying its an inconvenience go f$$k yourselves. All your irish day parades with homosexuals prancing around … is an inconvenience not to mention completely disgusting and sinful. All of your gay wine bars and stupid events are an inconvenience every drunk person shouting and stumbling around is an inconvenience. shut for mouths. Ya Allahu Akbar
Nice to see the tolerance for this type of a thing, however I would urge this mosque/Islamic center to consider expansion, this is just too weird. If they block the street they should block it for some sort of celebration like a block party which is what Eid is meant for, not praying. Ideally prayer takes no more than a few minutes, rest is just conversation, etc. Which can be done on chairs.
Your “disclaimer” is pandering and unnecessary.
well that’s a first.
I grew up in a mixed christian and muslim neighborhood and this is really unusual. prayer is considered personal in most islamic branches, seeing this on the street is very surprising.
anyway, happy holidays to those that celebrate.
Muslims scare me, but so does every other religion. With that being said I live on this street. Born and raised here. Happy to see a non-Irish celebration finally get some neighborhood praise.
Happy Holidays to our Muslim neighbors from the Young Israel of Sunnyside!
That center has been there for a few years. They’re pretty low-key. It is awfully inconvenient but at least it’s only for the day.
An utter inconvenience! I hope this Islamic center doesn’t turn into a nuisance.